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A member registered Jan 31, 2024 · View creator page →

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This was a phenomenal game, tons of cute animations and charm built in. Also I liked the added challenge of some of the stars. The movement is so fluid and fun, only gripe is that if you press jump a few frames before landing, you dont end up jumping, but like I can look past that, because this game is actually amazing.

It was fun, but I wish it didnt get litterally impossible after a certain point.

Loved the music choices, never got bland. it starts hard, but once you get a hang of it, it’s really fun to get down.

really boring. i wish the difficulty ramped up over time.

Fun game, I wish it didnt take so many views to unlock stuff other than the rat and chair. very epic and cool…

Felt like there should have been more content and the boss health should have been way lower, other than that, its was a fun game.

I wish you had a recipe book so you didnt have to just throw everything in there to see what does what. Other than that, the game was pretty good.

I liked the premise, but there wasnt much to it after you got past that.

Phenominal game, loved every second of it! the controls were quite simple and that lended to the replayability!

Lacking in content, but over all it was really fun, i could find myself playing this for hours.

the music is WAY TOO LOUD! other than that, you can really easily just spam punch and occasionally dodge to dispatch enemies quickly.

This is a phenominal game, I love how forgiving it is while still putting up a challenge in the late levels.

Fun game, wish you could turn off the music, and the sword has a hard time hitting above you.

The animations were good, but pressing the numpad seems to restart the level, and I think that having it endlessly loop is a bit boring.

I wish you let me play on numpad, but other than that, it was an extremely finished game with a surprising ammount of content.

This game is amazing! please release skrunkly Gimbal sponges, I will by them in a heartbeat!

Rarely do games hit all marks for me, but oh my god, this game is the best I’ve played all jam! It’s got an amazing style, the mechanics are stellar, and just everything about this game feels phenomenal!

I’ll give it an extraordinary ammount of creativity and a lot of style, but only a fair ammount of enjoyment as the game seemingly cannot be beaten after you finish making the pizza.

fun game, though the puzzles are really simple and non-engaging. Really the boxes feel more like a dash/ a double jump than an actual puzzle element that gets interacted with. I feel that some more work on the level design and this could be an extremely fun and brain wracking puzzle game!

I rally liked this puzzle game, I even pulled out my calculator to solve the last puzzle! Only gripe is that you can’t reset the board without by hand, one at a time, clicking each box until it’s gone. other than that, it’s an amazing game.

This is a really fun puzzle game, but it’s really easy to cheese as a lot of block combinations let you gain infinite height by jumping, letting go, jumping, grabbing, and repeating.

This looks like such a cool game! I love desert bus!

game was fun, but really unforgiving. I never got to the end of the first level. The style is impeccable though and the general mechanics are quite fun. The main problems I faced were just with how the camera started and stopped scrolling across the screen while I’m trying to place blocks

love the game and the writing is quite funny, but the timer is REALLY tight, especially when you have a dumpster to move.

Really fun game! It’s so jarring how many games you fit in this game.

10/10 I love my pet earth. all the different combinations are hilarious!

neat little story with some neat little mechanics. I would have liked to see more, but what we got was fine.

there’s not enough to do in the game to keep me motivated to keep playing, but the concept is really good and the beginning is super fun!

this game plays really nicely, sadly with how punishing everything is, getting hit once or simply letting too many enemies be alive at once (which in inevitable due to the wave mechanics) You can’t reliably get past the first few waves without being crushed by the arena.

not much to do as there’s no hostile enemies to kill/avoid and there’s only two rooms which is really sad because the game concept is amazing and the style is right up my alley.

I like the game, but the mechanics don’t really incentivise using proxy servers. it is always better to use as many servers as possible and equally distribute resources across them than it is to use proxies or think about the mechanics of the game. The concept is amazing, but the execution leads to it not being fun. (I did beat the GMTK Game Jam level)

I think this game concept could be fun, but after a certain point, it felt like no matter what I did, I would win, and that the game was mostly just passing items from point A to point B repeatedly.

This game has a lot of potential, the style is cute when it’s to scale, (mushrooms and main character) but everything else has horrible aliasing artifacts and sometimes a movable block or two will just disappear on a reset.

this was a really cool idea for a game that was executed with an amazing style, but it’s far to clunky to be satisfying to play for long times. especially since it’s really easy to start flying and cheat every level

This was an amazing game! only gripe is that it causes so much lag if you survive for long enough that the game becomes unplayable.

This was super fun, I almost beat it, but I kept getting into my head about certain things. I loved seeing what all could change and then going back to count more each time. Only one nitpick, and that is that the main level has a single tile that is out of place and it really bugs me. (one of the ones under the teleporter)

this is such a cool game! I love the goofy story, the gameplay is simple and fun, and the music is phenominal

thank you! I definitely have some ways to go, but I’m glad to know I’m on the right track! :]

I kept getting stuck on nothing while moving, and at multipul points did the camera prevent me from seeing where I needed to go after a jump, but other than that, it was a really cool game!

This is a really good game! Only problem was that I can’t really tell which stamps send souls to earth or the field of reeds.