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A member registered Dec 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Of course, if I come up with anything, I'll let you know. I'm already in the Discord to collaborate a bit, but I'll leave this here to give more flow to the page:

  • Ideas for more attacks: There are plenty of anime series with elemental magic to draw inspiration from (Mashle, Black Clover, etc.). The Japanese are really great when it comes to imaginative concepts. I think it's better to give you some guidance on where to get inspiration rather than suggesting specific attacks.
  • Mmmmh: I know the project is already in a very advanced state, and while the conceptual phase isn't entirely gone, it does make it harder to integrate new changes. So, I'll just leave this here: Google Docs Link.

This game is almost ready; the mechanics similar to The Wonderful 101, where what you draw becomes an attack, are amazing...  I'll keep playing it! 😊😊😊  There are several options in this section, some of them paid, but surely you will find some available for free.            example    🙃🙃🙃

The cross mechanic is really well executed; the game design is modest yet very well balanced. And the detail with the flying crows – I loved it

This jam got a bit out of hand for me... I barely had time to polish anything, which is a shame with all the mistakes, especially since the game has such good atmosphere and art. Well, next time! And thanks – the locomotion system isn’t mine, and I hadn’t included it in the credits XD. It’s like AAA quality, so that’s why you see such smooth movement, even though it wasn’t really necessary 

I’d like to make a NOTE: I don’t want to update the page until the jam is over. I forgot to give credit to the advanced locomotion system. It wasn’t intentional – I included it in the last Scream Jam, but I just forgot this time. My apologies     

Yes, Inscryption was our little inspiration. Thank you so much for playing it!

Artistically, it’s fantastic! I really loved the intro, and the mechanic of the "ferryman rat" aura felt very well integrated. 🙂

I really enjoyed it! I’m not exactly sure what event triggers the AI, but at one point it went full Terminator mode, and I couldn’t handle it anymore. Great work! 😊

I really liked the opening cinematic and how you’ve approached the originality of your project. Very well done!😉

The project is quite good, it's clear that there are things that didn't get finished in time, but that always happens. The animations and camera angles are very well done, and I don't know if it's intentional, but it reminded me of LSD Simulator. Nice contribution! 😋

I really liked the atmosphere and the models, as well as the effect where it feels like your neck is being snapped or your head is being cut off. The sound effects are also very good. Great job! 😎

Si a veces hace falta meterse en una jam de gente de habla hispana para encontrar gente del mismo idioma,,, somos como pequeños gollums los programadores hispanos XD, nosotros usamos unreal y si que hay maneras de que un programador de otro motor trabaje en unreal ya sea usando un plugin para usar phyton como intermediario pero nunca me he puesto y no tiene pinta de aprenderse en dos dias.

Para el tema artístico creo que tenemos una tercera greñuda ya, asi que la vacante esta pillada.

Tienes muy buen port folio con un monton de jueguitos, Escape Fishman Island   aquí se nota un salto de calidad y de propósitos muy interesante.

Voy a reeditar este post  para que la gente también pueda encontrar equipo, como se supone que ya tenemos dibujante si sale asi algun programador de GD español ,, musico,, ilustrador,, game desing,, etc. No te cortes en ofrecerle equipo 

Olis Alicia pues claro nos vales ,,,  -  coy2470   -   este es mi nick de discord para que me agreges ,, si no se agrega por nick perdoname el desconocimiento y enviame tu como leches agregarte al discord , vale principalmente trabajo en 3D o 2.5D asi que algo fijo aprendes, a mi no me importa derogar alguna cosa.  (Tambien podriamos probar usar el dibujo como una textura para un modelado 3D cosa que solo he probado con pixel art a ver como queda, pero esto ya lo dejamos pal discord si te apuntas ) 


(3 edits)


Dejo este post también a disposición de la gente hispano hablante para que podáis encontrar equipo, aconsejo que pongais el puesto que ocupáis en cuanto al desarrollo seguido de nick de discord para que se comuniquen con vosotros algún interesado, también si veis algún vacante para formar equipo no dudéis en escribirle por discord.


 Eoooooo!!!!! vamos hacerlo rapido, soy Coyrestaurado AKA (coyoterasurado)  uno de los 5 ganadores de la anterior edición de esta misma JAM, con esto no digo que si te unes vamos a ganar pero si algo de posibilidades tenemos 😎, luego en una jam al juzgarse un juego entran muchas variables, incluso si sale un juego muy malo  que me hace mucha gracia soy el primero en darle 5 estrellas.

