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A member registered Mar 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yea its true that its completely randomized, I tried to beat my score again but didn't manage to do it.

Its true about the game jam, the time constraints doesn't lets you add or fix some things and that is the challenge of it.

I don't know how one could tune the luck chance since I have no way of knowing how.... Hmmm maybe have a big number? Like instead of choosing from 1 to 6 you choose from 1 to 12. That way by checking the next 2 customers drinks you assign the values that you want more chance to add.

Example: Customer #1  wants 1 + 4

and Customer #2 wants 2.

You could assign to the list what numbers you want to output 1, 2 and 4.

Like for (1) gets assigned 1, 7, 8.

(2) 2, 9, 10.

(4) 4, 11, 12.

Before assigning its value, you check if the number is already taken and check the next one to take.

This way each 1, 2 and 4 have a 25% chance of being selected.

And the other ones: 3, 5 and 6 have a 8% of being selected.

You could experiment on that, like it could be used for a future game if you are going to use random selection.

Maybe instead of choosing a random location for each number, it could be like this:

Like for each future number you assign it in an ascending order, also having other checks so the last numbers still have a number assigned.

It doesn't has to be 12, it could be more.

Next customer values: 5+4, 2+1

(1) = 1,2,3;

(2) = 4, 5, 6;

(4) = 7,8;

(5) = 9,10;

(3) = 11;

(6) = 12;

Something on those lines, there has to be some videos on YouTube explaining about it.

I hope that helped a bit.

You are welcome! :)

It does feel good when you manage to get those combos, I managed to get like 4 combos which was very lucky. And thanks! I tried to beat my score again but didn't manage to do it. XD

Nice! I will try them out. There is a blind gamer called Terry, that he passed The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.

In YouTube he is called TrueBlindGaming and he explains the different audio cues he uses in the game, to locate where he is. 

Its really amazing the explanation he gives and I totally recommend watching the guy. Right off the bat in 01 Inside the Deku Tree you get some great examples.

Sadly I will have to wait to get a new controller, the current one I got is one of those cheap ones that doesn't even have a rumble feature. :(

I will be looking forward for your full release. It was actually fun. There is this game that I played a while ago that you could get a bit of inspiration for your game. Its name is "Vampire Survivors". There are a couple of YouTube videos about it.

Honestly, your game has potential.

Thats the point of it all, to enjoy those moments. 

For the potions going to the beat what I did was I made an object class that contains 3 values: BeatTime, Angle, IsLeft.

Since I had no time to create a polished chart system i had to come up with another way.

I added a bool called IsEditMode that I could change on the inspector.

That bool decides 2 things:

if true, it will not spawn the potions and it will record your movements.

Each time I press one of the shoulder buttons, it is added to an array called List<Note> Potions; it parses in the hand that was pressed(IsLeft), its current (Angle) and in the (BeatTime) that it was pressed.

Once I see that I reached the end of the song, then I press X to parse that array to a Json file contained on the Resources Folder.

So basically I moved the hands around and pressed to the rhythm to record where I wanted to spawn the potions.

if false, it will spawn the potions.

At start of song, it plays the BeatsOnCurrentTime with an offset of 4 beats so it has that moment of breather so you don't get the notes on the moment that you enter the room.

The one that gave me a headache was recording those notes, because it was supposed to be 3 songs, but I messed up badly. I accidentally overwrote the first and third song, I didn't notice that I was recording on the first chart so after like 10 minutes of editing, I decided to check what I recorded, the first and third songs where overlapping together.... I was close to deadline so I sadly had to scrap the other 2 and just stayed with the second song which is the one that you can play. 

Currently I am working on data management since for potion academy I didn't know much of how to save and load data. Had to watch a couple of videos to understand it. The only ones I knew of where player prefs but that is for holding progress, not data that you could include to the files.

Once I finish data management, I will create a proper chart editor that you can add and remove on run time. 

Its true about being extremely precise, it takes a lot of time and retries to get it right.

I tried to make a DDR style on Game Maker when I was 15 and it was based on collision. Honestly it was horrible. Lmao

I learned that its based on Beat time, not collision. So you compare your beat time with the notes beat time, and judge how well you did.

You could see that time inside some LUA files of OpenITG.

WindeuHatesYou has some sick visual effects that challenges you.

I recommend it.

I hope that cleared up a little on how I did it. I will be continuing on developing the prototype and hopefully be able to release it as a full game.

And thank you for your encouragement to keep on working on it. Honestly that makes me happy.

The ambience was very calm and I liked it. I sold the cursed orb because I thought I could get something. I was wrong. I managed to mix again to reach what I had and then I mixed Cursed Orb with Magic stone to get Pocket Universe and finishing the game! :D

I liked a lot the visuals and the game was very nicely done! I enjoyed a lot playing it. The only thing that was a bit annoying was that I was re rolling a lot to get the last ingredient that I needed and ended up losing points.

But other than that, I loved a lot the visuals, and definitely enjoyed the game. This is the best score I got so far. Almost got perfect! D:

The data folders is missing, it wont let one play if its missing. It happened the same to me. I thought that it was like in Game Maker Studio that you have the installer and from there it had everything. But nope I ended up uploading just the exe but got told on time. In Unity you have to upload everything that the build makes. Unless there is another way.

It was simple and fun. 

I closed my eyes and remembered the colors on keyboard for the immersion. I managed to reach 8 points this way. Plus having the R button to tell your current points was very helpful.

