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Hi, thanks for playing!
I realized there was an issue with the jump sound, and that was the best I could do at that moment... it was actually much worse before it was fixed to that point.
I will consider a one-way platform, but as of now, my intention was to only let players access those vertical platforms strictly by jumping off the sides. I will experiment with it, and try to create a stage with those one-way platforms to see how it goes.
Hi, thanks for letting me know what you think!
I will definitely include the "coyote time" in future updates, seeing how there are many players that found it difficult to access the higher stages. I will consider making the main stages simpler to fit the mood for better enjoyment, and then include extra hidden stages for those seeking for an exciting challenge.
I had intentions to include a score counter, but I encountered some issues with the coding aspects of it, so it was left out due to time constraints. I had planned to make use of the carrots as currency, so that you can trade those for player cosmetics and house upgrades, and even unlocking more stages with it. But it turned out to be too much for the game jam. I really hope that I can implement this soon, even in very basic stage, as it will bring the game closer to what I had in mind. ٩(^ᗜ^*)و
Thank you! I am glad that you liked the art. I actually wanted to extend the ground further, but I kinda forgot about it at the end! I have plans to include "underground" stages in the future ;)
Thanks for the suggestion. This is actually the first time I've heard of the coyote time mechanic, and I think the game will definitely benefit from it. The difficulty was actually intentional as I kind of liked it, but I now see that it might actually be unenjoyable for others. With the coyote time mechanic, I think I can actually make much more interesting and enjoyable platform stages! I will also make a very simple visual to indicate jumping off the ramp so that it will be much less missable.
I am really happy to have been able to express the feeling through the game. Glad that you enjoyed those other stuff ;) Thank you so much!
Thank you! I am glad that you enjoyed it! I wanted to express a certain feeling and style which I have no words for, and it is a relief to see that everything came together nicely and I am really happy that it did. The mechanic with the ramps was actually unintentional at first, but then I found it to be quite fun, so it got implemented into the game. (^艸^)
Edit: I wanted to correct a typo but deleted the post instead.
Thank you for playing! I knew the jumping animation was abit odd, and I had plans to rework it to make it look more natural, but due to time constraints, I left it as it is and worked on other things. That's probably why it looks kinda bugged right now. I'm glad you liked the other animations and the music! :)
Hello everyone! Just wanted to give one more final update post here to share what my learning resources were. They are mostly youtubers and pixel artists, and I think that it will be useful to others as well, as I think it was pretty useful for me.
C# Unity Tutorials
Brackeys, short and effective tutorials, really easy to understand and follow along.
Pixel Art Tutorials/Inspirations
Pedro Medeiros, very detailed tutorials on pixel art, explains about various topics which is really useful.
MortMort, quick tutorial about tileset workflow, easy to understand and follow along.
Mark Ferrari, this guy got me into dithering... check out his works, a true inspiration... this guy is a pixel WIZARD. He does so many amazing things... like... wow.
Pixel Pete, really chill and funny guy to listen to, it's really nice to see the work process as he explains it.
And I guess that's mainly it! Taking a break here and there is also good for inspiration, but I think I took too many breaks...
Well then, I hope to see you guys soon! I plan to participate in a few more game jams, so look forward to my works!
Hey there! I made my first game in participation to the 2020 Summer Game Jam, and I've used your assets in it, specifically the "Night" folder. You can check out my game here: Bunny Girl Jump! I've also credited you in the descriptions page. :)
Anyway, it really fits what I'm going for. I initially wanted to make my own backgrounds and stuff, but I lack the ability to make something nice. I used my own tilesets though, since I'm really just experimenting around. I hope I can make something nice in the future to use in my games.
Day XX - ??? end (day 11-14?)
20XX A.D. XX XX, sunny day, strong winds, ... ? ohh... hey guys! Sorry for being away again. This is it. I've finally submitted my game, and you can check it out here!
Honestly, I hadn't made much of an progress since the last update. There was progress, albeit a slow one. I constantly struggled to manage my time properly, facing constant distractions, fixing errors, and lots of procrastinating. One thing I am glad about is that I was able to complete my main objectives, but there is much left to be polished and improved upon which I failed to do. I am not sure if you could call it a proper game yet, but there is something. I am really happy to have created something from scratch, and even publish it for the first time... it felt like I've achieved something. But, there is still this nagging feeling. I feel relief, and yet some form of frustration.
I was hoping I could complete the additional objectives as well, but sadly, I wasn't able to. There is much left to be done, and I am not too sure how to go on from here. I mean I know what I want to do... but then, what happens next? Well, I will continue to polish it until I am satisfied in the times to come, but for now, I think I will take a short break...
