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A member registered Jul 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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I've been working on a Unity WebGL game meant to be played in mobile browsers. It's been working fine up until the latest build, where it doesn't load on mobile Safari. It still loads when I test it on my PC. I didn't add anything radical from the previous working build, just additional animations in the animator. Has anyone encountered anything similar? I'm wondering if it might be file size issue; the file size has increased quite substantially from about 10MB to 30MB.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed the game! Yeah I’ve received a TON of negative feedback over the grappling hook’s cooldown and I’m kicking myself over not making it reset immediately once you land. It would’ve literally been one extra line of code but it just never occured to me to do that since I was so used to how the game controls already. Guess this shows the importance of having someone other than the developer playtest the game :P

Thank you! I loved your game as well; when I saw the two modes of grappling I immediately went “damn, why didn’t I think of that?”.

Agreed 100% on the cooldown refreshing when you land. Originally the cooldown actually did start upon launching exactly like you said, but I found that I could just latch onto a wall, wait for the cooldown to end, then launch myself upward again to infinitely climb walls, so the cooldown was changed to start only when you release the grappling hook.

As for the drone thing, that’s a really good idea! I did also find it frustrating while playing but I didn’t do anything about it as I thought it added another layer of challenge, but I can totally see how it would be more annoying than fun. Will definitely look into this.

Again, thanks for your feedback and I’m glad you enjoyed the game!

Thank you! Can you elaborate on when the grappling hook didn’t work? I’m aware of a rare case where it looks weird when you’re falling because the grapple point is calculated instantly with raycasting while the animation takes time, so sometimes it looks like the hook is moving through platforms when your velocity is close to/at the limit.

If you’ve encountered any other bugs I would love to know so I can fix them!

Thank you! I remember your name being one of the first to show up on my dashboard :)

Glad you enjoyed the game!

Thank you! I don't regret the cooldown timer as the game would be far too easy/exploitable without it, but I definitely should've made the cooldown end immediately once the player lands so players don't have to sit around waiting for the cooldown to end.

Glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks! That's actually a pretty good QoL feature, will look into it!

Thanks! I will be implementing that in the post-jam version :)

Thanks! Yeah as others have mentioned I definitely made a poor decision with the cooldown, will be fixing this after the jam!

Thanks! I agree the cooldown is definitely too long and it’ll be adjusted in a patch after the jam!

Thank you! Yeah the cooldown resetting when you land on the ground is definitely going into a patch lol, in hindsight I definitely should’ve implemented that earlier in development. Oops 😬 

Thank you!

The chain jumping while trying to avoid obstacles actually sounds like a really fun idea, although it would be a totally different type of game with a totally different level design. If I make this a full game I would totally have a section like that!

Also I definitely wanted to have jump king style slopes but I just didn’t have the time :( 

Thank you! Having the camera pan down while falling is an excellent idea, will definitely add it in a post-jam version!

A fun 3D platformer with just the right amount of frustrating controls. I'm not sure if it's a bug but the audio stutters whenever a button is pressed which I found quite jarring, but otherwise this was pretty enjoyable!

This was fun! Not sure if this was intentional but pressing the arrow keys seems to reset your momentum entirely, I thought it would've been cooler if it preserved your momentum but gave you a little bit of control over where you land. Still, great submission!

Simple but fun. Got me spamming both left and right mouse buttons in frustration quite a number of times lol

Thank you! The multiple grapples idea was something I wanted to explore and could make for some really interesting level design but I discarded the idea early in the jam as it didn't really make sense given how grappling guns work IRL :P

Still, I might explore the concept further if I continue development. Maybe not as a feature inherent to the grappling gun but as a feature similar to the dash reset crystals in Celeste, which could be super interesting!

Also yes I am :)

First one on the leaderboard! Overall pretty frustrating but satisfying, as a Foddian game should be. I think a lot of people define "Foddian" as "getting over it-like" but IMO the control scheme definitely follows in the tradition of Foddy's early works like QWOP and GIRP.

Interesting premise and beautiful game page as always. My only complaints would be the framerate dips at times and the collision glitches mentioned in the description, but otherwise this is a great entry. Good job!

Thank you! 

I’m not a huge fan of how long the cooldown is either, but after some testing I found it to be necessary to prevent the player from just chain grapples to climb walls. The cooldown should definitely be shortened significantly if the player is on the ground though. 

Of course, I’m sure there’s a way I could tweak the grappling gun’s physics to allow for a shorter non-exploitable cooldown, but that would mean having to make a ton of adjustments to the level design and well, I just didn’t have the time :P

Definitely one of the considerations for a post-jam version though, and again, thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

I definitely agree on your first point. It was something I planned to do but something personal came up on the last day and I had to submit the game early. Will definitely implement this!

On the second point, the lieutenant mentions that you have to bring the black box back to him to complete the mission, but I feel like it's easily missed especially as it shows up late in the dialogue. I will add a prompt when you pick up the black box to bring it back to the lieutenant as a reminder.

Again, thank you for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

This game really makes you feel like a sentient cube.