It was rather nice and an interesting concept. Now that I played this, I wonder the possibilities to make games for blind people.

The platforms needs to be placed a little bit lower since it was rather annoying that one couldn't get up due to the jumping height not being enough. The third level I think it was, it took me like 4 times to notice that I had to go below the enemy to move the box on the other side which made apparent the problem of jumping.

To not have to change all the levels, then just tweaking the jump to be a little bit higher would have worked better. 

I managed to beat the game but it was a bit tricky to manage it due to the jump not always reaching the platforms.

Everything else was great, I wasn't expecting to be the coin that I had to run away.

And I liked the animated intro, it was a nice touch.

The gameplay was nice. I had fun going around and massacring the hoards with the fireball.

One thing is that the sword only damaged when it spawned. It would have been better if the sword damaged for a bit of more time like a few more frames.

I managed to reach level 8 on 3:14 after 5 tries.

The visuals are fantastic and bouncy.

Thanks for hosting the Jam! It was fun and a great experience!

It would have been nice if there was some animation like the image that appears on screen would be used to show what your opponent chose against you. You don't have to animate the character since I know that rigging and animating it is a pain in the butt.

The moment when the enemy dies and ends up flying away, caught me of guard that I started to laugh out loud.

Nice work.

The simplicity and combination of 2 Atari classics was rather a nice design. 

I didn't know that your plane's bullet could hurt the paddle until I was spamming it. 

If there were asteroids on the other side that you had to destroy and prevent from hitting your paddle would improve the game play way more.
 Overall, it was nice and I had fun playing it.

I found the movement of the camera intriguing. Changing the view to be able to progress was a nice touch to game play.

One thing that I had problem with was trying to reach the goal on second level. I passed the platforms that reminded me of  Squid Game's glass bridge, but for some reason the platform of the goal, kept making me phase through, both on 2D and 3D even by jumping higher by rapidly spamming jump.

With a little more time, I could see this game fleshed out more.

I had a blast playing it!

It was rather interesting on how you mix up the creatures when you slain them. I aimed to get a slime since they double the drop of enemies but ironically they were the hardest ones since they attacked in a circle. 

One weird bug I found while dashing, was that I got stuck on the wall on the bottom right.

The music, the visuals and game play where really great. I replayed it a lot.

Overall I really liked the game.

Yoooooo that was some heavy acid trip I got there!

I like the visual effects and its eerie feeling. One thing that I found a bit uncomfortable was the collision on trying to grab the orbs, seems that its on the legs and very small.

The one before the last level trying to grab the ones close to the brothers was hard.

Either way I found it interesting and an unique approach to mixing the visuals.

I had more fun on it than I thought! 

The question parts caught me off guard that I didn't even know what level I was. The precision with the mouse reminded me of "Scary Maze", obviously without the scary part.

Your answers to "What was the most challenging part" made me laugh out loud. I feel your pain. 

Thank you for playing it!

I always wanted to make a rhythm game for 14 years and wanted to try it out. I never got a unique idea for it until I started brain storming for the Game Jam. I used to play DDR a lot when I was in highschool, but I never got to reach high levels of gameplay like other people did. But I still enjoyed them to the fullest.

Its awesome to me that you found my game cool! I will continue working on the game outside of Game Jam, so I hope that when I get to release it, you can enjoy it more!

Thank you for your feed back and trying out my game!

An interesting look on the left brain/right brain going on while playing it. Cool way to look at it.

I am happy that you enjoyed the game! It motivates me that there are people like you looking forward for this game's development. I will continue working on it after the Game Jam finishes. I am thinking on making a devlog of the game but I am rather scared of starting one since I have never done one before and don't know where to start.

Thank you for taking your time to playing, mastering it and giving me your feed back on the game!

I value it a lot.

You did very well for starting it out! With practice you could achieve more.

It makes me happy that you had a blast while playing it!  I really appreciate that you took your time for giving me your feedback on it!

I will keep in mind of what you told me and implement it to the game outside of the Game Jam. I bet it gives more satisfaction and motivation to keep playing knowing how well you are doing on current progress.

Thank you for your feed back and for playing the game!

I am happy that you enjoyed it! I was thinking of coming up with a way to show how much of progress you have done like on osu! and DDR that you have a bar that fills up by how you perform.

I loved flailing the arms around too, even if there were no potions to grab. The coordination was part of the initial idea I got of "mixing" your arms around to collect things while your character climbed a tree. During that brain storm I thought on how about I made it that instead he mixed potions too. So that is how the game transformed.  I was gonna add a moment where you moved the joysticks down to grab the cauldron and mix it left and right to the rhythm, but I didn't get the time to implement it.

I am going to continue working on this outside of the Game Jam since I see that people like you are really enjoying it and that motivated me a lot!

I appreciate a lot for you taking your time to play it! Thank you!

Thanks for your feedback! I wasn't expecting this much of encouraging comments on my first Game Jam. 

It is true what you say, having that feed back is great for letting you know how you performed on a rhythm game. I was going to add that feed back by following Code Monkey's Damage popup text. But I started to get many errors with it and I didn't even know why.

I got scared that trying to fix that issue I wouldn't be able to upload the game on time since I had other things to fix, so I scraped that part to meet deadline.

I will try my best to work on this game outside of the Game Jam to expand this into a full rhythm game since I always wanted to make one. 

I appreciate a lot the support. Thank you!


Found it. Thanks!

Whut, so which folder is it?