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A member registered Feb 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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The L button did help a lot! It Tripled my fps! And it seems there was a bug with Cappay the first time I've played it, it didn't follow me before , but now it works and I got to see the ending! Great stuff.

Incredible presentation. Though the performance bugged me off a little, it's quite GPU limited. 

I also got stuck at the second computer object, I could not progress further.

Otherwise, this game's great.

The game was laggy, sadly.

Probably my computer! (could have turned down the shadow quality a bit.

The controls were a bit confusing at first but I got it!

It was good game, I just wish it was a bit more obvious.

The art and animation feels like a high budget movie. It just just fenominal.

The game's too short sadly.

That's my only complaint.

The atmoshpere is great! (that concludes the audio, graphics)

The controls are fluent.

The gameplay is a bit clunky but it was ok!

Good job man.

This game is marvelous! Nice job Eric Gurt!

Weird, I myself get antivirus alerts which MAKES NO SENSE!
And I also PACKED the pck inside it so I don't know why it does not start up without it.

Anyways I have uploaded the .pck file.

I loved this game, too bad it was very laggy. The idea was great, but it was quite hard to understand HOW to do it, not WHAT to do.


I wish the wall textures got their filters turned off to make them pixely. (which was the point of the game). The controls feel a bit clunky  when you jump, but overall it was great. It was responsive and it scared the guts out of me! XD

The animations are great. The game was lagging so much during fights. The 8 direction controls made the figthing harder, but overall the game was good.

I really love the mortal kombat styled character design. The controls can be a bit clunky, and the music does not loop properly (but was great). I could not get past internet explorer,  I kept slashing and healing and I could not get through.

The controls are relaxing. Too bad the world repeats itself with the same floors. It was a great concept though! Keep it up!

Great game, but I could not exit the game midfight, I've had to use the task manager.

But it was quite fun.

(The enemies are hard to kill though.)

Good to hear that!

Keep on makin' games!

The character moves too slowly, and the game's not really scary, rather boring.

But after the "Day 5" it started to get interesteing at least.

If you want to achieve proper psx style, then dont just use doom style decorations and low resolution. Also use affine texturing and low quality textures (128x128)

And the table's texture it strechy. ( I wont blame you if you dont know modeling )

Overall it's a solid effort. I wish there was more though, the ending feels rushed.

I might sound like an a-hole but I just wanted to adress everything that's wrong with your game,
so you can improve. 

I dont know what is exactly causing it.... But I think it's the GiProbe. The probe can cause a lot of lag on older devices!

I will upload a post version with a reflection probe instead, so people with lower-end PCs can enjoy the 3d menu aswell! (I will try GLES 2 too.)

Thanks for the review! Yes, the music is loud, because it's retro, I forgot to turn the volume down.

The controls are floaty because I wanted stiffness. I will introduce acceleration and other stuff in future jams.

Simple, but fun.

So.... much.... efffooorrtttt..... This game's really good.

(1 edit)

The "glitch" doesn't really bother me, only the repeating music ingame. I dont know if it changes, cause I dont pay attention and try not to listen to it while defeating the enemies.

Overall, it's still a good game!

It is, but it's "placed" in unusual places.

True, thanks for the review, it's my first game that I have ever finished(and kinda made).

And also, I have no musical talent whatsoever, so I just find a random good melody and then loop it to oblivion.

I meant glitchy shader, on certain tiles. I dont know if it's godot's fault though.

The game's awesome.

The game's fun, but difficult cause WillowEgg doesn't eat so fast.

The game's cool, but difficult. Graphics are beautiful, but glitchy on the ground. Overall, great game.