Since the last update, all I've managed to do was add a few scenes, and also add sound and music into the game. And also some form of a "main menu" as well I guess. The idea is there, but I think I need to improve upon the execution of it abit more.
I encountered some issues with scene transitions, but that was eventually resolved. But I am still pretty much confused about it a little.
The same goes for the sound. Huge problem, but eventually resolved when searching up on google and experimenting around... sometimes the sound doesn't play, or it loops like crazy, or sometimes it even just plays once, or it generated some sort of error to cause my game to not start. Basically coding part I guess. But once that was resolved, everything went smoothly, and I learnt what to avoid and what to do which can be pretty useful in the future.
Hmm, what else can I say? I guess the journey was enjoyable, it is fun. But sometimes it can be a... frustrating(?) with the things happening around me. It's like you want to get the things done when you have had a great idea, but sometimes you can't afford to spend the time to do it. In addition with the lack of knowledge and skill, all I can do was to write it down on paper, and... look for how to do the things that I want to do in Unity.
Anyway, it is a joy to be here, and having you guys to encourage me as a form of motivation really helps me out alot. I struggle to find the right answer as to what I am really trying to achieve. I want to make games, but I am also afraid of not getting recognized, like people not playing the games that I've made. It would really feel like it is a waste of effort, but at the same time, I am happy to bring my imagination/creation to life, into some tangible form where others can see and appreciate.
I guess making games is really hard work, having to do everything by yourself. The coding, the assets, sound, graphics, etc. But it is really fun to piece everything together like a puzzle and to see it all coming together! Anyway, in the process of making this game... I realized I have a great interest in pixel art, and there is a chance that I might develop further into that as well. It is simple, yet complicated. Technology has allowed us to do such amazing graphic artworks in this day and age, and yet pixel art is still going around. It does have that certain charm, and that charm has captivated me. I guess this jam gave me the opportunity to acquire a new form of medium for me to express myself. I think I will try to develop something slightly different next, but still pixel art oriented. I would really love to work on animations and the musical aspect of it, so I might consider toning down the coding in the next project, and try to make something far simpler and see how well I can execute it.
Well, it has been a long journey. I am glad to have had the chance to express myself, and I thank you guys for having me here. It was a pleasure.
Thank you so much for reading my dev posts, I truly appreciate it!
Thank you!
Day 8/9/10 - update
I think today is day 10... (I kinda lost track of time.) I took a day off as I was getting fatigued. Took the time to watch some youtube tutorials and talks about pixel art, it is really interesting. Anyway, after feeling refreshed, it was back onto the tasks. I worked on trying to setup the transition points, but it gave me quite a few problems. Had to fix a lines in a few scripts but basically it was resolved by changing the reference object. I spent quite alot of time working on the bunny's house, and there's still alot of work left to do. But I managed to came up with a rough idea for it.
It's not exactly what I had in mind, but it turned out okay. You may have also noticed, but I tried experimenting with dithering. I think it looks nice, better than a single splotch of colour that grabs too much attention. I'm pretty sure I did alot of things wrong with it, but at the same time it looks correct, and I think it's nice, so everything worked out in the end. I still plan to refine it further, but I'll leave it as it is for now and move on to other tasks.
I also planned to implement quite a few things in the carrot house, but I am not sure if I have the time to do it. It is still a very rough idea, but I will definitely flesh it out even when the jam is over. But for now (today), I would like to shift my focus to finishing up the UI and the sound for the game. Hopefully I can finish everything by today so that I can start refining my game in various ways.
Thanks for reading!
Referencing to objectives set at Day 1 (for personal reference):
Main Objectives
-Create and complete basic game. (soon!)
-Bunny Girl character. Sprites and animation. (complete, refine jumping animation)
-Carrot collectibles. Sprites and animation. (complete, refine sprite to make it cuter)
-Music and Sound effects. Looping BGM, character movement sounds. (to be done)
-2D platform world. (complete, add more scenes)
Additional Objectives
-Story and Lore. (currently none to be implemented, but i already had plans for a huge story and world and this is just one of it, so most likely added after jam)
-Character Dialogues. (to be done, just something simple)
-Artwork for Bunny Girl. (after jam)
-Main menu w/ a few options. (to be done, idea to be slightly changed)
-More 2D world related stuff. House for Bunny Girl, interactive objects. (just the house for now)
-(don't think this is achievable within this period) Learn 2D Live and incorporate it into the game to interact with Bunny Girl. Headpats. (after jam)
Day 5/6/7 - update
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for awhile. Had to cleanup the house due to some aircon leaks.
