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A member registered Nov 02, 2022

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Well structured, a tutorial, clear and direct gameplay. And all the little things, like animations of the UI, the time slowing down on upgrades, the music slowing down on scaling. Very good! I agree with Cristiano down here - it deservers more ratings!

Good stuff! Fun movement mechanic which honestly I haven't seen before. Sad there was no finish screen though - took me 5 attempts to get all the crystals only to end up without a nice reward ;)

Simple game, but the concept isn't too bad. Could've been a bit longer, but for a small gamejam game - not shabby!

Quite the experience - didn't expect that! Less of a game if more of an experience, but still totally worth trying out. Thank you!

Hey there!

I think I've bought all of your beautiful assets! As I mostly develop in Unity it took a bit to transfer them from itch to Unity. A unity version would be awesome for my coming projects <3

I used the email ictchrisgeeraedts@gmail.com for the purchases on itch :)

Kind regards,


(1 edit)

Thanks for the praise! I agree with the scaling theme - we actually found it quite difficult to include it more in the game while not having it feel being 'dragged by the ears'. We choose to focus on a full game-loop instead. Glad you enjoyed it!

Regard the pixel art - sadly we cannot take credit for most of it. Our team exists of only 2 developers that have still yet to become professional pixel artist ;) The combat pixel assets are mostly from RafaelMatos - a really good pixel artist (and cool guy) with great art. His assets have been used in quite a few steam games, and I was glad I was able to use some of his art to make ours as nice looking as we could in the month. ;)

Strange to say, but quite a chill game. Just fun to relax and play it - kudo's for that! It all feels very polished.

Very nice game! The graphics are neat and focused, and I loved the glug glug sounds on the potion drink - was that you?:P

Good-job implementing the jam's theme this way - well done!

Quite challenging! But very much. Good game :)

A neat story game! I love the the theme interpretation with this. Balancing the scales of the different factions, the scale of looking down on this civilization and the scales of the lizardfolk. I only got to day 5, and started straight again to see where my choices would bring me. 

Well done!

This game surprised me. Initially I felt like it was a simple boring zombie shooter, but the fluid feeling, the strange emotion to actually save Rover, and the audio made it feel like a proper game! The voice acting is top-notch, tho a bit cliche (intended I expect?). 

It was very fun to play! GG! <3

Very interesting and well thought-out game! The cliche used is clear as night and day, and I loved the graphics and the audio, they fit very well! Overal a really nice jam-game! GG <3

Hi, and thanks for playing! 

I must say I have enjoyed watching your playthrough with a massive smile! It's very gratifying watching you enjoy the game, reacting to the silly (and sometimes buggy) gameplay we worked hard on! Especially thanks for your massive amount of feedback. I love the fact you picked up on the 'So long, and thanks for all the fish' quote from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy! 

I so wish we had just a few more days to fix some minor bugs, clean up the polish and balance stuff a bit more properly, but I am so happy you were able to enjoy it for your playthrough, and I thank you for recording it!

Thank you again for playing, your kind words, and your (very correct!) feedback <3

Very fun puzzle game! Feels polished, and the gameplay got me hooked from the first time I got that 'Ah, I see!' moment! GG.

Nice game! Alot of cliches in the enemy - genius move! Graphics could be polished a bit but overall a fun game that caught me for atleast half an hour! GG!

Nice game! Alot of cliches in the enemy - genius move! Graphics could be polished a bit but overall a fun game that caught me for atleast half an hour! GG!

Clever game! I love the art style you choose!

Clever game! I love the art style you choose!

I mean the turn amount before failure. Initially I would expect a bit more... leeway - its very unforgiving ^.^. 

Perhaps i'm just bad at the game :P On the other hand, it makes it challenging and fun puzzle game - perhaps I gave up too soon.

Solid and fun platformer, with smooth movement! Clever humor makes it a special little gem. GG!

Smooth gameplay, clever graphics and interesting design for a mobile game! Very polished! GG!

You hit the nail on the head regarding the theme! Loving the fluid movement and the simplicity of the mingames. Easy to understand. Nice game! GG!

Nice puzzle game! The timing sometimes feel quite difficult, but practice makes perfect! Challenging and fun. GG!

Following the tips in the below comments I was able to get past the first few obstacles. The movement felt fluid! GG

Solid game! The gameplay is challenging and well thought-out. And you have a highscore list! Loving it - Well done!

Getting stuck behind the furniture was slightly annoying, but I loved the idea of the game. The humor in the beginning got a good giggle out of me! :) GG!

Loved playing it! Much respect for keeping it into a MS-DOS style! It became quite challenging at some point. Well done!