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A member registered Feb 21, 2024 · View creator page →

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Nice game. The jumping was a bit annoying though, since it took so long to fall down... and the spikes sometimes weren't seen, so I had to restart over and over again from the checkpoint only to be killed by another unseen spike (I mean, it's in the title haha). I did end up finishing the game, though.

The game was cool! I liked the art, the different levels, awesome music, ... I couldn't finish it though, got a bit hard for me and it was also a bit hard to distinguish from immovable objects and interactable objects (obviously because of the jam). I did want to see how it ended, so I watched the walkthrough. It really is a good game and I think that a remake (without the Nokia Jam Restrictions) would also be very fun. I didn't really understand the ending, though.

I liked the idea! Most of the minigames were fun, the only one I didn't like was the water pipe one, it was waaaay too slow (sometimes it got a little bit faster but I don't really understand why). The ending was also a nice addition.

I remember playtesting it (from the Discord). It really is a good, fun idea and has some variety! The only thing I would've liked was, like I said back then, if the player could hold the the key and move. Otherwise, a solid game.

I tried doing that but nothing happened. :( I'll try it again later

Wow, this is an awesome game, might even be one of The Top 3! The art is cute, the sound effects are perfect, the game idea is also really fun and the game has a good difficulty balance. Really cool to find out that you made your own game engine for this! Is there a way to reach the last flag in Level 8?

Got to 231(?). It is very fun, I like how you had to think before every move and the different obstacles added a good variety to the game.

Cool game, nice environment. I really liked the art and the idea. The music was also good and the options menu was a nice touch. But I find the fact that some jumps (the fourth room from the center row and before the last room in the center row) are practically impossible if not heated fully.

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Cool rooms, simple game, funny monsters. (sometimes lost for no reason, though)

Simple idea, really fun. I liked the different maps, all getting harder to see the criminals in. There's also so much variety, it was really cool to see them, often got tricked into thinking others were the criminals, haha.

I liked it, a fun, short platformer. The box glitched sometimes, but it wasn't a huge problem. Maybe the player could've been faster? I liked the titles of the levels that we got to see in the first few ones (explaining/warning about new objects).

Hmm, I can't get past that temple guard. And I can't even finish reading the dialogue because it closes before I can do anything, so I got stuck in that room (and died, even after trying to defend myself with the sword because I couldn't do anything else) a ton of times. Am I missing something? I would like to experience the whole game, since I was so interested in it.

Oof, I crashed after finally beating the... I think 3rd level? Or were there 4 levels? Either way, it is a good game idea, I liked the chests and the hints. However, the game was very hard, especially the bow-shooters. The spike's hitboxes could've also been reduced in size. But again, I liked this game apart from it's high difficulty.

I loved all the art and animations, the idea was also really good. It did get a bit tedious after a while but I still had fun. This game definitely is one of the best one in this game jam!

After dying a few times, I tried it again today. It is really hard, especially level 15 (you die if you don't move fast enough, you die even if you beat it because the door animation takes too long) - that's the furthest I got. Nonetheless, this is a very well-made game, good graphics, great ideas. I thought the secret lives were awesome! Looks like a winner-game to me.

Haha, it was very fun! The idea with freezing the water was also good. And I found the ice cubes really fun to interact with! Especially in the levels where there were a lot of them. Fun animations, too.

Gets difficult fast, but I like it. (I don't know if it's a bug, but after losing I still keep my chosen cards and difficulty) The art was really good, the pixels even had shadows?! It was fun to play!

A fun, short game! I don't know if it only happened to me, but I didn't get the bonus 45 seconds. A bit hard. But it is a great idea and has good music.

Yeah, I also think that besides the icons falling very slowly (especially at the beginning) it is a nice game.

Nice, short game. Not too difficult, not too easy. The only thing I would've liked changed was the low-gravity jump (so, more gravity).

The obstacle course was fun with different areas. I tried beating the game without checkpoints and freeze but gave up, the hallway with three cannons on each side makes it impossible. But I overall think it is a good, fun game!

The idea is good, instead of dodging the spikes, you have to be near them. For me, surprisingly, the start was always the hardest, because mostly small spikes fell down and they are the hardest, since you don't know what part of them is dangerous and where it is too far. Maybe the hitboxes of the spikes 'collecting' area could've been bigger. After dying a few times the death screen also became a bit annoying, because it took quite some time and then I'd have to wait a few seconds until many (big) spikes fell again. But I also have to say that the player animation was funny and the death animation was also good.

It's a really funny game idea! It does have potential. I just find it a bit hard to understand (I now think that I understand the game), so I think that it would be really helpful to write all the controls in the description (The 1:UI is hard to see) and explain the game a bit more (the price goes up/down, the temperature goes up/down, seasons change, you lose snowflakes, die if you have none, ...). The art is also interesting and I did like how the snowflake-price changes. Maybe the summer can also be slightly shorter. I think I'll try this game again soon, it was fun!

Thanks for playing! I'm not sure if I understand the bug but I think that you might refer to something that isn't a bug. Sometimes the camera zooms in on the fireplace to show you that it's empty. And if the player doesn't have any more wood, he dies. If you do have wood, the camera zooms out and you can go add the wood to the fireplace.
I am planning on remaking the game (not Nokia style) and the dimensions of the different entities will definitely be reworked.

I actually really enjoyed this game. Not too short, not too long. The enemies were fun, the map and its different areas were all cool to explore. The short tutorial level was also interesting, although understanding what the "?" (up-button) does took a while, but it was a game changer (I think it may be a little bugged though since sometimes it lead me further away when there were still gems/hearts to be found in the area I was in)!

I got 11:56, haha.

Very cool! I liked the menu! Giving in your name, buying cars, the highscore, everything was cool! I think a warning for when the streets go diagonal would've helped, since you could accidentally drive off of them because you didn't see them coming. The different maps were also really cool, variety is always good to see! Oh, and I don't know if the highscore leaderboard is meant to be sorted (shortest time -> longest time) but if it is meant to be... it doesn't work for me (my time was shorter than others and I was last).

Wow! The art is awesome, super polished! Even the death is kind of 'fun' due to the death effect. The instruction manual was also pretty original and fitting to the Nokia-game theme!

It is fun and the art fits well! It was a bit difficult to understand that the snowflakes don't hurt you but the tiny hills do though. I have the feeling some hitboxes were too big too (the river, ...) and sometimes you couldn't avoid them. But the idea of drinking hot cocoa to not freeze was nice!

I like the art! And the sounds are also good.

Interesting concept! The controls are also really simple, which I like. And it's nice to see such variety in the snowflakes!

It's fun and juicy. I was happy to see that I don't have to start from the beginning when losing. It was pretty difficult though, especially the pressing 'down' for momentum (sometimes you'd get kind of stuck, from which you could hardly get out without dying).

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It is a very good game! Fun, has a lot of game juice (especially for a 'Nokia' game), addicting, the different bosses and enemies (especially the walls before the second boss fight) are always fun to encounter. It is pretty hard though (only got to the second boss fight, to which I lost) and the enemies can sometimes spawn right next to you, which is a bit annoying when you are moving fast. But a pretty unique idea!

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I like it very much! It is very simple and satisfying (revealing the secret passages). It is a bit challenging sometimes and figuring out that you can press buttons took a while. When I got powerups I also didn't immediately understand that. But it was really fun... accidentally finished the game before finding everything though. Great map/world!

This was really fun! Got 2/8 secret buttons and 6/12 pickups.