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A member registered Oct 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Music was deafening scared me at first. gameplay is simple enough and works best strategy is just spam shoot and move but if on one side of screen and it spawn on other side can't get to it in time kind of frustrating. Keep it up and has potential to be fun.  

Movement is solid and the different levels make it fun to replay. curious what why you plan on going for the graphics if you plan on working on it more. 

Fun little game only complaint i have was it was so small kind of hard to see at times but gameplay, design and sound solid.

Fun little game only recommendation i would have is more to the score system. rights now going slow and hitting as much as you can is better then going far or fast so what feels good ain't good for the score.

Fun game! simple fits the theme perfectly.some what deceptively challenging at first. 

Thanks for playing i definitely need to go over the sound it got very little love in this build. Plans of fine turning the track spawn script deeper in future to blacklist certain track pieces from spawning back to back.

Thanks for the review i do agree slow is the way to go for sure! plan on more track pieces in future updates as well as some much needed smoothing of all the jumps in game to make keeping speed more valid.

Fun game puzzles were intuitive. i did lose all 3 of my life's do to moving into a spike off screen so i went full screen but that didn't help still fun and ui and theam feel clean enjoyed it. 

Thanks got lots of plans for more content in future!

Thanks ya there's a lot of quality of life bug i want to address. Only got one day to really work on it with work schedule but do have plans of adding more to it like a fuel system and car upgrades in the future glad you liked the concept!

Art work and ui look really nice really enjoyed them. Game Play is fun and challenging some kind of powerup's could make it interesting since it feels like a roguelike giving each play a different feel. i can see how the highscore side of things might not work with that idea though.  

not sure what i'm doing wrong but nothing happens i press and hold T like it says i drop straight into lava and have to reload the page. every time i press all kinds of buttons trying to do anything and it just does the same thing drop me down and freeze.  one time i moved right a couple feet not sure how can't do it again.

Fun game very challenging some of the rng does make it feel almost impossible at times but that's not really a complaint for me.  sounds good and looks good as well. keep it up!

(1 edit)

the camera definitely had me confused at first had to leave the game to come back and reread the instruction to get what i was doing wrong a little message or tutorial at the very start to explain the camera system would go a long way. Other then that plays fine i made it to the top with a score of 17650. 

I got flung to infinity but i got a score of 65 is that good?

Working but will give another shot tonight 

Can say anything for being falsely  accused of cheating when i following the rules got it roll over and take the slander. 

(1 edit)

I had a blast playing The Ferry! You really nailed it with the multiple endings, and the atmosphere was spot-on. The controls were super easy to pick up, and the story kept me hooked the whole time. Seriously impressive for just a week of work. Awesome job!

I'm not going to rate it because that's not fair but the .exe version is all so hard crashing on boot. 

Grave Goods is a compelling entry in the game jam, and I really appreciated the atmospheric elements you incorporated. The use of fog effectively creates a creepy and unsettling ambiance, perfectly fitting the theme of the game. It really adds to the tension and makes exploring the environment feel immersive.

One area that could use some improvement is the flashlight mechanic. The batteries seem to die a bit too quickly, and there aren't enough spares around the map. This made it challenging to progress at times, especially when visibility is crucial for navigating and solving puzzles. I understand you're aware of this issue, so I won't dwell on it, but a slight adjustment here could significantly enhance the gameplay experience.

I also want to highlight that the jump scare in the bathroom genuinely got me! It was well-placed and effective, adding a nice surprise element to the game. The toaster moment was another good touch that caught me off guard.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish the game, or at least I think I didn't. I couldn't find the key to exit the house, despite searching thoroughly for about 30 mins. I did come across the key you mentioned was misplaced on the table, and I also found one on top of the fireplace, but I wasn't sure if I was supposed to interact with it since I couldn't pick it up.

Overall, great job on the game! If you plan to continue working on this project and have any questions about the Ultimate Horror FPS Kit, feel free to reach out. I've dug pretty deep into it myself and would be happy to help.

Thanks for the input I greatly appreciate it I wanted to do much more with it but your right the UHFPS it's got just enough documentation but still need some know how to make it work. I plan on redoing pretty much all of it for a full realse like find real artists and voice actors to get away from the AI stuff the game jam crunch and working really put a strain on what I could accomplish. Probably should have spent more time fine-tuning and be less worried about it being a finished game with a end.