Seriously though, incredibly fun and frustrating, as a foddian game should be. Great work from another grappling hook enthusiast :)

Fun and easy to understand. It can be a bit tough to tell where the road is when it overlaps with the road below though, but aside from that it was an enjoyable experience! I got a 2 minute time :)

Just completed the game, absolutely loved how the movement felt! It does sometimes feel like you don't have much control though, such as when you land on a planet and your arrow is "tidally locked" to facing the planet. Also it might've just been my playthrough but I found that the game gets easier the further you get away from the black hole, which is a bit odd in terms of balance. Still, this was a super satisfying game to play and I'm proud to say I got 3rd on the leaderboard (excluding the two times that were 0 and 2 seconds respectively, which I assume were for testing)!

Note that I didn't actually manage to complete the game but I did play for a solid 10-15 minutes so take my comment with a grain of salt.

Firstly, I really love the concept and the control scheme; I'm a huge fan of these "one-button games" and I never would've thought to apply it to a foddian game so definitely good work there

However, I wonder if the game would've been better without the mechanic of the cat forcibly stopping your momentum every few seconds. It felt more annoying than challenging in a good way and I thought the extra timing aspect the mechanic introduced was unnecessary as the controls are already purely timing-based.

The idea of the game is extremely clever, I just would've changed a couple things in the execution. Overall though, this is still definitely a solid entry and super impressive given the time limit!

Great game! The movement feels really satisfying when you nail the momentum and the animations, particles, SFX, and BGM all come together to create an impressively polished experience for something created in such a short amount of time. I think it was a really clever strategic decision to divide the game into different "sub-levels", which makes the game maybe slightly less "foddian" as the previous commenter said but actually ensures people play and complete your game in one short sitting instead of ragequitting, which is important for a jam with such a short rating window.

I think a fun feature would be some sort of positive feedback if you did a frontflip/backflip in the air, just for that extra coolness factor that's found in your typical skateboarding games.

Overall, really excellent submission!

Really relatable game. The thought process regarding the theme was very similar to my own, and I too feel like I have to learn how to make things for my own sake rather than for some kind of abstract satisfaction of other people thinking I'm smart and/or capable. Not just in the context of game dev, but in life.

I'm glad you made this and managed to submit (barely) in time.

Wow! This is incredibly innovative and polished. The game page is the most beautiful one I've seen on this site. There is a bug I encountered where I walked backwards immediately when the second audition started and I ended up clipping through the school's entrance doors and couldn't get back in. Apart from that, this was a great experience! Absolutely love the atmosphere you've created in this game :)

Thanks for playing! Yeah, I found that it’s surprisingly easy to get yourself into a dead lost position if you’re not thinking many many moves ahead and the mistake that caused it is usually very subtle and easily missed. I think the game might’ve been too hard overall and I would definitely tone down the difficulty if I were to release it as a full game, at least for the first couple stages.

Also, you might’ve been the first person other than me to beat the game :P

Thank you! That’s definitely a great suggestion, I just assumed that everyone has played these sorts of games before which in hindsight is an assumption I definitely shouldn’t have made. 

Glad you enjoyed the game!

Wow, thanks for the extremely detailed comment! I definitely agree with your criticism on the visual aspect, I actually planned to add a lot more polish (including literally everything you mentioned) in addition to a much better UI, some background elements etc. but I had some personal things come up in the last few days of the jam so I didn’t have the time. :(

I’m glad you enjoyed the game! I originally also planned to have some kind of bonus effect for merging 4 or 5 objects as well as more items that would do things like destroying enemies directly and being able to merge with any object, but they were lower on the priority list and didn’t make it in due to the time constraint. 

Again, thanks for taking the time to write this! Also, I’m curious what your job is that you’re required to play merge games for work :P

Really interesting concept and maybe I'm missing the strategy here, but isn't there nothing much else the player can do except roll 3x, spawn 2x, heal, and pray that they rolled a number > 3?

I struggled to understand the game at first but after I finally understood how to play it was actually pretty fun! The UI was pretty hard to see because my monitor is huge; I would suggest scaling your UI canvas according to the screen size. Apart from that it was quite enjoyable and I feel like you learnt a lot about pathfinding while making this game so great work! 

Thank you! And sure, happy to check it out :)

Thank you!

Thanks! I did want to get a mobile build up but I decided to spend the final moments tweaking the balance to be just right. If I get a lot of positive feedback I might expand this into a full game with multiple maps and more mechanics and publish it as a standalone mobile game.

Thanks! This was definitely inspired by that era of mobile games haha, I work in the mobile game industry and I really yearn to return to those simpler times…

Thank you for the kind words, that was exactly how I designed the game to be :)

Thank you! 1830 is pretty high, did you manage to win?

Thanks! The alpha version of the game was actually much easier and took place on a 7x7 grid, but I really wanted to push the difficulty to a point where you will lose quickly if you’re not thinking about what you’re doing. I’m super glad you found it relaxing instead of frustrating though since I was worried I might’ve made it a touch too difficult haha

Thanks! That makes sense since it was heavily inspired by mobile games like Candy Crush and the like :P