Really innovative game, like others have said the narrative and writing is great - I particularly like your interpretation of the jams theme.
Very good job.
Hey, thanks for the kind words they really mean a lot. Had planned on having stat differences be in a different colour based on whether they were an upgrade but time in jams can be fickle at times and stuff just doesnt get implemented.
Glad you enjoed it, tuning definitely could be improved in general across the game - Area is kinda crazy compared to some of the other stats in terms of what it does for you as an example.
Nice idle game, really captured the essence of the genre. Some of the numbers could do with some work, felt like skipping the bountiful feast and just saving up for the joyful noises was a much better investment.
Something to keep the earlier sections a bit more relevant as well would be nice - cookie clicker has the clicks give a % of earnings each click as an example, but given it was 10 days of development its very good.
Interesting concept, loved the aesthetic - the souls looked very catish to me.
Controls were a bit funky with having to right click to change between 2 kinds of left click, might be more intuitive to be left click/right click unless more soul tags were planning in which case changing between the colours a bit snappier would've made it a bit better.
Overall pretty good though.
Fun card roguelike. The fusing mechanic was interesting.
Getting some money from defeating enemies would've been nice as it made the shops kinda irrelevant having to sell your items to be able to purchase items.
Removing the places you've visited from the maps would also be a nice touch.
But overall very good.
Thanks for the feedback - the attacks are just determined by the amount of rune colors that you get active.
Each rune in your hand should show what colours it will add to an attack - and the strongest attack that can be made from your colours will be the 1 executed & what is displayed on the attack button, admittedly it could've been made a bit clearer that that is the intention behind playing the runes.
Pretty cool concept. Characters movement felt a little sluggish at times but other than that gameplay was solid.
Had some bugs with the 2nd level repeating itself after completion and escape not exiting game after dieing. Maybe could've used some bgm music as well though.
But overall levels are cool and it felt fun to play.