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A member registered Sep 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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This gets so intense so fast. I thought the esc was a really good addition, though maybe it should only kick you back one level. It felt really rough to lose so much progress. Though perhaps that's part of the charm. I really enjoyed playing it, great submission!

It was pretty difficult to get a handle on the controls, and even then I think I was missing some. I think the concept was sound though, and the parts that worked worked well. I especially like the ticket mini-game. I think it was an excellent way to add just a little bit of challenge. Good submission!

Hey, I liked your game a lot! I wonder if there was a way to vary the levels or the enemies a little bit, without it being too overwhelming for the player. That said, I couldn't get past 5 tasks consistently, so maybe there is and I just didn't see it :P Great submission!

Yeah! It was a late suggestion from one of our playtesters. It did a good job to bring the game away from just spamming troops and towards a kind of strategy. I think we landed on the feel of the game a little later than we should have. Thanks for playing!

Hey, thanks a lot! I threw it together in like half an hour in inkscape lol. I was really happy with how it turned out. Thanks for playing!

Yeah, we were trying hard to strike a balance between being too wordy and too cryptic. Our playtesters seemed to like having more words (barring some kind of tutorial, which was beyond our bandwidth), so that's what we went with. Thanks for playing!

Yeah, we really would have liked to make it more difficult, but the balance was a really tricky thing. Because the AI is so simple, small changes in the balance often meant it was nearly unwinnable. Upgrades and alternate attack methods were definitely in the reach features :) Thanks for playing!

Well that strat isn't actually foolproof, but the AI isn't smart enough to counter it. We're just having it choose random troops to spawn and waiting for the mana. With a little more time I would have liked to make it responsive to the players choices. Thanks for playing!

I love everything about this game. My friend and I just spent a couple hours taking turns trying to get a high score. Great submission!

I liked the music a lot! The mini-game felt like it should give more agency or it might as well be a RNG. The art is really nice though. Good submission!

Was kind of frustrating to have to move all around the keyboard. Might have been better served by just shuffling how keys map to which actions, rather than changing which keys are used entirely. The music and and were really nice though. Great submission!

The movement/momentum was just a bit finicky, and it sometimes felt like the bullets turned around too quickly, but otherwise the game was extremely well executed. I loved the enemies with shields that required you to use the honing projectiles. Very fun, great submission!

The environment was really cool, though the game loop was kinda boring. I think there was some good potential though! Good submission

Some cool concepts here. The art was especially cool

Love the concept. Would like to see more of this game! The only thing that was a little frustrating was not knowing where I was supposed to go: a mini-map or goal arrow might be nice. Great submission!

This game was pretty cool! The hitboxes on the asteroids were a little too large imo, but once I got used to that it was a pretty good loop. I wonder if there's a game in having fewer asteroids and some kind of fire-spreading mechanic. Great submission!

It's alright for a typing game, though having letters on the fillings/icings gets very confusing when they aren't used by that letter. For example "R" (red) icing is applied by the 'e' key (which happens to be right next to 'r'). But it it runs well and looks great! Great job

I liked the concept a lot, though it felt like some of the levels should have been shorter, and maybe like it should be played with a thumbstick, not wasd. Great submission!

Would have been nice to see some more variety in the characters, or maybe some more robust mechanics, but I think you had a really good core and executed well

(1 edit)

This is great! Not a ton of depth to the game, but I think it's an excellent interpretation of the theme!

This gives me Wizball vibes, I love it. Well done.

I know. But thanks for playing!

I figured it must have been shorter. Once I got into a rhythm it actually didn't feel too bad, but what if you just take the button press as the first input? After an attempt put a half-second ignoring input and then the first button press starts the next round? Maybe make it an option? Just ideas, loved the game, and will likely revisit it :)

Very difficult, but I really liked the idea. It's a pretty common puzzle trope, but made exceptionally difficult by the time limit. The simplistic theme was perfect, as you needed to be able to process the level quickly. I loved the music too. My only gripe was that for a game that only plays for one second, having a 3 second waiting period means you're spending at least 75% of the time waiting. You might try to find a way to shorten that :) Well done!

This game was incredible. I wanted a little more granularity in the graphs, and also wanted to see longer levels! Also more varying parameters. Not a criticism of the game, just want to see more :) Well done!

Hey, really great game! My only issue was that the controls felt pretty slippery, which may have been intentional (it is space). Well done.

Yeah, I figured it was along those lines and I tried 4 or 5 times (and even soft-locked once), and couldn't seem to get them to line up properly. Something felt super weird about the jump physics too, I wasn't sure if it was my machine, or what. I might revisit it, because the screenshots look awesome and I want to see the rest.

Thanks! I'll likely revisit it down the line, but I need a break after the jam.

Couldn't get past the second level :/ I really liked the concept though, felt very The Witness-y

Definitely one of the more enjoyable games I've played in the jam. Well done!

How do you think it could be improved? The little I've been able to see other people play, it seems like some art and animation would have made it much more apparent how to move comfortably. I probably could have made the hitboxes a little more forgiving as well. But I'm curious what you thought it was.

Would have like to see some score keeping and restart and such.

I liked it a lot. Really messed with my intuition about playing Tetris. Would be interesting to see someone that's really good play it. Controls were tight, and made sense once I got the hang of it (though the closer I got to failing, the less successful I was). Well done.

Yeah, I wanted to get to ground movement, but I couldn't figure out quite how to integrate it with the floating bits. The 'z' was kind of a last minute change because playtesters (mostly me) kept getting stuck in mid air, and it wasn't a very enjoyable fail-state. The jump made more sense when there wasn't as much to grab, but I didn't want players floating off. I think the solution would probably be to only allow pulling moveable objects, then once it gets to the player, they can jump to their destination. Thanks for the feedback.

Love the concept, hate the controls. I think the tank controls could work if they felt less floaty. Regardless, I thought the game was a lot of fun. Well done.

So good. Introduced the mechanics in a very cool metroid-vania way, the puzzles were challenging but not too difficult. I want a whole game. The points about checkpoints/respawns are very good, because I did get stuck, and the music got to be a little much after a while, but I still thoroughly enjoyed playing. The art and animations were awesome. Well done.

Would definitely like to see the collectible blobs respawn after a failed jump, but otherwise a very cool concept. Especially that last level did a good job showing some of the work-around type puzzles that could be possible. Well done.

I think I figured it out, you have to wait until the enemy is within the Yin-Yang watermark thing, and then click the direction of the enemy you want to slash through. Then the trick is not falling off the map.