Today is the self-imposed deadline I had set for myself, but it seems like I wasn't able to stick to my plan... guess I'm a pretty slow worker... I guess I still have much to learn!
Anyway, while I was away, I managed to get a few things done.
One thing I was pretty happy about is getting the running animation right! I actually spent one whole day just to get it down...
I made 8 frames for her running animation, it's actually the drawing part that took me the whole day, while putting it together just took me a few minutes.
It felt really satisfying to see it all come together, as I had alot of trial and error regarding her postures like her arm positions, leg positions, etc. Had to do alot of minute adjustments to make it look right. Since it's pixel art, even one pixel matters alot, and having one pixel out of place will make it look real weird, so it really took alot of time for me to get it correct. It was difficult, but I had alot of fun doing it, and I also felt that I had learnt alot.
Next are the collectibles. I managed to get it work, and to track the amount of carrots collected. All that is needed is for me to have a UI to track it down, and set up some sort of currency which I plan to implement, where you can exchange for house upgrades and such. (The house is still a work in progress.)
I still have to refine her jumping animation abit more though, now it looks really weird, but I'll leave it for now, and start working on the other things that I had planned.
Well, with another week to go, I hope I can really finish this on time! Time to pick up the pace! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و
Day 4 - update
Hey guys! Managed to complete some tasks today, though alot still remain to be completed, in which I will pushover to day 5.
But I am quite happy today! Alot of first experiences/achievements today. Made my first animated sprite, which is the bunny girl, and it was so satisfying to see it work!! I also made my first tileset, which turned out much better than I expected it to be! I had alot of fun!!
A few funny things also happened today, I will share the one which made me chuckle...
A funny collision glitch happened when I was testing out the tilemap collision. It was really hilarious when it happened unexpectedly. Mitsuki suddenly became a captain of the platforms and sailed through the endless night.
Also, I would like to share a simple playtest of how my platforming would be like.
Basically, the idea for my game is very simple. I had originally planned for not much platforming since it is my first game, but after testing out the jumping and stuff, it felt really satisfying. The mechanics is basically solid platforms that you can't pass through up or down, but have to get on them from the top. It involves some sort of weighty momentum and air controls, which is really satisfying to pull off, but quite frustratingly so if you get blocked by the platform blocks. After testing and performing some consecutive jumps in a row, I really felt that satisfaction, and thus have decided to design some platforming stages that can challenge players while giving them something to enjoy.
Speaking of momentum, I am really getting the hang of it so as to keep going at a steady pace, and I feel that I can really get alot of work done from now onwards. Thanks for reading, and please look forward to my finished work!
Day 3/4 - update
Hello guys, just a short update. I've been really struggling to find the right artstyle for my bunny girl, but after going through some sort of phase, I've managed to successfully pin down what I'm aiming for. It has been a constant struggle to also deal with other factors in life, but after discovering the right artstyle, it is a huge boost to my motivation and direction as to where I'm going.
I will continue to work hard, so look forward to what I have!
Day 3 - In progress
-setup proper tilemaps and stuff
-add new scenes and a platforming level, set up scene transitions
-level design
-try to complete * bunny girl animations
-story and objectives
-contemplate and think of stuff
-make house for bunny girl
progress to be updated at the end of the day, ganbatte!
.. something cropped up last minute. had to take a pause. will continue to work on my game but there will be no end of day update today. will most likely carry forward today's task onto tmrw. sorry. i also already had a planned task for day 4, but i think i will merge today's task and tmrw's and work on them, details most likely in an end of day update for tmrw (day 4).
tasks added:
-bgm and sfx elements
-"main menu"
-user interface (UI)
Day 2 - In progress
-learn how to use Aseprite (done)
-complete * objectives from Day 1 (somewhat done)
-bunny girl, idle and animation, moving, jumping (just basic sprite, incomplete) *
-background, still deciding what kind is best to achieve the effect I want; mountains, forest, vast night sky, clouds (somewhat done)
-foreground, basic grass (somewhat done)
-platform, basic dirt and grass (somewhat done)
-carrot, collectible (done)
feels like alot to do today, but let's try our best!
