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A member registered Apr 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad I managed to successfully encapsulate the feel of an era I didn't get to experience.


Really cool game. The game mechanic is entirely unique and interesting. The game was hard, though, so I didn't play through it all. The player collision also might be better if it was smaller so you can move through tight corridors better, but that's just me nitpicking. The game is great!


Really cool game and unique take on the theme. The game was very fun to play even though it is simple.


It's a really simple game but that makes it easy to understand and the timer leaves room for mastery. Cool game!


This game is very cool. The fact that it runs on the GBA alone is amazing. I recently began learning GBA development so this was nice to see. Good game!


There is a planned dlc where you get a dozen instead of 10. Increased difficulty!


Thank you for playing!


Really cool factory game. Reminds me of Mindustry and the likes. Also, I recognize that background music. ;) The visuals were really dark, and it was hard to see the difference between the conveyors and background.


Cool puzzle game. Very nice that you have an options menu, especially for jam game. Noticed the viewport isn't scaling properly though, might want to tweak the window settings.


Thank you! I felt the controls needed a bit more polish, but I'm glad you got used to them.


Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it.


I'm not going to boil an egg alive, that's torture! But yeah I learned a lot. I began learning like a week before the end of the jam so when I didn't have time to finish my game I just submitted my "Hello World" project.


Cool game. Reminds me of Katamari.


Old. Like really really old. (He's old)




Thank you for playing!


Thank you for playing!




The game has a nice gameplay loop. The visuals could have a bit more polish, and the UI is a bit out of place compared to the theme. The game is, nevertheless, a unique take on the theme.


The game is visually stunning!!! The animations are amazing! The idea is also incredibly creative compared to everything else I've played! And although I spent most of my time not knowing what I was doing, the game was still fun. Yes, I lost, but the art alone was more than enough to keep it fun and how everything is completely polished.


Oh, then I need to replay it!


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Time was definitely the reason so many features got cut. I had plans for a smaller version, more platforming mechanics, and more areas. Thank you again for playing!


The visuals are really nice. The idea is nice and unique. Is there a win or is a constant loop of making more potions? Maybe I stopped playing before the game ended. Great game though!


The game was really cool. The player movement felt nice. The effects were awesome. Dying felt very punishing because I had to redo all of that, but maybe that's just the style of this game, so no problem. The sawblades were spinning too fast that you couldn't see the original sprite anymore. Maybe that's because I have 144hz display, I don't know.

(took the picture from my phone because it's how it's displayed, so a screenshot wouldn't work because it would pause on a specific frame)

Also, you might want to turn off antialiasing on the font so it is more in theme with the pixel art.

All in all, great game!


Feels like maybe there should have been a slower difficulty curve. The start was very difficult, I stopped playing at the part with the 2 way entry, I kept bumping on my way up after that. The game is meant to be frustrating, so I can't complain about the controls, lol. But I also couldn't experience it to the fullest in order to rate your game fairly. If there was a video or something that would allow us to see the rest of the game, that would be good. (Or even an easier difficulty?) I heard there were more mechanics to come, but I couldn't get there :P. Still, I think it's a good rage game!


The voiceover and cutscene was a cinematic masterpiece. The idea was nice, but I felt like the way I solved the levels was by cheesing a mechanic or something. Didn't know if I was meant to do it this way or not, and it felt janky this way. Other than that, great game!


Really cool puzzle game! The gravity and physics were polished well.


Yeah level design wasn't the best. I planned for more areas to flesh out the progression as well but that's just how jams are. Glad you liked it!


You too


The game is amazingly good. The design was well-thought-out, and the mechanics were greatly polished. My only criticism isn't really a mistake on your part, but something that could improve the web build.

The game lags when particles are first summoned. All you need to do is use CPUParticles2D when the game is being played on web (you can check that with OS.get_name(), as far as I remember). And you can tell the game to use GPU/CPU particles depending on the platform. You can have an if statement that enables the CPUParticles2D and disables the GPU ones when the game is a web build. It's really useful for game jams. Last year I had the same issue and I fixed it this way (and I actually suggested it for your game last year too).


Really cool game. The art style is amazing. I feel like maybe the importance of inflating could've been emphasized.(unless it was then my bad :P) Also, it was difficult, couldn't beat a level. Great game!


This game is great. The interpretation of the theme and implementation was amazing. However, I would have liked it if selling something felt more rewarding, but whatever you sell gets replaced instantly. Maybe if it was a scrollable list, it would've felt more immersive that you have so many customers. Also, I noticed there are 2 water elixirs? But these nitpicks are not too important, though.


Thank you very much. Glad you liked it!


Thank you for playing!


Very nice game. The story is nice, but it felt like there was too much text. Also, reloading made the game freeze every time, which broke the flow. The concept is good, but the levels were hard. Good job!


Thank you for playing and for your amazing feedback! Glad you enjoyed it.


Thank you for your feedback!


The art is very nice and so is the dialogue. The controls were a bit difficult and getting the timing right was hard. Nice game!


It's a nice puzzle game. Took me a while to realize I could rotate and how to rotate. It would have been nice if there was visual or audio feedback when you got something right. The game was challenging, and I managed to reach level 4. Good game!


Nice concept, but the game doesn't seem to be scaling right. Godot games on Firefox open up in a popup so this is how it appears:

I worked around this by not maximizing the window, but I'm still unsure if I played it right. Also, I spent a long time just driving through purple nothingness and kept going outside the purple even. Would be nice if there was a compass or indicator of where you began. After a couple tries, I finally found the treasure. Still, the concept is nice and the art too!
