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A member registered Nov 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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I voted for towering and you're not alone


A quick update, I finished the timed-leaderboard mode and i think it is pretty fun to play! I have now started on the story mode but I'm not sure how to make lore interesting for a game like this one!

I would really appreciate it if you commented on this post on your thoughts on a lore for this game!

Cheers and thanks for reading!

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Thanks a lot for playing and giving me a review on the game! 

I could see why the popularity thing wasn't that understandable... The main point of popularity was somewhat similar to the second idea you had :

The idea of popularity was basically, It is the popularity of the company of your dice... The more the popularity of the dice, the more the customers/people you get to judge... I will probably change the popularity to something reputation in the update I am currently working on...

Also thanks for the tip! been struggling a bit on how to make my pixel art better in-game, so it helps!

TL;DR, the idea of the popularity was basically the more right decisions you make the more popular is your dice hence more people use it, which gives you more to judge

NOTE : Also, the popularity/reputation comes in to play in this update in the form of story LORE :)

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It feels much better now post-jam update! Don't really remember if some of the visuals were different then, but it just looks better now! The feel of the game and the movement of dice also feels nice!

Great Job!

EDIT : After playing it for a bit more, i do feel the AI is a bit dumb per se, they often get stuck on the rocks around the map...That's the only issue i have experienced so far, Great job again!

Hey! I will surely check out your game again!

I wasn't as fortunate as you to get in the100 (i got something much more far off), but i too am continuing development for my game! not too sure when it will be out but i would appreciate it if you follow the journey if the project!

Hope to se you in the GMTK Jam 2023 too!

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Hi everyone!

I recently made a game for the GMTK Jam 2022 called "Role Of The Dice" (check it out here : https://caeser-21.itch.io/the-role-of-the-dice)

I made a deal with myself that, if my game placed in the top 50% I would continue working on the game (top 50% is pretty good for me). I did place in the top 50%, so here I am...

Started working on it again a few days ago and so far i have planned to make : 

  • a Timed-leaderboard mode 
  • a Story mode with some lore

Half-way done with the Timed mode! Don't know when I will be done but I'll post everyone in a while sharing some progress!

Thanks a lot for reading!

Thanks a lot for playing!

I knew the soccer personality would be nice! Looks like it was a good decision =)

Its a really fun idea! the movement also feels really nice and the visuals are also nice! Good job!

The visuals and music are amazing! Was a bit confusing at first, but then got bit easier! NJ

Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot playing!

Will surely check yours out :)

Thanks a lot for playing!

I had a lot of stuff planned to do such as more personalities and some minigames/powerups but as usual this was all I was able to in the the limit :(

Thanks a lot! I was debating on whether to make a tutorial or focus on more personalities... Turns out the tutorial was a good idea =)

Thanks a lot for playing!

I am very much aware that the execution could be better, but I ran out of time ;(

I wanted to add more personalities too but by the time I built the game for the 2nd time, the deadline got over...

Thanks a lot dude! This comment made my non existant self-esteem roll into existence (More puns ;)) 

I really appreciate you taking the time to actually encourage people to continue no matter what! Hats off to you dude 👏 

A nice concept! The implementation of the battle log was a good idea as it helps understand whats going on! Nice job!

For a first time jammer, its not bad at all! My first timed jam was a bit ago and it was just as bad, so you got nothing to worry about! The visuals though simple are fun! Nicely done!

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Thanks a lot for the review!

Thanks a ton for the extremely in-depth review on the game on what I could do better! Didn't really get to properly play-test the game during the development time, hence the overly big score to win, I am sorry got that!

I was initially really proud of this game, because I only had 25 hours to make and i managed to actually make a game... After i submitted the proudness did reduce a bit because i started playing others' games and i realized how much superior they were compared to mine

But reading the reviews the game got the proud feeling started to come back and I'm again proud of what i accomplished!

Thanks a lot for the review!

I should have probably thought of the tutorial being a bit much, but  I really didn't have time... Sorry!

Really nice concept and implementation! GJ

The use of the theme was most definitely different, but nice! It is a bit slow at the beginning but it gets better as it goes on! GJ

A fun brick breaker game with the theme! As others mentioned, the ball was a bit too slow, which made things hard... But its still a fun game! NJ

Nice visuals, nice music too! But, i did get a bit confused on how to defeat the beasts... Still a fun game! NJ

Fun game! The dimension traveling ability was nice too! GJ

An extremely unique and creative take on the theme! Good job!

A really cool idea! But the physics and some mechanics did feel a bit odd... The bounce sometimes just randomly goes somewhere an the UI was a bit messed up, but otherwise good job!

Thanks a ton!!

The concept was really nice! The art was amazing too... The minigames were easily the best part!

Like fitting so many minigames into theme like this one is hard, but you managed it really well! Nice job!

The visuals and background are visually amazing! The game feels good to play! Nice job!

Fun game! The attacking did feel a bit delayed, but its still nice! Nice job!

The visuals were awesome! The dice were a bit hard to control, and the attack sound got really irritating real quick, but other than than its a nice game! GJ

Its super fun! its also pretty addicting! Good job!

(1 edit)

Fun game! Was a bit confused at first, then I read the dice table and it got more fun from there! GJ

Thanks a lot for playing!

This is the best idea for a game I have had in a while :,) So I will most probably continue it and keep on updating it!

Amazing visuals! The gameplay gets boring pretty pretty quickly though, but its a nice game! NJ 

The art is really cool! The game is also fun! GJ

Nice game! Kind of confusing though, like now all you can do is spam a random button and hope something happens... But its still pretty fun! NJ

Pretty cool! Only thing that bothered me was when you are moving the trajectory of the bullet gets completely messed up, But its a nice game! GJ

The game is fun, a bit hard to control though... Its also way too easy to get swarmed... But its still a pretty good game

A really nice simple game! the controls remind me of the really old flash games! Nice job