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Granger Devs

A member registered May 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Nicely done! Enjoyed the mechanic of using your senses to perform actions and get feed back! I mean who hasn't wondered what Christmas Tree tastes like :D Love the point and click genre! Would love to see more of this in the future!

Nicely Done! Cool TD style game with the holiday theme! Don't know if this is a bug, though got to round 18 and then the enemies just stop spawning and the game wouldn't move forward. Overall Nice game!

Fantastic Job! I liked the interactions with other items to produce the items you needed to collect. Finding that last candy cane was a challenge though! Only thing I noticed was that you could put the fire out in the fire place with the bucket without filling it with water. Otherwise very well done!

Nicely Done! This is a great chill out and relax style game. The story progression element is a fun way to lead the player on an adventure. The only thing I was missing was some sound effect with the interactions and some ambient background sounds.

Great Job!

Thanks for the input! There are a lot of those things we have addressed :) Those will be part of the new build when it's ready to release. The models were a bit random due to we could only use free assets and we're coders vs artists :P We have some cool updates to the art and the game progression bits you mentioned. There is a power up at the end of the level, though it's not very clear as you have to collect it. Part of the revamp is to add void power that you collect that allows you to upgrade as you progress. It's a simple upgrade that allows you to hold more rocks at a time. I'm currently working on revamping and extending that system.

Thanks! It's nice to hear how much fun people are having with it. We're looking forward to continuing developing it!

Thanks! We had a lot of fun developing it! Glad you had fun with it!

Thanks! Really glad you enjoyed the game! We do plan on continuing developing this game.


(1 edit)

Checked out your video on it! Loved seeing you play it! Couple of tips for ya: The rocks you collect also work as a shield from getting hit, so it's a balance of when to throw them and when to hang on to them. The second one is the blue sparkle object that pops out of the portal is an upgrade to how many items you can collect. You'll get those at certain levels to help with how crazy it gets. You'll also need those for level 10 which is the boss fight :) Thanks again for checking it out!

Very cool concept here. I really liked the Lego look! Always loved Lego :). Good sound and music. The mechanics are done nicely as well. Good Job!

Thanks! Glad you really enjoyed it! Thanks for the input on the speed aspect. We wanted to add additional upgrade options, though just ran out of time. I agreed that having a better UI indicator would have been helpful. The idea was to show how many items you could hold and then indicate how many you had as they either got knocked of from being hit or used. 

Great concept! I enjoyed the game and think with some continued development this has the potential to be a full game! That boss fight was really unique and cleverly done! Nice Job!

Thanks! Glad that you found the game fun and satisfying! I will definitely check out the vid for it! 

Yeah it can be a bit difficult in that regard. We were hoping to have some time to explain the mechanics a bit as a lot of people don't realize that as you collect items "rocks" they act as your ammo and shield to take damage. We had also planned to add a better UI to indicate that, though ran out of time to add that. The plan is to finish out this as a full game. That should be a lot of fun to add all the things that we had planned in the if we have time list :)

Cool idea for this game! Like other's it was a bit too much to play single player, though I really like the concept and I think that you have a good idea to move forward with developing this game out more! From what I saw, it looks like the balance for two players is done pretty well! Nice Job!

Really cool idea! I liked how you have to navigate both robots through the puzzles and challenges of the levels. I could see this game getting further development, especially since it really lends its self to a lot of cool puzzles that you could implement. Nice Job!

Cool use of shaders! I really liked the mechanics of this game! Nice Job!

Cool game! The parallax effect is nicely done! Those blade obstacles are rough to jump over :) Overall Nice Job!

Thanks for checking it out! Lol. it gets pretty crazy at level 9 just before the boss fight, which is at level 10! Maybe that will be Difficulty Level 1,000,000 :P

Thanks! Always nice to hear that it's fun to play! the spawns are dynamic, so sometimes they do spawn faster and sometimes slower. 

I'm glad you had fun with the game! Sounds like you got really close to getting to the boss level! Thanks for the feedback on the throwing mechanic! Still needs some tweaks for sure!

Glad you liked it! The world is procedural generated. We created a voxel system so that each time you play you get some variation in the worlds that you visit. Will defiantly check your game out!

Thanks for checking it out! We had additional plans to add more mechanics and better UI feedback. We just didn't have enough time to implement all the things. The challenge was balancing the jam work with working a full time job :)

Thanks! Glad you had fun with it. yeah the movement feels a bit slow. Doesn't help that the animation is kinda of a flow walk animation, so it visually makes it feel slower than it really is.

Thanks! Glad you like it.

I like the concept here. Fun to play, though it seems the second door is bugged. The controls feel a bit loose, though some tweaking could really tighten those up. Not sure what the mini game was suppose to do. It seems like it was like a terminal hack, which is a really cool idea. Overall I liked the concept here and feel like this could be a good game to continue developing! Nice Job!

Really interesting idea here! Some pretty crazy things that got a chuckle out of me. I like that it had various endings. Nice Job!

Really interesting idea! The style was nice and I enjoyed the mechanics of the game overall. The only thing i would recommend is to normalized your audio bits. There are things that are a bit to loud, that can be jarring. Nice Job!

Nice job! Cool idea and well put together. Can see this being something you continue to work on. Had fun playing this one!

Thanks! That's an interesting idea there :)

Thanks! Glad you had fun playing it! We had a lot of different things in mind, that we just weren't able to get to, though very possible to move forward with this project to finish it out.

Thanks! I'm glad you found the mechanic fun!

Thanks! Glad you really enjoy the game!

Miss the days of the point and click genre! Nice Job on this. Really brought back some old school memories of those days! I liked the vibe of the game and it really kept me looking for things.

Art style and Music are really well done! Gameplay has a lot of potential here, though it was a bit confusing I was able to understand the mechanics after several plays. The animations are really well done and the vibe is consistent, which gives it that cool eerie setting. Overall Nice Job!

Really cool game. The 2D to 3D switch is a nice dimension switching mechanic. I like how the puzzles are done. Nice Job!

Really well done game! The aesthetics are really nice. Gives me a tron vibe and the music is really well done to set the mood. Gameplay is fun and timing is key. The car physics work really well and I enjoyed playing this one! Nice Job!

Nice Job! Really cool puzzle mechanics with the dimension switching. The timer really creates a sense of mastery to complete the level in both dimensions!

Glad you liked it! We had a ton of fun making it!