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A member registered Jun 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Farming Simulator 1999 is a game I made in 72 hours for jam and continued to update a bit afterwards. It's from a while back, but I think it's one of my better ones. Also considering making a multiplayer version for it in the future.

(1 edit)

Yeah, the machine uses 50 fuel each time and the max amount of fuel is 100 so that's why it only worked twice. You'll need to pick up more fuel after using the machine since picking up fuel won't do anything if the machine is already at max fuel.

Hmmm, I don't about the wheels you should be able to place them on the car body. Regarding the twigs and machine, I just realized there was a bug in the game where the fuel wasn't working properly, but it should be fixed now in the new files I uploaded.

Currently, I haven't added any ending, so yeah the days would just repeat until the player dies. I am planning on adding one at some point though.

Yes you can stream the game

Yes, there is another ending if you get far enough. I may have made it a bit too hard to get to though, but thanks for playing.

Thank you for playing. Really great feedback as well

Very nice game though it's a bit confusing at first with the health damaging me.

The pixel art sprites do look decent, but I think you could have gone for a better color palette. You can find color palettes on lospec or Coolors and many other sites.

Also, some feedback for when hitting enemies and killing them would be a lot better than just making them disappear. Playing any animation is 10 times better than nothing.

To avoid repetitiveness and making it more fun you could maybe put in some powerups or something

Overall a very simple, but fun game when you understand the mechanics.

Very fun and unique with nice pixel art though I got stuck on the third level I think

Very nice, but a bit too repetitive. Maybe fewer lives per level or something would be better

That was the end of the game, but thanks for playing

Thank you for your detailed review. I was aware of a lot of the bugs when releasing the game, but unfortunately i was runnning out of time.

The part about the long walk not being fun for the second time is true and also made a lot players quit the game very early which is why is was gonna add a checkpoint, but i didn't know how and i was also running out of time which goes for a lot of the bugs. 

Thank you again for playing and leaving a very detailed review.

Sorry, but I already found another team. Hope everything goes well for you though.

(1 edit)

Hi i'm a 15 year old programmer looking for someone who can do 2d art and help design the game.  

Im familiar with Unity and gamemaker, but mostly gamemaker (about 6 months of experience). I'm not the best at making games and i have never actually finished a proper game. My artistic skills are not very good and im also not very creative so it sometimes takes me more than a day just to come up with ideas for a game jam. My games rarely get played since most people just puke by looking at my pixel art. So i thought it might be a good idea to have someone else make it. It doesn't have to be pixel art.

 I have vacation from school during the jam so i'll probably have a lot of time to work on it, but some days I might have some other stuff i need to do.

If you are interested dm me on discord: Daddysucc5000#0699

Game Title/URL: https://daddysucc5000.itch.io/locked-doors

Pitch/Information: Walk through different mazes and find keys while avoiding getting caught by something guarding them.

I'd like feedback on: Is it too hard or too easy? Is it boring? Is the level design good or bad? Was there anything else you didn't like or something you did like? Any type of feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you for playing! This will really help a lot to see how people will play through it. There is actually a ending if you wait long enough in the room, but i'm currently tweaking how long you should have to wait to get the ending.

Here is a new screenshot from the game

hi. I have put together a prototype for the jam and im looking for feedback. so if anyone would like to try it you can add me on discord.

The game right now is called Locked Doors and the player basically just has to go through a level while some zombie chases u. it's pretty boring, but i don't know what else could be added to the game. i'm not very creative and i rarely get any comments on any of games with feedback so i thought this was a good idea.

i would appreciate feedback on if the enemy needs to be faster or slower, if the player has too much or too little stamina, what mechanics to add, if the levels are fun or boring, if the enemy sound is annoying and a lot more

I hope that this isn't too much to ask and that someone might be interested.

Discord:  Daddysucc5000#0699

There was a bug whith the cutscene where it showed the gun in the ceiling. If you pressed r in the cutscene the scene would restart and then show the cutscene, but the camera wouldnt turn down to the player again so you had to restart. And in the intro cutscene the audio was only coming from the right side. Otherwise good game.

The art looks good and the gameplay is good except for when there aren't any enemy it just feels like a mining simulator with a timer until you are randomly shot from an enemy outside the camera. I think the weapon you are using should be highlighted or something in the ui to better see what you are using. I like how you made the enemys follow the player, but not too much by stopping the enemy when he is inside the camera. When shooting the enemys i think it there should be an animation when he dies rather than just removing them. Other than that the menu was nice and it was really fun and easy to understand.

Good game especially the pixel art, but i think you should improve the gameplay a bit. It felt a bit boring walking from a to b. I think it would help with a goal or a story, make the levels more fun instead of just collecting some rocks and make the player move a bit faster. The ending was good, but it would be much better if there was a story or meaning behind it. For example maybe the player finds some notes or clues hinting to something big at the ending because it was very confusing what actually happened. The music was very good especially when the credits came where it fit perfectly and left me wanting more. Overall everything was good except the slow gameplay and the levels.

I made a horde/wave survival game where you and your crew crash on a planet with your spaceship. Isonzo made the music for the game.


Im using gamemaker studio 2 to make my games.  Im also not very experienced i have only used it for about 6 months. Im also not very creative when it comes to ideas. But I always feel bored when im not working on a game so if anyone would like to create something just message me. 

Thank you very much for you'r feedback! This is the first time i have been given feedback from someone other than my friends so this is very helpful.