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A member registered May 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Much appreciated! Glad you enjoyed your stay and thank you for playing :)

Thank you! Yeah, it seemed like everyone had some problems with audio in the webgl games unfortunately, hopefully I can learn to address that in future jams/versions. The speed was actually a hot topic for us in development, thinking that making the world a bit denser while keeping speed low may be the solution there (hard to keep the ambiance with high speed as you mentioned but totally agree on the tediousness). I appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing!

Thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed the bit you were able to get through. Funnily enough the dialogue was all just thrown in 30 minutes before submission, glad it panned out well. Haven't actually seen Darkwood but it certainly looks like something I should go play after this project!

Thank you! Enemies don't respawn in levels, could definitely use more direction to illustrate when a level is complete. Goal in current version is to clear both lungs and the heart in order to reach final level in the brain.

Thank you!! Spleen will be missed ;_;

Oh no! It appears you actually got frozen at the ending haha, Agreed that more diversity in gameplay would be a great addition, new enemy types and smaller more dynamic levels are definitely in the bill. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank you! Hopefully we have the opportunity to expand on this, I think those would be great additions/adjustments.

Thanks! Apologies, I think clearer boundaries in the styling will help address this.

I love the concept, really fun gameplay. Only minor complain is the character movement is a bit floaty, made wouldn't respond to my commands as intended and would overshoot some of my jumps. Otherwise I think this is excellent!

Super polished feel, loved the dialogue and the puzzles were very engaging! Definitely curious to see what levels you make in the future, the mechanics seem like there could be countless possibilities. No bugs I found, felt a bit easy but like it would lead into more levels (which I hope it will). Solid game!

I enjoyed it a lot! Found myself terrible at egg heating so grinded the mazes until vacation, everything was very well designed and functioned exactly as intended, big fan of the music as well. Nice work!

This was great, had a couple really great moments but my favorite was figuring out I could climb on frozen enemies to make platforms. Felt very complete and was very happy with the amount of content you were able to put into it. Awesome work! Would play again for sure and hope you get plenty of people coming through who do

Maybe my favorite movement system of all the games I've played in the jam. Really inventive and it totally paid off! Music at the end was excellent, I think it'd be cool if you could have it be individual parts of the song that add each time you get a balloon instead of the tone (i think Outer Wilds did something sort of similar). Great work!

The concept was excellent and really enjoyed the music. Setting the pace of action was really well done. I wish there was more clues to how you were doing at a given time, felt a little lost and didn't realize flipping was only done at the end of the time limit so burnt my pancakes! Still, very nice and I enjoy the take on the theme :)

I had fun! Found some speedrunning strats, if you hold down space and run through you can always be shooting out water. E Z ;) Nice work! Keep up the project and you'll definitely be able to get things where you want them. As a procrastinator myself, you get pretty good at finishing things last minute!

Thoroughly enjoyed, congrats on your first game! Music and narration was great, can't put my finger on it but there is definitely a certain charm here that is excellent.

Had a lot of fun with this one. Gameplay was awesome, had a bit of hard time telling was a path or not in some of the sand levels but overall was really good!

Very original (and timely) idea! Couldn't make use of the sound mechanic unfortunately, basically had to guess each level, couldn't make it past level 3. Also, had a rough time getting the scan to work even with a character showing the exclamation point which was unfortunate. Hopefully just a my end issue. Nice work though!

Excellent art and short storytelling! I think the controls were a bit unintuitive and wish the respawn was after the intro story segment, but still very fun and gave a great sense or urgency!

Very cool concept, simple but super effective. Took me a few plays to understand what my goal was but fun once I got it! I think it looks great, and could be taken to the next level with some good particle effects :)

Love the concept, idea of the mechanic is excellent, and I think it will get there in time as you work through bugs :) This is an excellent framework for a puzzle game, would like to see a season specific change animation too! Great job

Nice work! Fairly relaxing at easy mode, did not do well when I tried hard LOL. Definitely worked well.

Everything worked well! I didn't really notice if the snowballs and fireballs had any different effect, may want to increase the disparity of how sensitive each enemy is to the opposite temperature.

Really enjoyed it! Aesthetic was great and audio was super engaging. I like hard games and think it was well balanced, but the bullets stay on screen a bit too long. Found myself dying to bullets post wave a few times because of it, may want to kill all stray bullets at the end of a wave. Also, aim was a bit confusing but definitely manageable. Good work!

Excellent job for a first project! Visuals were great and everything played excellently. Don't be afraid to turn up the difficulty a bit too, I think the enemies could've been more engaging if they all had attacks :) Great work!

My god did that hit me like a truck. Wow. Excellent story, incredible message, brilliant execution. May need to pick your brain about how you made premade sounds feel so adaptive. Bravo, that was awesome and I want to see more games from you! Going to send this to my teenage sister to play.

Much appreciated! Thank you for playing :)

Thank you! I hope you do get back to it, the levels all have body function and temperature related effects :)

Excellent use of mechanics, I am really excited to see what you make out of these. My only suggestion would be to make the Fire instantly replenish your charges so the player doesn't have to wait in place. Could very much see this turn into a Super Meat Boy type of game :)

Fun game! I was a bit confused, thought I was looking for actual chests so was avoiding all the wisps to start haha. Can use expansion but original idea that worked!

Thank you! Yeah, was definitely a big project for us so very glad we were able to finish it. Totally agreed on explanations, wanted it to be exploration heavy but could've done a better job guiding players and encouraging it rather than leaving open space. Appreciate the feedback and thank you for playing :)

Excellent work. Story setup was awesome and the temperature mechanic was done super well. Animations and backdrop were all gorgeous. 1 bug I ran into, you can clip into the bats if you jump on them while they are near the ground (tough to repeat but was able to do it twice). Also, was very hard to progress in last level with bats since they don't stop chasing, had to cheese them away to progress. The bat AI might feel more intentional if you limit their area and create an "idle wander." Great job and excited to see this expanded on if you choose to :)

That explains it! Yeah same, it took me awhile to realize what was going on with my build and turns out I was having some error related to compression so just have to turn it off entirely. Live and learn haha

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it. It's my first time doing a webgl build so don't think I optimized the flamethrower properly, uses particle collision which worked great on the .exe but have definitely seen issues on weaker systems now that we've been testing a bit.

Really enjoyed this, got stuck after finding the blue key and unfortunately didn't know how to progress after exploring for awhile. The crab boss was very unexpected and loved to see it! Was able to cheese it by staying right in it's face, may need a middle attack as well LOL Very nice work!!

Doesn't fit with theme but runs well! No issues with gameplay, agreed on the need for a restart button.

I dig it! Felt a lot like the fishing mechanic from stardew valley, enjoyed the music as well :)

For sure! I don't think GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0) returns the position of the mouse though, you need to use something like Input.MousePosition with Camera.ScreenPointToRay and Physics.Raycast to get information from the scene. Let's you get information from the objects you click on :)