Awesome entry! I spent quite some time fiddling around and had good fun! Some things I noticed:
- Would have liked a keybind for Target/Clear all
- More interaction while playing, maybe more movement abilities, currently I simply circle the enemy ships, I didn't feel like I could do much in terms of evading incoming shots.
- You can never have enough different block types :D
- Not sure about the Tactical pause. Certainly depends on your vision, without that the game would be a lot more action focused. Then again, one can simply choose to not use it.
- Show the health of modules which are not at 100% without hovering over them. (Maybe only while paused?)
- At some point the move controls got very unresponsive and I wasn't able to steer/accelerate properly anymore. Pretty sure it was because of my ships size, some kind of engine power to size ratio in the UI might have helped.
- I found the "static" layer of stars that follow your ships every movement kind disorienting. The ones behind, which create the parallax effect were great though.
I could actually see me play a few rounds of this here and there outside of the jam, good job! :)