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Cranberry Ninja

A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Learned how to button mash my keyboard until I found the right key >.<

Great job making a game! 

The epic music had me laughing. Fun silly little game. Great work! 

Game was excellent! I was enjoying completing each of the challenges... until I saw the secret hidden challenge! At that point I was hooked and figured I had to beat it! Well polished and juicy effects. 

Used to be an avid pogoer, but this Trike got me beat skill wise.

Got 1329! Game reminded me a lot of flappy bird.

Great job making a game!

This game was a banger! Great job guys! May have crashed into the moon many times trying to increase my speed! 

Had a blast playing this! The game idea is very silly.

Really dig the mixed perspective graphics you guys did! It played well into the style of the game and made me think of the old school sonic minigames (especially when you went ball mode). Additionally the music was on point and meshed great with the visual style and feel of the game.

The movement took a while to get used to. The sharp lefts and right while running were fun, but hard to control, making dodging in the early game hard.

I liked that your health was essentially your velocity, which meant that for the most part while you were moving slower it was easier to dodge so the difficulty seemed to self balance.

Im not sure I ever figured out how flying works. I wasn't sure if there was a series of moves I would do to start flying or if it was just how a section of the run was supposed to go.

Favorite thing about the game, has the be the little facial expressions that your raptor would do based on their condition.

Great job guys! Your whole team did awesome!

I did have a good run going and got the following high score!


Not my usual style of game, but it went a lot of silly creative directions story wise. Needed to get me those dino nuggies!

One thing that would help a lot with the immersion could be some background music or ambiance, and noises that played based on the different actions you press. 

Great job! 

Thanks for playing!

For drink making we caught on a little too late that it was getting a bit complicated. I had coded out a drink modding system where customers would ask for different drink modifications like add extra mocha or sub Mammoth Milk for Dodonut Milk, but with how complicated the game already was I turned off that feature for the gamejam submission especially since we really didnt have an tutorials to onboard people. That is something I want to add back once we have a better way to scale in the difficulty and streamline some of the UX elements. 

You are totally right on the movement, that is feedback we have already gotten from several people. I appreciate the visualization of a T-Rex having better grip lol. I guess they dont say float like a T-Rex. 

We will have to play around more with the level design. We did have plans to make some additional levels post jam. 

Good idea for pictures on the order tickets. I also notices while playing easily forgetting which drink goes to who or even what drink I was currently carrying. 

We did joke about being able to unlock hats for yourself.

We appreciate all the feedback! 

Thanks for playing and writing your heartfelt wall of text!

In our original plan we had a small tutorial planned out to help walk players through the beverage making process (especially since it is a bit complicated). We also had a small mini game dialogue planned where your goal was to try to up-sale getting Red Rex added to their drink to save them from the meteor. Unfortunately both of those features got cut due to time constraints so a bit was lost in translations. I also made the choice to disable drink modifications at least for the jam because making drinks was already complicated as is without having to sub out Mammoth Milk for Dodonut Milk. 

We had a lot of fun making all the drinks and ingredients and just getting goofy with the whole idea so by extension we are also glad you appreciate the silly details we added.

Will have to keep in mind you gamejam tip for next time! Scoping and lacking a main gameplay loop early on was definitely one of our biggest challenges this jam and we really felt it in the last couple of day.

Thanks again for playing! We really appreciate your feedback.

Thanks for playing! Same goes out to you!

Finally got a chance to play. Very chill game.  The low poly aesthetic was very charming. I may have gotten lost looking for the ax, but I eventually found it and had my VERY strong tea (used 4 bushes of tea leaves). Pet dog and had chill time all around. 

First time being chased down by Mushroom Man... absolutely terrifying! 

Just noticed that moving right was an issue on my side, accidentally had a weird keybinding set (face palm) lol. 

Thanks for playing! This was my attempt at a Trijam... however I definitely ran over my budget of 3 hours and missed the submission deadline however I am really happy where the game ended up at only 12 hours of dev time. It was a fun exercise in trying to distill the game to be as simple as possible yet still polished. 

