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A member registered Aug 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing our game!! Paper Mario, Yoshi and Kirby's Epic Yarn were definitely all of the mood board for the environment art design of the game and Fwee did a really great job designing characters to fit the theme ^^

Hi Xenological thanks for playing our game! 

Shoot I thought I had fixed that bridge bug with the last update I did but the stones and collision are still too small it seems, will revisit since the ending is quite the wrap up to Slushie and Tango's journey ^^

Hmm I guess I'm a little confused by this comment on the aspect of the gameplay requiring our characters to transform into their larger Kaiju forms in order to help the kids and prove they aren't scary. Slushie and Tango are considered young kaiju's hence why they're on the smaller scale of kaiju spectrum and by comparison to the kid's perspective they are giant. There was more writing and design to the ending that I think emphasized this point further but was rewritten to meet deadline, unfortunate but it happens ^^;  

Thanks for playing our game!

I know with the Ace Attorney games the way they keep you on track is a penalty/chances meter (I believe its 5 chances per case part) maybe that could serve as some inspiration and additional branching possibilities. Also what could help is having the suspect show stronger positive or negative reactions to the questions being asked, whether its in the art or the writing, similar to AA's extreme character personalities but to your own style that fits. Some of the reactions to the interrogation questions came off as ambiguous or like they were leading to success but fell off and I think maybe bumping the reaction impact could help players know they're on the right track. 

Hope these suggestions can bring some inspiration, I really look forward to knowing more about the world you've built! ^^

Yup beat the whole game!

I think the thing that confused me was knowing the turtle was flippable even when I wasn't interacting next to it, maybe having "T" appear on the UI while the turtle is on screen could help. Overall it wasn't that I was confused on where I had to use the turtle but rather the mechanic of it wasn't introduced fully to understand how to consistently use it to your advantage.

Overall super solid game! Ice slide puzzles in pokemon were my fav so I was happy to play a game jam-packed with the mechanic ^^

If I had to be nitpicky I'd say the turtle mechanic was a little confusing to understand/get used to but I was able to get the hang of it right towards the end

Love Love LOVE the visuals! The premise itself is a lot of fun and I found myself really investing in keep Kincho alive. One note I did have was that it would have been nice to have a level select unlocking vs a straight through playthrough since I would die a lot on the last level (lol), but I made it to the end so Kincho could win!! 🦐

The visuals and story for this game were really compelling and made me want to keep knowing more about the world and characters. However, I found it incredibly frustrating to be thrown back several times trying to get the precise order of interrogation. I think the linear path really hurt the fun factor for me, and when I did get it right it wasn't satisfying since it I only got the answer from the comment's on the game's page.

I do hope you revisit this game or continue the story since overall the writing was really strong!

Really fun game! I kept finding myself wanting to go back out and destroy buildings and the dialogue was super compelling ^^

I did run into a few bugs where I couldn't use any of my power ups when I entered the city, they would all disappear from my dock menu and not activate when pressing keys. The portal was kinda tricky to enter, I had to be constantly moving into the mesh to see the Start Level option. Another small note was that the text and UI was really small while playing the game fullscreened on a larger monitor, not the end of the world but made it difficult to see talk options pop up.

Love the concept and the game but checking through other player's playthrough's I noticed that I'm only able to date the first character. I went back and realized that the outfit determined who I could/couldn't date which while nice I thought was a bug because I wasn't told the choice mattered. Maybe there's a nicer design introduction saying "Choose your profile outfit" in order to convey that the choice influences the outcome vs it just feeling like a character creation screen that is less involved than it actually is.

Also using the windowed version, I wasn't able to close out of the "about" screen without closing and reopening the game itself.

Hi Sonder, thanks for playing our game and your kind comments! 

Item pickups was a slightly buggy feature that I couldn't get fixed in time for the jam deadline ^^; I saw it mostly happening when you stepped up on the items and then tried to pick it up while standing on them, but overall I think it just needs some rework. I'll try to give them a fix when I can, thank you for the feedback! :D

Hi Sewo! Thanks for trying out our game and for the bug catch! I've updated the game today so you should be able to cross the river now ^^

Being launched when picking up the items is still an active bug I'm trying to fix but avoidable if you don't pick up an item while you're standing on it (in case it seems persistent until a proper fix comes through!)