I had no lag with spider count, so safe to say on high end rigs the game runs well. Managed to kill the boss too ;)
Cool concept, would be neat with some enemy varieties and more abilities to squash those spiders!
Thank you! We really appreciate your in depth review.
Programmer here - agree with you with everything you have an issue with. Every jam we compete in we have the issue of not having an introduction/tutorial so that info text was thrown in last minute because we always leave it last minute haha.
AI too I agree, it was working mostly until the second last day. As you probably can tell the little enemies clump together and spew the same voice lines. As well as them flying sometimes which I’m still trying to figure out.
We actually had a workaround with the boss getting stuck - the original plan was to have it so the boss would walk through trees when they’re finished burning and they’d kind of fall apart. Ran out of time on that one, my fault 😅
We plan to fix these issues and kind of re-release it so it’s more playable. Thank you for your feedback!
Visually the game was nice, we had a look through some of your other projects and it seems like you've come up with quite a niche art style, so nice job on that!
In terms of application for the jam... we didn't really see any connection to multi use whatsoever, which was kind of the point (if we missed it, let us know and I'll happily be wrong!).
In terms of the game, it's clear you've put in a lot of work and it paid off! In terms of the jam however, I personally don't really think it was a very good submission to meet the criteria of the competition
Overall our critiques aren't directed at you as a dev, the game itself is quite well made!
I gave the game a solid crack, and visually the game was pretty solid, but I am unsure which assets were produced by you and which were downloaded externally. In terms of gameplay, it was a cool concept! I can imagine it becoming a very clean mechanic if you expanded on it, so well done on that front!
The fire theme was a bit of a stretch for me and in terms of multi use, I feel like just applying that term to mana means you can practically make any game fit that theme so it didn't feel like the most creative use compared to some other projects
All in all, we could definitely see areas that would've taken a lot of effort from a solo team, so that in itself is something to be proud of!
Overall I think this was a great concept!
Speaking from a duo team's perspective, I can see how time would be an issue with getting everything to work in the period of this jam, and I think with a bit more time you could've gotten this working great!
A more in depth tutorial and some more immersive sounds/music would've tied the game together nicely, and I personally struggled sometimes with accidentally placing the handle in the wrong part of the sword, so I personally felt some guidelines for where to place the pieces would've helped a little
Overall I think within the time period, you guys did your best and that is commendable, and the idea was perfect for the jam!
This is genuinely the best game I have played in the jam so far! You deserve a lot more than three ratings!
Genuinely felt apparently repressed childhood anxiety, the scale of everything was perfect and I think this is a game to be proud of, especially coming from a solo team!
We hope to see more of your work in the future :)
The art style was very clean and well suited to a jam! As much as the gameplay itself was relatively simple, sometimes the best games to come out of jams are just that; simple!
I think the gameplay could definitely be improved by adding some more visual queues to when your dash/attack is ready (a simple animation like his head fire flashing stronger or even a UI timer in the bottom corner)
Overall, a solid and robust working game from a solo team! We think you did well!
Very nice! I really liked the style you went for in the game, though it was a bit dark in some places. Combat was pretty good as well, though I did have trouble finding what the button was to sheathe your weapon so I initially ran around like a headless chicken until I pressed every button and figured it out. Other than that great submission!