The gameplay loop works, and it is challenging, but it definitely needs audio and some more charm to make it more engaging.
Daniel Astacio
Creator of
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Ok. I am ADDICTED to your game. I played through all 3 worlds, and I was impressed by the variety of level design and the execution of the feel and style of everything. Each world felt unique, and some levels were definitely more challenging than others, but it was so much fun learning the quirks of playing each one. The "cross" level was particularly well done, and I loved the level where you had two blocks playing a game of pong while you're trying your best to not get hit by it. Very creative and I'd definitely play dozens of more levels of this. And the music slaps so hard!
I really enjoyed playing this. The art, music, and mechanics are very fun and it fits the theme well! The in-game tutorial works seamlessly with the gameplay and I really like that there is a checkpoint at each pillar you land on. The game does get more challenging as I progressed through each level and it didn't deter me away from pushing through. I did get stuck on one level and I wish I had the option to restart from the beginning, instead of from my last checkpoint . Other than that, great game!
I really liked the concept and the art. There are definitely things about your game that I feel can be elevated such has having music or even sound to accompany your writing. The black dot was cool, but I personally would of preferred a character of some sort to help immerse me more into the story. Definitely has the potential to be so much more!
Im sorry, but I'll have to disagree with you on this one. I can definitely speak for myself in saying that I have spent a considerable amount of time playing each game that I've rated. If I didn't like the game, I wouldn't of left a comment at all. There are 3 other members in my team that can play and rate games as well, so it's likely that we may have rated different games around the same time. The members in my team are free to play and rate games on their own accord. This isn't IGN, where people are supposed to leave detailed reviews of each video game they play. If someone played your game for one minute then be happy that they decided to play your game at all. Best of luck to you and your team.
I love the attention to detail in your game. The cartoon style and old school story telling gave it a lot of personality. Definitely reminds me of Cuphead, but the story and game design is what makes it stand out. I made it all the way to level 3. The only note that I have is that it is sometimes to difficult to tell if I will land on a platform that's below when jumping down. It would be cool if the player can tilt their head down and then the camera lets you peek down below to see where you can jump. All in all, great game!
I really enjoy puzzle games and this is definitely addictive. Moving the cubes and stacking them on top of each other reminded me of the moving blocks puzzles you had to solve in The Last Campfire. I can see this game blowing up on mobile. It could have a make your own level builder for players to try to figure out each others puzzles. Great job!
Man, I really love everything about this game. There is a lot of attention to detail, like the electricity that sparks when bumping into a wall, or the flash of lightning in the background. Great use of visual effects, as well as making the gameplay smooth. This fits the theme perfectly and I love the challenge of navigating through each level. Simply dodging gears and laser beams was more than sufficient for creating difficulty and that simplicity kept me going all the way. Getting stronger every time I found one of my kind felt great and I enjoyed the visual effect of powering up. Not to mention, the music is very fitting and I love how the musical intensity builds as you are reaching the end of the game. I didn't find all of my robo friends upon completion and I love that the game has an awareness of that and lets you know that you can find more if you decide to play again. This is very polished.
I love the storytelling in this game and how the voice acting drives the narrative. The music and ambience is incredible and it feels very rewarding to complete the game. The puzzles were fun and I really like the contrast between the two characters. Light and darkness, yin and yang, two souls trying to reconnect. There is a lot of heart in this game and that stands out to me. Great job!
One of the things that I enjoyed the most about this game is how smooth the mechanics are. The tutorial was very clean and I like that I was able to hurt myself to make myself stronger if need be. Dashing and wall jumping just feels so good and it gives me that classic Mega Man X vibe. Great job at fitting the theme and making a fun experience. I can definitely see this game with a whole array of cool moves and a storyline!
I started this game at 9am and it was smooth sailing up until level 5. After about 25 minutes of sighs, grunts, and frustration, I figured out level 5 and kept moving up the ladder. Then I finally arrive at the last level (Which took me an entire hour) and I cannot express how much satisfaction I felt from completing this game. Finishing level 8 made me feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Things are looking up. I'm going to seize the day. I might just call some friends over to celebrate. I don't know. But, I feel good. I love puzzles and I definitely love games that are challenging. This was a blast. Thank you.
I love the simplicity of this game and how well it follows the theme. The music is catchy and the black and white art makes it feel like that classic platformer that you always wanted to play. It's straightforward and easy to pick up. I would be curious to see this game expanded upon as I think that this has the potential to be a full game.