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A member registered Oct 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! It's 2D, I made all the art in Aseprite

Haha, well there's no time like the new year for an existential crisis 

Thanks! I appreciate the suggestion. I'll look into it for my next game :)

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Haha thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I like the idea, I may add it if I come back to this. Good luck on your next fishing trip :)

Thanks, glad you liked it! :)

Thanks! I agree in hindsight, I'll keep that in mind in the future. Thanks for playing!

Despite the similar name and concept, our games are very different, haha. I like the low poly aesthetic. The performance issues made it a bit difficult to react to the fish in time. Also a bit more direction on how to play would be great, even on the Itch page. But nice job!

I love the sound design! The environment and atmosphere are really well done. I feel like you could add some sea creatures/monsters and make a neat horror game out of it. Overall nice job!

Very fun! The snowball continues to get absurdly large at the end, but I feel like that's part of the appeal. It'd be cool to have more space to roll around and more of an obstacle course kind of structure, but it's fun just rolling around too.

Very cute take on minesweeper! Nicely polished and well executed.

Very fun and addictive! Surprising amount of variety in the puzzles fore how many mechanics you had.  Great job!


Great game! The visuals, audio, and gameplay all work together to make for an intense and creepy experience. I've only seen the trust ending, so you may be doing something like this already, but I think it would be cool to explore more psychological horror elements where the things you see/experience may or may not be real, leading to some *unfortunate* consequences. But yeah, really well polished and loved the experience! 

A couple minor things, I think a bit more feedback when you shoot the boss at the end would be helpful to know that you're making progress, because I wasn't really sure if I was doing something or not until it ended. Maybe like an animation or something to show that you hurt it. Also sometimes I'd have to click "E" twice to advance the dialog. But really solid game!

Hey! I want to start out by saying that you made a cool horror game. The ambiance is right, the visuals, music, and sound effects make for an unsettling atmosphere, so great job on that!

I do have a few bits of feedback. I'll start out with the core gameplay experience. My first time through, after I burned the book, my character just started smoking, and I didn't really know what to do next, so I just waited for the timer to run out. When I restarted, I read the dialog more closely, and I figured I had to find and burn all the object or something like that. A bit more direction on what exactly I'm supposed to do and how to do it would be helpful. Plus, it's really hard to find the objects with the particle effects around your character. 

Some other minor things: The mouse sensitivity was pretty high for me, so it'd be great to include an option to set it. I also noticed that when you open the pause menu, you can't unpause. (Your mouse is hidden and ESC doesn't close it). The text is also very small for me (possibly an issue with UI scaling settings). The game is very dark, which makes sense for a horror game, but it's also a bit disorienting, so maybe upping the contrast in your lighting would help that while still maintaining the ominous atmosphere. 

Overall, solid entry! I think you nailed the horror aesthetic, just some tightening up in direction and player quality of life would do wonders. Hope this helps!

Thanks! Yeah, unfortunately a few people have had issues with that bug. I have a fix for it, but in the spirit of the jam, I think I should wait till after to fix it. Glad you liked the game!

Thanks! Yeah buckshot roulette was my main inspiration for the gameplay loop. I like the tiebreaker idea, I'll probably keep making updates after the jam. Thanks for playing!

Really polished look and charming style! I really like the direction this is going in, I'm just having some trouble progressing. I read all the messages, and a lot of them say to work on the school project, so I feel like there's something I have to do with that, but only the messaging app on the computer does anything. Not sure what to do next, but I'd love to revisit this! Also I think the navigation arrows should be a little more obvious, and sometimes they don't disable, like when you're looking at the desk. Not sure if that's how you meant it to be, but it was a little jarring navigating at times. But really cool game!

Hey! So I think using the locator in the office "maze" is a good mechanic, and it could maybe be improved with some way of know how far away you are, maybe with the size of the arrow or something. And a bit more feedback on when you've found the place you're looking for would be a good add, like your desk chair is highlighted when it's in view, or something like that. The camera angles were a little jarring at times, not sure if it was intentional, but it does add to the unsettling atmosphere. Nice job!

Nicely done! I feel like there's the makings of a creepypasta here. Would be cool to expand the story a bit, go into more depth about Millena's struggle with the demon. But overall cool style and very effective at being creepy!

Clicked 50 times. Things sure do happen. 10/10.

Cool submission! I like the story and aesthetic so far, though I'm having a bit of trouble progressing. I'm not entirely sure where I'm supposed to hide once the chase sequence starts, I feel like I've tried everywhere, but there's also not a lot of time to look around. I thought it might be behind the locked door but that didn't seem to work either. A few suggestions: I found it frustrating having to first interact with the locked door, then go downstairs to get the key, then go back up to enter the locked room, meanwhile the clock is ticking and doesn't stop for dialog/option selection. I would definitely pause the timer for those things, and maybe just enable the key pickup even if you didn't interact with the door. (All assuming you're actually supposed to go in there during the chase). Also, nothing happens when the timer hits 0 if you're downstairs. Overall, I like where you're going with it, and I'd like to see where it goes! See if there's some way you can indicate to the player where/how they're supposed to hide without explicitly saying it.

