Hi game abandoned and very empty, had to go work for money
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I didn't understand what I was doing or why... I eventually understood just enough to to barely stay alive... until it wasn't enough and I died.
There's the start of a good game here with some more tutorial and story... maybe some goal.
The visuals are technically impressive, but maybe not the most clear.
I didn't really get what the point of being a dice was, although the interpretation of the dots being eyes was interesting, I noticed that the faces do change when dodging at least.
The gameplay... was... gameplay? and then it was over.
The pixel sizes were all over the place... although we are a bit guilty of this too...
It was very pleasant to play, although on the first level where the other color was introduced, due to it being red I didn't even consider it being a color that could be used to draw, because red denoted a closed exit before that.
The movement speed is holding back the enjoyment a little bit too, but the lo-fi makes up for it, you can't get mad at a game that has lo-fi music.
Creativity... well... we did the same concept of the dice/square based puzzle game... although our dice has literal faces and also holds items, the numbers didn't seem to add anything in these levels, but maybe in harder levels it would take a lot of planning to always choose the highest number while also optimizing the route.
10/10 presentation, although it's an interesting choice to have it 45° perspective but controlled by the arrow keys... however it never actually impacted my gameplay, which I find interesting.
My enjoyment was immediately kneecapped by the very repetitive music, floaty controls, unreliable physics and convoluted game rules. Once I couldn't bear listening to the music I quit.
The rules probably took some creativity to come up with, but complexity a good game does not make.
The menu and sprites that are there look nice and clean, but what isn't there, is most of it...
My enjoyment was limited a little bit by not being able to skip dialogue and the fight section being a little bit monotone and pretty hard, but at the very least it restarted at the start of the fight instead of having to do the whole intro.
It is a pretty creative interpretation that tells a story, however the game mechanics that tell the story are a bit too bland and heavily Undertale inspired.
The visuals and mechanics work prefectly, if I had a minor gripe it's that some buttons need to be clicked with the mouse, so it can't all be played just on keyboard.