... I couldnt help myself with the title >.<

The visuals and atmosphere are great! Interested in seeing where this goes. Just curious I noticed I couldn't turn right, was that intentional? 

Having the game being built in a shared space is really helpful for group projects. And the more eyes you can get on the game early on can be a huge help, though with it being a game jam sometimes that can be tough to manage. All in all you guys put together a nice game though! 

The art style and feel is very chill. Its great! It was a bit confusing adding ingredients to the tea, I wasn't sure what was happening and first play though I dont think I scored a single point.  As others had mentioned having visual and sound queues when ingredients get added to the tea would help. And maybe even like a bell and buzzer (or some other positive/negative noise when you score a point or lose a point would help you know if you succeeded or not. I did appreciate where your were going with the game though. Great work! 

Interesting game with a silly concept, I like it! I didn't catch that I could fire the volcanoes at stuff first couple of playthroughs so I was confused on how to get past the big rocks. When jumping there was a sweetspot you can hit to get past them without firing the rock, but it was inconsistent to hit.  Once I set back and read the page more I saw you can fire the volcano and was like ooo and it made it a lot easier! 

l cant put my finger on it but there was something that felt off about the platforming movement. It was hard to be precise with it and make a lot of the landings I was going for. As such the game felt very difficult. Other than that I had a fun experience. Loved the art style! Great work! 

Thanks for playing! Technically you can jump off of a falling block, but it is very difficult because the blocks teleport down the grid so the amount of time the rigid body is marked as grounded is very short. I did want to fix this, but ran short of time >.< 

I used stable diffusion for the menu screen and the background screen in game (not the volcano part). I also used it to generate the rock textures of the cliff wall.  For the menu screen I had it generate the dinosaur, the meteor, and the background landscape. Then I modeled the 3D tetris piece in blender and rendered it at the angle I wanted, slapped it over the meteor with an overlay filter, then I passed the whole composited image back through stable diffusion to help improve some of my sloppy gimp work. Stable Diffusion is great for getting little pieces together and I have used it a lot for my recent game jam game (making screens, background, textures, ect.). I would highly recommend it as just a general art tool and I have seen some artists do some crazy things with it. 

Im not sure if the game was just glitching out for me as there was only 1 dino on the platform and then occasionally 3, and then the volcano was very sporadic about shooting, except the one time it stopped shooting all together lol. Aside from the weirdness I saw where the game was going and I really liked the idea. Also the dino models were beautiful! I love em! Great job! 

Thanks for playing and the feedback! The blocks do speed up as your score increases,  and you can press the down key to force them to fall quicker in the early game, but I can see why the slow fall may be frustrating when starting the game. 

Very chill and cute game, had a lot of fun walking around exploring this little world. Only feedback I have is having an in-game indicator of how many dinosaur there are vs how many you have taken pictures of would be helpful. I went and snapped all the ones I could find in the first 3 minutes and then spent the last two just walking around checking out the world wondering if I missed anything or not. Other than that a very pleasant experience. Great work! 

Thanks for playing and your kind words! A little practice goes a long way, my roommate seemed to get a kick out of the game after I forced them to playtest it for me and now they crushed my high score even with all of my practice from testing changes lol  

Really enjoyed the visual ascetic of the game, the jump animation was my favorite with the little dino sticking their neck up! 

It did surprise me first time I ran through and just straight up jumped off of the edge. I feel like it would be cool if there was an endless mode where there keeps being more land for you to travel to, but keeping the scope reasonable I feel like the game was pretty solid and I had a lot of fun playing it. Great work! 

Best score I got was 67 points. Funny enough I just stood still for most of that run. 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! As far as controlling where the block goes I tried to provide an indicator with the next block to show where it would fall relative to your dinosaur, but I guess that was not very clear.

The speed does increase along with your score and maxes out when you get to 4000 points at which point the speed is so fast it gets really hard to platform around successfully. 

