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A member registered May 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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Good clean controls. This quickly turns into a bullet hell game. Fun and without any bugs!

Nice to see a two player game! Good job. I miss some instructions, either here on the page or in-game to teach players what the game is about and how to play it.

Terrifying monsters! The menu and intro screen was a nice touch but it becomes annoying to have to wait for the intro to finish before you can play again. It's a bit too hard for my taste and I die a quickly. Perhaps gradually increase the difficulty over time so that the player can become comfortable with the controls and the gameplay?

Nice platformer game with good controls. The mix of high res and low res graphics feels a bit strange. Kudos though for creating your own graphics. I really like the look of the player character.

Good job on creating such a complete game in only a few days. Very impressive. The level design is pretty good, but maybe a bit unforgiving. It took me some time to progress through the first level with some frustrating insta-deaths when jumping into ceiling spikes.  Also, the amount of damage I took didn't feel consistent. The space defender/shoot’em’up was maybe a bit too easy. Did you test with more enemies? Overall a really good game jam game though!

A short visual novel without a branching story.

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Unfortunately the web version doesn't work. I looked at the console in the browser and saw:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Permissions check failed

    at Object.requestFullScreen (<anonymous>:1:230161)

    at Object.toggleFullscreen (dmloader.js:717:18)

It looks like you have checked the Fullscreen checkbox in game.project. The browser is preventing this automatic action, which is the reason why the game freezes. This should be handled better in the engine, but for now you can get around it by unchecking the Fullscreen checkbox and publishing the game again.

There is no restart when you lose and you have to reload the page to try again. The game is based on a nice idea with grid based movement and a card system for actions. I can certainly see how this game could become really fun if more time is put into it. I found it a bit unfair that the enemies could shoot in any direction. I also found that I sometimes needed a move card but did not have one on my hand and was forced to play all cards on my hand before I could draw new ones. Maybe I could have an option to discard my hand at a small penalty (health maybe). I was a bit surprised that there was only a single level and no way to progress further once I had killed all enemies. Is this intentional? Overall I’d say that you’ve done a really good job for a game jam!

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Congratulations on a well made game! I was a bit confused at first when I died even though I didn't get hit. When I realised that I increment that counter in the upper right corner for every ship I kill and it decrements for every ship that I let through it quickly became a pretty frantic and fun game. One thing which I would have liked to see is some kind of powerups to my weapons. Perhaps auto-fire, or more bullets or bullets going in a diagonal direction. The music adds to the fast paced game play. Well done!

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

No restart except for reloading the page. Nice intro animation! It doesn’t feel like it becomes progressively harder? And there is no scoring system which makes it hard for players to understand the goal (except for the instruction to survive as long as possible). A nice touch is that it looks like you’ve opted to create your own graphics instead of using pre existing assets. This is not very common in game jams, nice job!

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Any chance you could also upload a web version of the game so that more people can try your game?

Nice graphics. Clear instructions. The spaceship is easy to control but I would have preferred if there was more continuous movement of the ship. There is a pretty heavy deceleration as soon as you release the thrust and the ship comes to a halt quite quickly. Another thing which could probably be improved is the left and right screen edge collisions where both horizontal and vertical movement is blocked. I think it would feel better to only limit horizontal movement and let the player slide vertically along the left and right edge of the screen (i.e. only restricting movement horizontally but keeping any vertical movement).

Wow, this is an ambitious online multiplayer game made in Defold. I'll definitely keep an eye on it!

I agree with Pawel. This could be the start of a 3D runner (or perhaps tunnel racer?)

What a great asset! I really look forward to seeing what the community might make out of this!

Another great game from Ben! I really enjoyed it. I'd like to play an expanded version with more secrets, items, puzzles etc.

Well done. You nailed it!

You should advertise on the Defold forum as well!

(1 edit)

Great game! One of the best so far you've released so far. I like the intensity on some levels!

I've uploaded a new version. Would you mind giving the new version a try? I think it should fix the problem.

Hmm, ok, what kind of screen are you using? It could be a vsync issue.

Thanks. Good point. Added!

The gesture detection is actually not that bad: and the definition for a symbol/gesture like this:

Strange. Have you tried both directions?

Yay, this is a nice little platformer. Which engine did you use?

The controls were a bit hard. Mouse+keyboard?

Great music and game play!

I dig the music! The graphics could have been improved upon a bit I think, but overall a fun and challenging game!

Well done to cover three themes in one. I think the horizontal movement could have benefited from some inertia. Interesting concept with the hint at what's coming in the next section, but I'm not sure how much it helped me.