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A member registered Oct 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Lol I also apologize for my friend's uhhhh... persistence? But I hope it conveys that you made a great game :)

Hey, cool game! The intro really got me, it was really funny and well made. The gameplay was fun, though I feel like descriptions of what the different snails do would be helpful. I figured the more expensive ones were just stronger, so I just got the most expensive ones I could each time. I think it would also be interesting if you had to earn snails through gameplay instead of just waiting for them. Overall, nice entry!

Hey, great start! I like the art style, and character movement feels good. You should definitely keep working and finish it! You could also take it in a more traditional RPG direction without the time pressure from the jam, but up to you!

Haha, well I'm glad you had fun! Yeah looking back it does seem that things blend together a bit. But that's a great idea having some kind of obvious signal when certain things happen. We did put icons on tiles that are being attacked, but yeah they are a bit hard to notice. Thanks for your feedback and thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! I agree the art style could be tightened a bit more, maybe distinguishing the background, buildings, and blobs with contrast. And yeah we definitely leaned toward making it too easy rather than too hard for jam purposes.  Maybe at some point we can add difficulty levels because I know I at least had fun with it with difficult settings. But I'm glad you liked it overall!

Thank you so much! Yeah I agree, a little bit of story in the game would go a long way to tie everything together.  We mostly just thought the noir aesthetic was cool, haha. But thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

Holy s***, this game was so fun but also incredibly rage-inducing lol. It's a really cool concept with well designed levels and a great aesthetic. It took me a bit to figure out the attack, but I got it eventually.  The wall jump though needs a bit of work, or should just be removed. I feel like it hindered more than helped (unless that's the point). Ultimately it was too hard for me to finish myself, so I had a friend finish for me so I could see the end. It's a nice little story, and the humor really got me. Reminds me of a mix of Celeste and Omori. You made a great game, and honestly if you kept working on it and put it on Steam, I would buy it. Good job!

Hey, great job finishing your game for the jam! A couple of notes, I have a hard time progressing fairly early in the game, the jump just does not seem to go far enough, but it might just be me. From a level design perspective, everything is very dark, and there's not very much contrast between the platforms and the background. This makes it hard to see where I'm supposed to jump. In addition a lot of the platforms are very close together, so it gets to be a tight squeeze sometimes. Overall, great start on your project, and I hope you keep working on it!

Hey, a couple of logistical notes. I couldn't figure out how to paint, or that other controls besides move existed until I looked at the design doc, so it may be helpful to add them to the itch page, or better in the game itself. Also, the design document is a .doc file (while I believe is an old format). I had to import it with google docs to read it, so just not very user friendly. I think .pdf or .docx would be better. 

For the game itself, I think it's a cute concept, though I'd like some more incentive for the player to paint things, like maybe getting new brushes, colors, etc., to make the mechanic a bit more interesting. Also the screams were funny at first, but get a bit old after a couple. I think it might be better to have more ambient chatter/chaotic background sounds that increase with panic. Overall, very cool and original idea!

Hey sorry, but I can't seem to run your game. You may want to check out what's wrong, or do a quick Windows build before time ends.

Dang, that was really fun! Everything was very well polished, the art and music set the tone perfectly, and the gameplay is addicting. No critiques from me. Well done!

Hey, great job getting your game in  for the jam! Unfortunately, I don't really understand the mechanics. The player can't really be pushed off the level, the platforms kind of just go through you. I can jump onto the platforms, but I don't really get an incentive to.  There's no score or real obstacle that I can see. Then it seems at the very end, there's no more floor or platforms and you just fall endlessly without resetting.  Overall , it's a good start to a prototype, and I can tell you put a lot of effort in. I would focus on giving the player a reason to engage with the puzzles/platforms, and reward them for doing so.  Also some quality of life things like a start menu and basic instructions go a long way. Good luck!

Hey Vic! I don't make rhythm games often, and my friends and I just made this for a jam. But if we ever make another one I'll definitely give it a try.

I was also surprised to find that PowerPoint is a quite capable game engine, lol. The idea was that as you find clues they would populate on the chalkboard, but we didn't get that working in time. There were also a lot of bugs with the clues so overall I understand that it's a bit difficult to play. Turns out PowerPoint wasn't designed with making games in mind. Thanks for playing though!

Gotcha, maybe I missed it, but I think a menu with instructions, or just an explanation on the itch page would help. I'd  love to give it another try if I knew how to not die haha

I think there's something buggy with the movement controls. The character seems to move multiple spaces at a time, and I keep dying running into walls. Just not sure how to play.