Day 2 - End

Made using Aseprite
Okay. Well then. Today... I learnt how to use Aseprite. Also learnt about 2D pixel art. It was actually quite fun! The thing is though, it was much harder than I expected it to be. Making pixel art seemed simple, but it is actually quite complex, due to the constraints it poses. It's kinda like solving a puzzle while trying to draw your characters. Well, I actually took more time than I expected, meaning I hadn't made much of a progress today. But, I am pretty proud of what I've done. Managed to draw a character sprite for my bunny girl, but it's not exactly what I expected it to be. Still, I am quite happy with it! I think it turned out kinda great, but there is much to be improved. Quite limited by my skills... One thing I am quite happy about is her design. It was kinda unexpected but she has a different coloured ear, which I think makes her pretty special! Who have ever seen a bunny girl with different coloured ears? Well, I haven't! I think she's pretty cute! I have decided to name her Mitsuki! I have also yet to complete animations for her as well though, so I'll continue that tmrw.
Well moving on, for my backgrounds and foregrounds... it posed to be quite a challenge for me, so... I ended up using assets which I had bought (which I actually found in the recent bundle that cost $5 with a 1000 over stuff inside it) , and miraculously, one asset pack had almost exactly what I had in mind! So I've decided to use it for now as a placeholder until I can finish the pixel art tutorial and make my own backgrounds and foregrounds. It is actually quite nice though, so if I end up pressed for time, I will just consider using it. I did manage to set up a parallax for the backgrounds and foregrounds, so I guess that's one thing I'm happy about from this. I am not the kind to backdown from a challenge though, so I will most likely spend the time to make my own assets once I've got the rest of the stuff down. But for now, I've decided to not dwell too much on it, and move on. And finally, for tmrw, it is time to set up a few stages and the mechanics that I had in mind.
I will keep your advice close to my mind. It is good to hear that from someone else as I am constantly second guessing myself as I think I do not have alot of confidence in what I do. But I guess I should just trust my instincts and just have fun with this and not worry too much about. Thanks, I will do my best!
Day 1 - In progress
-get motivated basic sketch and layout (done)
-game direction: 2D pixel platformer (done)
-started Unity project, layout and placeholders (done)
-to be done; lunch at least a first complete scene (incomplete, 50%?)*
-graphics elements, at least the background and foreground and/or the main character (incomplete, only placeholders)*
-character animations (incomplete, only placeholders)*
progress to be updated at the end of the day, let's go!
Day 1 - End
Thoughts; I was satisfied with my progress, but at the same time I felt that more could be done. So I would say I was also disappointed. Encountered a few problems along the way but managed to resolve some them. I also got distracted along the process which hindered my progress. Hopefully I can get Aseprite up and running tmrw.
I guess the good thing is that I was inspired along the way, and had a few great ideas which I think would be great if I was able to implement them into my game. Will definitely add them into the game later once the base is done.
* are mandatory for me to complete tomorrow, as well as some additional tasks which I will list out in Day 2.
I made a very rough sketch of a cover image, which somewhat helps to project the "energy" to help point me in a certain direction. Of course, it is not finalized, so it may change drastically or just improved upon.
Well, I would also like to say that making games is not as easy as it seems! I hope I can do better tmrw!
Umm...! I kinda got caught by surprise that it started today! I was expecting it to be tmrw, but well...! Here goes!
This will be my first game jam, and my first time making a game from scratch... I hope I can make something nice!
Not too sure how I should start this, it'll be quite messy and unorganized, but please bear with me. I'll throw a rough idea of what I had in mind, and my goals, and I'll sort it out later...
I have officially published the game! Please check it out here: Bunny Girl Jump!
I will continually make updates to the game. Until then, please look forward to it!

Bunny Girl Mitsuki by Chingy
Main Idea
This will be a 2D side-scroller. Either a platformer or perhaps an endless runner.
Story will be about a bunny girl collecting carrots.
Umm, that's it! I hope it's not too simple.
Learning goals
I am concurrently trying to learn Unity as well as Aseprite while making this game.
I hope I will be able to complete making this game and grasp a basic concept and flow of game making, as well as making animations using Aseprite.
Hopefully, this will also help kickstart my "gamemaking career". (can't find the right words for it.)
Main Objectives
-Create and complete basic game.
-Bunny Girl character. Sprites and animation.
-Carrot collectibles. Sprites and animation.
-Music and Sound effects. Looping BGM, character movement sounds.
-2D platform world.
Additional Objectives
-Story and Lore.
-Character Dialogues.
-Artwork for Bunny Girl.
-Main menu w/ a few options.
-More 2D world related stuff. House for Bunny Girl, interactive objects.
-(don't think this is achievable within this period) Learn 2D Live and incorporate it into the game to interact with Bunny Girl. Headpats.
That's it! For now...! I am not too sure what to expect out of this, whether or not if the objectives I've set is too little or too much, but I hope I can at least complete all of the listed objectives and perhaps add more stuff into it. My personal deadline would be by the end of this week, July 17th, to get all of these done... I will try to update them daily, so stay tuned!