Por ahora en el team A somos:

Greñudo1:  (Programacion, Diseño, Modelado, Pixel Art)

Greñudo2:  (Ingeniero de Sonido , Compositor)

Creo que buscamos principalmente un ILUSTRADOR o un  dibujante dicho a lo groso modo, con el ilustrador ya seriamos 3 y ampliar más el equipo puede ser contraproducente , pero evidentemente si por ejemplo eres muy bueno en el diseño de videojuegos tienes experiencia y odias a Ubisoft fijo que me lo replanteo,.

Para contestarme  repostea a este mensaje 



Pero que a pasado ??? 😱😱😱

Me a encantado lo Kawaii que es en contraste de lo oscuro de ser una secta con aspecto ocultista de bichillos adorables, cuales me han dejado tirado al tercer dia 😥

Es muy buen trabajo, necesitaría una versión puliendo los errores y otras cosas  que no se han podido dentro del plazo de la Jam y un buen juego para enseñar en el portofolio queda seguro .

El arte muy chulo ,, la musica tambien ,, las HUD estéticamente tambien me han gustado mucho , la idea de ser el jugador el que provoque la locura colectiva me parece muy acertada. 

Gran aporte😎

Muchas gracias , pues si tienes algo de razón y debería a ver probado en meterle algún aviso al jugador  para que supiera que es algo finito, aunque fuese solo por probar

Si la animación de subir es por cada tecla correcta subes un poco y como quería que fuese algo mas de disfrute que un reto, lo puse facilillo que algunos  a veces tenemos pezuñas en vez de dedos 🤣

Me alegro te haya gustado y muchas gracias por jugarlo  


Thank you. I'm glad you liked the graphic style. Regarding the comments, I have to fix the issue; it's because I haven't removed the collision from the text inside the buttons, and I feel quite lazy about tweaking the logic 😅

Hello, thank you very much for the feedback. You're absolutely right, I need to make everything more cohesive overall to make it much more user-friendly for the player. In certain parts, I need to provide more information and even guide the player a bit more so they don't feel lost

(1 edit)

I see a warning that it’s reviewing your account. I think it’s because you created the page four days ago and also the account. I’ve also noticed that you’ve submitted the game to almost 20 jams. Mmmmh, try compiling the game to run in HTML5. Here’s a tutorial for you:

. I hope it helps! As for me, I’m a bit afraid to download and run it, just in case I accidentally summon Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Hanuman, and Ganesha into my PC! 😅🎮🔮

Really liked the polish and the casual vibe, plus the minimalist aesthetic. As someone passionate about audio spectrums and synesthesia, I found it odd that there were no particles or something reacting to the music. But I’m sure you’ve already considered that. Overall, it’s a very solid and appealing foundation, and enhancing that addictive aspect (power-ups, extra lives, or whatever you can think of) would take it to the next level! 😊🎮🌟

I’m not very good with English, and since the game is mostly dialogue, I haven’t been able to enjoy the adventure fully. However, the secret weapon aspect has charmed me, and you’ve won my heart uWu. The pixel art has also impressed me a lot, and the game’s premise is very original. With more work, it could become something top-notch! 😊🎮🌟

“I really liked it. I appreciate the unique identity that the art and music give it. I can also feel the care you’ve put into the game. The only thing that didn’t quite work for me was the screen proportion—it doesn’t display fully. But since this is a demo, I won’t be too critical. I believe that with a little more time and refinement, your game will offer a more solid experience. Great job!” 🎮👍

I found it very original, and aesthetically, it's really cool. Great job.

One of my favorites in this jam. 😎

I wasn't able to finish it, but I loved that it was themed as a slasher. I didn't expect it to be Scream

It's noticeable incomplete, but it's quite good. I like games with a Flash aesthetic. Keep programming, friend. I've played Davbot, the first one you've published, and it's really good 😎

I really liked the shader that tints the screen red. The movement feels smooth, and aesthetically, it's very pleasing. Great job!

I liked the initial presentation; the timing gives it a cinematic touch. Aesthetically and gameplay-wise, it's good, but the darn monster, alias 'little lights,' if it gets close to you even a bit, you can forget about everything else XD. I had a great time playing it. Good job!

As you've already been told about the tutorial, I won't repeat it XD. The concept of going to levels through a screen for the JAM theme seems very intriguing because it doesn't influence the gameplay of any level, but at the same time, it's a fundamental part like the paintings in Super Mario 64. The background of the levels with a touch of dream simulator also gives it a very unique aspect. Great job !

I have had a blast, it's a wonderful game! Developers like you who keep alive old styles and niche concepts are on another level.

I really liked it a lot, it has a very unique conceptualization. Every element on the map has its description, which I appreciated a lot. And as for the pixel art, there are some sprites like the broken screen with blood that go beyond just approval. Great job! 🥰

I already sent you the friend request

Do you want to collaborate? I was one of the winners of the last jam organized by ScreamZone You can also see the rest of the things I have been doing at