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A member registered Apr 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi! Yup I'm playing on windows

Yeah nothing happens. Maybe it's me or my network? 

Very cool game, great atmosphere and very well polished! 

Nice looking game, I'm a sucker for minimalist games and you've nailed the atmosphere. It's however a bit too hard and unforgiving for my taste, I basically spent most of my gametime dying on the first few spikes. 

That's a neat idea, tying up HP to size and the game is polished, has hectic audio that fits the mood well. For some reason the game keeps on closing when I interact with the UI though, like trying again after a death or changing level. 

Cool game overall!

I can't seem to be able to create a server, did I missed something? 

Interesting game, it's cool to explore alternate ways to approach the keyboard in games. The art, audio and UI also fit together nicely.

I'm confused by the shield upgrade, not sure what it does, and there should be a larger penalty for typing the wrong letter in my opinion. 

Nice little game, well done!

Came back on the comment to add, that art is so cool!

Very well polished game, it's amazing that you managed to build all this in a month. The gameplay is solid, the story is intriguing and well presented, the audio is on point. Great work! 

I like the concept, it's a very solid entry! The audio fits well with the look and feel and the pixel art is nice. It could use some QOL like tooltips on spells or a pause menu, but it's really some minor gripes. Very promising first game!

Cute little game, with a cohesive art style that works well. It of course could use some polish on the animation and audio side, but it's a neat little experience. 

Cool minimalist look, fits the concept well. Now it could use some audio, and the cards could be randomized for a more varied experience. It would be also cool if the player could fail a bit more before losing the game. Interesting idea for sure!

Bold choice of sounds, those cats triggered me so hard so I didn't get very far I'm afraid. I'm also not into rage games so I'm 100% not the target audience. 

That being said, the level seems fairly varied from the screenshots which is always a nice touch in those games, and the controls were harsh at the beginning but seemed fair.

What a cool concept! The presentation is solid overall, and the controls feels good. Good job!

Nice job, it's a good first level and a good basis to continue. It's classic, but classic works for a reason! 

The maths may need to be tweaked, the difficulty curve increases much slower than that of the currency earned. We quickly find ourselves with an army of Golems :D!

Cute game, I really liked seeing all my poor creations put together at the end, good idea!

I'm not too sure how to install this, do I need an emulator or something? 

The movement mechanic is quite nice indeed, definitely worth sharing. That's the part to get right and you did it, so good job!

The ground stomp is a nice addition to the infinite runner genre, good idea.

The game could use some music and sounds, and maybe something more going on in the background, but it's challenging enough that the player is focused on the gameplay anyways. 

Good littel g

What a crazy ride, awesome! I will have to live the rest of my day with Baby shark stuck in my head though, so no thank you for that. 

Fun little game, I liked it quite a lot. 

I'm probably the worst person to rate this game as I usually avoid fishing in game, but it's one of the good ones. The main mechanic is quite fair and not boring, plus the demon fishes sprites are really cute.

Now outside of the fishing, the movement of the character feels off. I'd like to be able to move diagonally, and the character doesn't seem to stop when I stop pressing. Now that's easy fixes though and quite nitpicky.

That would fit well within a larger game, so good job!

Nice and short arcade game. The hitboxes were a big dodgy, but it didn't hindered the fun that much. 

Cool little game, good job!

I'd recommend to use the Itch desktop app, it goes around that kind of warning and it makes the process of downloading/uninstalling jam games much easier.

You nailed the vibe of walking simulators, I was very into it by the end. I don't have most of the cultural references, but it also works, it adds to the immersion. 

The way was hard to find when approaching the Zafar Mahal in my opinion, it's fairly straightforward all the way until that point when you need to basically walk on walls. 

Interesting experience that held my curiosity up until the end, good job! 

Interesting concept that could be very cool if fleshed out. Those red eyes are a great touch! 

I kept on dying to hunger though, it could use a UI bar somewhere more obvious than the number on the side of the screen. 

With a bit more guns, different zombies, and a clearer UI it could be a cool base defense game! Promising work!

Thanks for the very extensive feedback!

Agreed on all your points, there's too much downtime in the game at the moment; it definitely needs more stuff to do when going from pod to pod. There's a pacing issue and I struggled to fix it without lowering the performance of the game. I also wanted to add a boss but ran out of time as we probably all did lol

I keep on freezing the game on the third screen when I touch the fish, not sure what's up. I like the concept though, but I'm confused by most of it; I don't speak the language so I guess it doesn't help lol

The game could also use some music and sounds.

Cute little game, I wish I could have seen more of it. 

I can't run the game, I'm getting an error saying some file is missing. 

I loved the music on the main menu!

Interesting reversed Space Invaders, classic arcade gameplay that works so well. It's a bit hard to aim, but that's part of the challenge for sure. The upgrade to select at the beginning of the run is a nice touch, good idea!

Fun game, good job!

Surprising concept, I really loved the music lol

The driving is rough, weirdly enough a hotdog turns out to be quite slippery. I had a hard time figuring out how not to spin like crazy every other turn. 

I like weird games and this definitely fits the bill.

Interesting spin on the theme, it's a good idea! It's is however a bit repetitive, and it could use some music so getting to the end is a bit tedious.  

Curious concept however, I like the vibe and weirdness. :D

Cute little game, nice vibe and good music!

Interesting board game, it's a good idea and quite well made. However I didn't managed to win a single game, not even the tutorial, so maybe I'm terrible at it or the balance could be better. The audio is very good, fits well with the vibe. 

Overall a good idea that could use a little more work but very promising!

Cute art, I quite like the vibe. It's a bit on the lower side in terms of difficulty though, I really couldn't lose or die and I had to quit the game after a while. Maybe the introduction of something scaling up the difficulty as time goes would help. 

Also, if you select a platform when uploading the game it allows people to install with the itch app easily, its quite handy and might drive more reviews of your game. 

Nice little game, keep going!

Great game, very well polished. I struggled a lot with the control scheme on controller, and quite a bit with the keyboard but it might be me. I would also say that the difficulty scales up real fast and it makes runs too short in my opinion. Very well done overall!

cost of first upgrade is too much Quite easy to grasp and smart way to approach the theme, smart game!

I would say however that the cost of upgrades could be better balanced, you don't really earn enough during runs but the end of level grant is massive. Also the game could use some music.

Overall a good idea well put together, god job!

Nice little game, solid spin on a classic and fits the theme really well. I wish the platforming was a bit more floaty to feel more like underwater, but it's a minor gripe. The game could also have used some music.

The mechanics were a bit confusing, the money, exp, O2 and all aren't well explained or utiised IMO, it could use a tutorial or some kind of exposition. 

Overall good work!

It has an interesting PS1 vibe to it, I quite like it.

I'm not sure I'm all the way on board with the controls though, the floatiness of it made jumps somewhat hard to gauge properly.

Still, great work y'all!

Great mood, perfect for that kind of challenging platformer!

Now IMO the jump could use some coyote time, first person platforming has to be a bit forgiving as you can't see your feet. Also as you mentioned in your comments, the double jump isn't consistent. 

You nailed one of the hardest parts of making a game by finding a consistent feel, I'm sure you can fix those gameplay details easily with more playtest.

Side note, try to make a web build for your next jam as people usually don't chance installing stuff on their computer.