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A member registered Sep 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really good style and animations. I respect the researching and re-creating of the characters. (Our game is about as unrealistic as you can get, haha) I would have liked some sounds effects, but overall, this is a great entry. Good job!

I really enjoyed this. You really nailed that sense of panic trying to find the right key before you crash. The idea is unique and fits the theme perfectly. Good job! 

This is a crazy amount of content for the length of the jam. I love the theme and art.  The music and background chatter is also a nice touch. I wasn't really sure what I was doing. A tutorial would help a lot. (I know that's a tall order for a jam game though.) Overall, excellent job.

This is a solid base. The procedural layouts are pretty good overall. I think adding a second action to deal with the enemies would help for some of those situations where there are a bunch of enemies or tight spaces that are really difficult. Good entry!

Text based adventures can be frustrating if you don't know what you can do. The clickable text makes it super clear what your options are. That was a good choice. Good entry. Well done. 

Thank you for sticking with it to the end! Glad you had some fun with it!

Thanks for sticking with it until the end! I was worried that some players may not get to see the ending. We're definitely going to fine tune some things after the jam. 

High score 920. Good entry!

I'm glad you had some fun with it! We're really happy with how this turned out. Thanks for playing!

This is a charming entry. I like the originality. Well done!

Overall good game. The main mechanic fits the theme well. Really challenging. Well done!

I love the art and animation in this game. These characters look great. I was having some trouble finding a good rhythm to speed up, but it was probably just me. Overall great entry, well done!

Simple, but fun. I love this chonky dino. Good entry!

This game fits the theme perfectly. I really like the pixel art and animation. Pretty difficult, but fair. Good job!

I like the mixed perspective. For some feedback, the controls in the running mode seemed very sensitive. The flying and ball mode felt a good though. Overall fun entry. Well done!

Really liked the name and it matched the additional theme perfectly. I found it very difficult, but I understand that that's the point. I only regret not being able to finish it in the time I had. 

This game has a banger music track and nicely paced progression. Great entry, well done!

I like the GB color pallet. The style is cohesive and charming. Solid entry!

I like the GB color pallet. The style is cohesive and charming. Solid entry!

I like how you added timing prompts while you're airborne to help keep the engagement. Good entry, well done!

I'm not entirely certain if the menu was supposed to be glitchy or not, but I would totally call it a feature is it wasn't. For me, the menu screens would overlap and selecting done in the options menu crashes the game. Overall though, really great idea and entry. Good consistent graphics. Well done!

Good entry. Well done!

Thank you! Played/Rated yours as well!

Woah, this is very polished for a jam game. or any game for that matter! You have a very solid base for something really incredible here. I'll have to keep an eye on this going forward. Well done!

Thanks for streaming! Here's mine:

Hope I'm not too late! Here's mine:

Thank you! I'm so close to 20 ratings. Here's mine:

Thanks for playing/rating! Here's mine:

Awesome entry. The story telling is amazing. My only critique is what some others have already mentioned about the explosion being OP. Overall, incredible entry. Well done! 

This is my favorite so far. I have no critiques at all. The story plays out at the perfect pace. The way the music changes is so good. Excellent job. You're getting high marks on this one!

Got to floor 34. The upgrades felt good. Especially fire rate and move speed. I did have a few floors where a reward never spawned or spawned before all the enemies were defeated. Not sure if that's intended. Overall, awesome entry. Well done!

This game is super charming. Great artwork and solid controls. I would have liked some some background music, but that's the only real critique I could come up with. Overall, great entry. Well done!

Haha, it happens! It's hard to notice that as a player since we don't know how it's actually supposed to behave. I just stayed as far away as possible. This is still something to be proud of for a first jam for sure. 

Good entry. This has the core of a really solid game. This was an ambition scope for the jam. I would have liked some music and sound effects to add some feedback on the minigames. Overall, great job.

Good entry. Those octopus things are no joke. I was terrified to turn my lights on. Well done.

Congrats on your first jam! This is my first solo jam. I'm trying your entry now. Here's mine:

Excellent entry. The environment looks great and the UI is so clean. 
For some feedback, I might consider speeding up the entry sequence a little bit. It's well done and feels immersive, but after a few deaths, I would have liked to jump back in quicker. Aside from that I can't find anything else to critique. Amazing job! 

Thanks for the playing and the feedback. I 100% agree with your points. I'm seriously considering continuing work on this after the jam. 

Wow, I didn't expect this. Banger of a background track. I'm not really sure what I was doing, but it felt good. Well done! Did you make the music yourself?

love the enemy variety and sprites. Great entry. Well done!