Really well done! The art and music fit the somber tone nicely, and the story was paced pretty well. I found the candle minigame a little tedious, but not a huge deal. I think it would be interesting to explore making the fiancée less monotonically bad, and perhaps add some humanizing elements like she's just as trapped by expectations as everyone else. Just an idea, overall really sad but great story!

Thanks! It's definitely a *very* rough cut, but I like the idea! I'll play around with it a bit.

Really love the voice-over and the sound effects! The whispers make it very creepy, and you do feel surrounded by them. The controls felt pretty floaty, and I feel like I overshot the platforms a lot because it was hard to know how far I'd go. Also once the hands started and I died to them, I would just keep dying over and over because they respawned at the bottom with me. Overall really love the atmosphere, mechanics could just use some subtle tweaks. Great job!

Really creative use of the theme! I think you have a great base to build out the game, and the mechanics you have already are very interesting. I think there are a lot of ways to expand on the concept here, so definitely keep going on it!

Nicely done! The exploration and learning was fun, and I think you played with expectations pretty effectively. The player moves a bit fast to control precisely, but that might just be me.  Solid game!

Hey there! I really like the idea of connecting enemies together to chain damage/score bonus. The game just never really scaled up in difficulty, so it never felt necessary or strategic to use (at least as far as I played). I would say scale up the difficulty a bit faster, and it might be interesting to destroy all connected enemies at once to incentivize doing more. Great entry, it was fun!

Really cool game! I love the blocky art style, it feels really unique. The mechanics are simple but fun and I think limiting rounds to 1 minute was a good choice to keep players wanting to beat their score. I'm personally not a fan of the fixed camera perspective as I found it hard to know where in space I was, especially relative to the rats, but that's just my preference. Really nice job!

Fun little game! The mechanic was straightforward but pretty enjoyable, but the sound effects were a little much imo.  I also think it would be good to have some kind of indicator when the geese/darkness will turn around, because I had to shine them for a couple seconds each before they did and I got  bit confused at first. Overall awesome job!

Hey, great job finishing your second full game! I just had some difficulty with the enemies. Not sure how the enemy spawning works, but when I get sent back to start, they don't seem to reset so I end up in a loop of a bunch of enemies killing me instantly at spawn. Also they seem to randomly move really fast sometimes, so I'll think I'm good but then they just rush me.

Lol I also apologize for my friend's uhhhh... persistence? But I hope it conveys that you made a great game :)

Hey, cool game! The intro really got me, it was really funny and well made. The gameplay was fun, though I feel like descriptions of what the different snails do would be helpful. I figured the more expensive ones were just stronger, so I just got the most expensive ones I could each time. I think it would also be interesting if you had to earn snails through gameplay instead of just waiting for them. Overall, nice entry!

Hey, great start! I like the art style, and character movement feels good. You should definitely keep working and finish it! You could also take it in a more traditional RPG direction without the time pressure from the jam, but up to you!

Haha, well I'm glad you had fun! Yeah looking back it does seem that things blend together a bit. But that's a great idea having some kind of obvious signal when certain things happen. We did put icons on tiles that are being attacked, but yeah they are a bit hard to notice. Thanks for your feedback and thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! I agree the art style could be tightened a bit more, maybe distinguishing the background, buildings, and blobs with contrast. And yeah we definitely leaned toward making it too easy rather than too hard for jam purposes.  Maybe at some point we can add difficulty levels because I know I at least had fun with it with difficult settings. But I'm glad you liked it overall!

Thank you so much! Yeah I agree, a little bit of story in the game would go a long way to tie everything together.  We mostly just thought the noir aesthetic was cool, haha. But thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

Holy s***, this game was so fun but also incredibly rage-inducing lol. It's a really cool concept with well designed levels and a great aesthetic. It took me a bit to figure out the attack, but I got it eventually.  The wall jump though needs a bit of work, or should just be removed. I feel like it hindered more than helped (unless that's the point). Ultimately it was too hard for me to finish myself, so I had a friend finish for me so I could see the end. It's a nice little story, and the humor really got me. Reminds me of a mix of Celeste and Omori. You made a great game, and honestly if you kept working on it and put it on Steam, I would buy it. Good job!

Hey, great job finishing your game for the jam! A couple of notes, I have a hard time progressing fairly early in the game, the jump just does not seem to go far enough, but it might just be me. From a level design perspective, everything is very dark, and there's not very much contrast between the platforms and the background. This makes it hard to see where I'm supposed to jump. In addition a lot of the platforms are very close together, so it gets to be a tight squeeze sometimes. Overall, great start on your project, and I hope you keep working on it!