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A member registered Feb 10, 2024 · View creator page →

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All the fun of Overcooked without all the yelling at your friends because they keep getting in your way. 

10 logs yeeted (yate?) across the room out of 10 :)

I appreciate it! In order:

  •  By the end I was definitely just focused on getting something working out the door that I had to scrap sound and extra animations (even if it would have been a simple color swap or something for damage).
  • I used Godot 4! :) 
  • They were the first ones I ever made. Aseprite was thankfully on sale and it simplified the process a bit thankfully lol.  But thank you! I tried my best (in the small amount of time I gave myself to make them, anyway).
  • I'm glad to hear it wasn't impossible. I kind of added difficulty scaling to each room last minute without a lot of playtesting (and then I gave the player a lot of health because it was *too* hard, originally it was only 20 max HP, but there were only like 3 dudes in a room!)
  • There's unfortunately only a handful of upgrades that I had time to make, but they're all completely random which ones show up, so it was just RNG :D

And I really appreciate the feedback. Though I hope they don't get TOO comfortable. I'm hoping to only have enough spaghetti for 3 next time :p

Thank you for the compliments and encouragement! I've had too much fun and dopamine injected into my brain to not do it again (though maybe I'll try to get more sleep next time 😅)

That means a lot! Thank you! I did, even though I'm very tired from a couple long nights trying to get it done :p

This is my new favorite comment lmao

Brings me back to when I used to play minesweeper. It's a small twist on the formula but it works. Would have loved to see more levels :)

Literally chose this because of the pun in the title. Also it's really satisfying to dodge in slow-mo. It's a nice effect. It's silly and I liked it.

(Also anyone else read "Yippee" like a Lethal Company loot bug?)

Changing waves around was an interesting mechanic. Unfortunately I'm not good enough with a trackpad to make it very far. Still fun :)

Love the name. Gameplay is simple but it does what it needs to.

Fun to explore and try to fit the pieces together (definitely built myself in a circle and got stuck the first time lol). Cool concept and well executed.

Definitely fits the theme. Weirdly relaxing and kind of cool to see where the door takes you.

Overall I like the idea behind the game and I think with some polish and slight redesign it could be a real hit (but of course deadlines are deadlines, so not knocking it). Overall I agree with some of the other people where it doesn't feel like I had much choice or strategy other than put the guy in armor in the front and the difficulty definitely spikes around 20-23 (for me at least) where it went from I was casually running through enemies to they were 1-shotting my leveled up tank.

But that aside, the character descriptions were funny, and the art was great, and I like the auto-battler aspect. :)

Appreciate it! Congrats on beating him! I've been struggling to get him myself, but glad to know it's not suddenly impossible :p

(1 edit)

If you were using keyboard to shoot, I wasn't able to get that working before the the deadline. You can aim with the mouse and shoot with click. Thank you for the compliment though :)

So I'm not the only one to upload something inspired by gameshows lol. The into sequence was fun. The gameplay was weird at first (I didn't realize that you have to click the squares specifically). But it was difficult and silly. :)

Definitely fun for the little bit I played. Hard on a laptop trackpad (also didn't realize I could right click for a while lol). But definitely a fun shooter, I'll probably play it again on my PC.

I think there's something really cool here, I just cannot figure out how to progress or what anything means. I'm getting explorers sometimes, and then other times getting none. 

The sound and art is great though, and I'm sure if I could figure out how to progress I would lose a lot of time mindless clicking those little carrots. (Not entirely sure what it has to do with doors though, but maybe I'm being a bit too pedantic?)

The color slowly filling out the screen was a cool concept. The minigames were a nice touch if a bit monotonous after the first time, but maybe that was the point?