Working around not being able to turn the blocks made it interesting because that was such a crucial control component in original tetris. The sand blocks were introduced to help solve that, but I feel like the solution was only a partial solution. Through a bunch of playtesting I found that Easy mode (which only had 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 and 2x2 blocks) it was very achievable to get to the max speed and survive at that speed for a time, but it required playing a little bit differently than you would in straight up tetris since you are planing what your terrain would be rather than just trying to clear the rows. Hard mode which has all of the other tetris block types did prove to be very difficult due to the lack of control (hence why I broke it into a separate mode for those who wanted the challenge) 

We had plans to add bomb blocks as well as a few other types, but sadly ran into time constraints and had to scrap those ideas. 

Thanks for the feedback as it really shows that the game was not communicating some of its features very well, and there were also areas to improve upon.

The tutorial was a good call and well done. I tried giving it a run without the tutorial and got a bit confused about how to place down blocks, until I realized there was a dedicated button for it. Potentially allowing the user to place a block through double clicking as well as the button might make it a bit more intuitive and potentially a faster way to play. Outside of that I thought the game was fairly fun puzzle game. I can see this making for a pretty good mobile game. Great Job! 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I had not heard of Tetris'd but I figured we weren't the first to come up with a similar idea.  Good call on the dino color. That was a low hanging fruit that I missed and it definitely could use better contrasting in both the game panel as well as the instructions. 

The art was very enjoyable. I enjoyed walking around finding my dino friends and making trades. I unfortunately managed to glitch off of the screen shortly after getting the raft. Additionally I would recommend placing some more low hanging fruit finds right outside of the tutorial house to help guide the player and ramp up the discovery process. Starting off I was lost for a bit and was unsure what I was looking for or what to do, but eventually starting to figure it out. Once I was in the grove it was a fun little adventure game. Good work! 

We also wish our vision had been executed :'( lol. Gamejams are a great reminder of how easy it is to overscope and of what unexpected roadblocks will come up in a project. Thanks for playing! 

Like the concept and the art. I feel it would be nice for the wolves to have an idle AI while you are in the safezone (perhaps where they wander around, or position themselves) so they they arent so easy to herd up and avoid. Good work! 

Forgot to add I  like the "AI Director" that would tell you the characteristics of the next wave. It was a nice touch

This was an awesome concept implemented well. I had a lot of fun with it. My only feedback would be I felt like the swarm towers were a little OP. I pretty much went exclusively swarm towers and once the map was full the FPS would drop to almost nothing. But other than that I enjoyed the variety and it was an interesting use of the minesweeper style mechanic. Also great to see Bevy being used in the wild! Good work! 

This was a cool idea! Im just sitting here spamming my mouse button trying to get all my ships in a line. The difficulty curve ramps nicely and the sound effects were satisfying. Each ship type having a different behavior also made for interesting play as you try to prioritize how you isolate the ships. Great game! 

For a study on setting up differing FSM behavior models this is well done. All of their behaviors seem consistent with their designated models. I think a game built around these AIs could be really fun. Good work! 

Trying to beat down the healer while he constantly spams self heal was hilarious. WHY WONT YOU DIE! 

Thanks for playing! This was my first time playing with the 2.5D style and I really like visually how it came out. Though agreed there are a lot of interactions that are missed out on. 

Pretty fun puzzle game! I would recommend having a restart button in game as I got stuck in level 3 as I wasn't frozen and therefore could not get back to water, or even kill myself with fire due to the fans. I had to restart the entire game and play through the first two levels to get back to where I was. Additionally the pacing felt very slow, potentially adding a way for the player to speed up the simulation would be nice, also I dont think the mandatory wait times on the level transitions are necessary, perhaps just letting the player click through at their own pace would be better for UX. Other than that feedback I really enjoyed playing though all of the puzzles available and think this game has a lot of potential to be expanded on. Great work! 

Interesting idea! Being unable to move when sending the text felt more frustrating than fun, especially since there was never really any downtime to answer texts. Perhaps having different keys (like the number keys) for answering the texts might feel better? Other than that I liked where you were going with the idea. 

The art is awesome and the game was fun. I really like how you set up the game menu, it just flowed really well and lent to the feel of the game. Only feedback I have was I often caught the werewolf just getting stuck on fences and behaving inconsistently. I imagine that was a product of the ML training which I know can be difficult to get just right. Great work all around!