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Cat Austin-Hawkins

A member registered Jun 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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awesome game!! :))

Thank you :D :) 

:D thank you!

figured out how to play! nice game, wish the game size was a little bigger though!! 

omg really cool!! very atmospheric and spooky!! :)) thanks for uploading an updated version! 

I haven't experience it before - quite odd to be honest! Would you be able to upload a gameplay video or similar :)

this game is awesome omg!! the music, the art, the voice acting!! amazing!!! :)) 

love the atmosphere, its like comforting and also really tense at the same time!! also I really like your art style, and the player sprite going from colour to black and white is honestly a really nice addition! :D 

really like the atmosphere - felt really comforting in a way :) 

unique game!! dancing to victory :) 

agree with SSJAbatron saying the game can be too hard at times - I definitely felt like too early on I was stuck and died due to no fault of my own, but it was a good challenge I think! :) 

i had calamari for dinner >:) 
nice game !! love the aesthetic with the black n white style, and the music was also quite nice! :)

reached 983 metres!! that was so difficult lol - after 500 metres my eyes were having real difficulty trying to focus on the game 

Hi! I was unable to play - I don't know why but when I opened the game it flipped my display so instead of being horizontal it was vertical and the mouse was also facing  -- instead of | if that makes sense? 

nice game :) is there a win condition, or is it just survive until you die? 

found alantis!! :) fun! I liked the art, and the music added a bit of suspense! would have been funny to have a little explosion sound when a fish dies, lol!

cute!! like how its not underwater :) I reached a depth of 2423 metres!! gonna play more after ive played the other jam games and try to get the shining carrot!

really fun game!! perfect for a jam to be honest :) I reached a depth of 137!! 

nice!! I like how you incorporated 2 jam themes :) cool enemy designs too!! :)

nice! like i_like_snacks said on the game page, I also was unable to win :( But, the game concept is really cool and unique!! 

I got 45 points! :DD nice game, I like the atmosphere/vibe the game has, the audio and art go together really well :)

will do!! sorry, i was at work and didn't have time available to play :)

Thank you :DD

Thanks!! :) Yeah, I really loved these kinda games

>:) thank you!

Hi! What are the controls? I just keep dying, lol 

fish ! :D

This wasn't made in 3 hours, the jam only started 47 minutes ago.

congrats!! :)

I got rank s!! :) nice game, shame it was submitted late!

nice!! :) defintely sounds stressful, esp when you are against a time limit 

ohh! thanks for letting me know

no worries!! the game is really fun :DD

thank you! :D

awesome!!! I managed to get a capital of 26117 :D

Nice game !! Liked that I could still keep playing after getting all the upgrades :) Sorry moles for exploiting you <3 

nice!! I died instantly quite a few times (still had the key held down from the previous level) and I also couldn't read the tutorial (?) because it auto skipped it. I would also recommend that you put some installation instructions on the page and tell people what to open - as for me the .exe file was quite low down in the game folder - and I briefly was unsure how to run the game. 

nice!! I think it would have been good to have a little paragraph explaining whats a good vs whats a bad decision on the page but otherwise it was fun :) didn't know luigi worked in hr...

I am a mediocre boss!! awesome game !! :) 

Hi, I can't see a game on the page?