Cool idea, the mechanics of when you get taller and how many moves you have left weren't very clear to me. But the concept is pretty unique, so I think a bit more instruction would go a long way.

Timer was a bit frustrating, but the pairings were really creative. One in particular was really clever lol. Great job!

Very cool game! The prompts are sometimes a bit hard to understand what they mean, but the puzzles are very creative. I get why you added the 3-in-a-row verification, but I do find it frustrating when I'm stuck and I don't know which one is wrong. I personally think the game would feel better if you knew after each puzzle if it was right.

(NOTE) When launching the game, there may be a prompt to enable "external content." Please say yes to be able to play the game.

Thanks for playing!

Super fun, I could play this for a while! The only thing I would say was that I didn't totally understand what the cards did, so maybe a little more description on them would be good. But other than that, super satisfying and the music fit the vibe well. I would pay for a fleshed out version of this on Steam if you want to take it further.

Neat idea, I'd like for the boats to be a lot faster. I just got too impatient after like 2 boats. Concept is good, just some tweaking would make it a lot more enjoyable.

Awesome game! It's a fun concept that's really well executed, and the presentation is super polished. The ability to pause kind of breaks the challenge a bit, though even with it, I was still taking damage when the spawn rate increased so it might be fine. Great job!

Great game! You could definitely polish this up, add a few more levels, and ship it.

Thank you so much! I think those are great suggestions. I have done web builds in the past, but there's always something wonky with them that's not in the windows version, and since the game requires precision we felt that making it downloadable would be the best experience. But you're right a web build would be a good addition. I appreciate the feedback!

The inverted mode turns on and off periodically

Visuals were really good! I didn't really understand what do do though. Ghosts just showed up and killed all the scientists and I couldn't shoot them or anything. 

I really like the concept, and the visuals looked great! The character was difficult to move around, largely because I felt that the camera was very slow and unresponsive. The ship seems very large and hard to navigate, especially before you know where things are, and I encountered a bug where the fuel and cryo stats wouldn't reset between replays, so I had to close and restart the game. Overall great job, and I hope come back to it in the future!

Really pretty graphics, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I think I turned on all the light/plant things but nothing happened. I think this could be a cool Journey/Sable style game with exploration and puzzles if you want to build on what you have.

Thanks! Yeah I think a countdown with a sudden change might work better in hindsight, and the hitboxes could be a bit bigger. Glad you liked it though!

Glad you liked it! I agree the fade alone isn't a great indicator. I wanted to add a countdown too, but we just ran out of time. And yeah, that last song is pretty rough lol, sorry if it was a bit painful

None that I saw

Very cute and fun platformer! The controls were very well implemented and the character felt good to move around. The phase-through mechanic was cool and has a lot of potential for hiding secrets and making puzzles. I think Z is a bit awkward to press, especially in trickier maneuvers like at the end, but overall, great job!

The vibes are impeccable. Really strong use of visuals and music to create that arcade aesthetic. It seems like the cursor click needs to be right on the falling shapes to count, which was a bit frustrating at times. I'm assuming you check if the point is inside the shape? I think It would feel better to play if the cursor only had to overlap the shape to count, or just some way that I don't have to be as precise. Also I think some sound effects when the shapes pop would bump up the satisfaction even more. Great game!

I really liked the aesthetic and the color change ability. The varied attack mechanics were fun and interesting, but the enemies were really slow to spawn in the beginning. There were several times that there were no enemies on screen for a long period of time. I think ramping up the spawn rate would give the game the excitement I think it can have! Also some indication of damage on attacks would give good feedback that you're actually making something happen.

Very well done! The visuals are really well polished, and the low-poly art style is fantastic! The puzzles were challenging, but fun, and the mechanics felt robust for creating interesting setups! I would love to see this expanded upon for a full release on Steam, mobile, or other platforms. Perhaps with some varying environments and backgrounds? The biggest issue I had was that I could glitch infinite tracks with right-click. But overall, great job!

Hey! Everything looks great. The UI was really well done and very thorough. My friend and I were excited to play, but we were expecting a bit more gameplay. This is a good start for what could be a bigger project! I think some enemies and some additional/longer platforming would be a good direction to take this in. 

Awesome! Really fun and I like the GTA vibes music. 

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was cool getting to watch someone play :)