Simple and fun! Good job! also, an indicator showing when will the control change would be nice.
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Really funny idea and great execution! Well done!
It really make me nervous seeing him hiccup so frequently and the noise level is reaching max and i can't get through a door when time is running out. LOL and i enjoyed it.
But i think it is okay to skip some easy levels 'cause, at the moment, i'm familiar with the control and idea enough but it forces me to wait too long before getting to a more challenging level.
This game has a cool and unique look. Overall the game gives me a fun experience. Good job!
About the control, when i try rotating, the mouse will go outside the game window and it just stop rotate. so i think it is necessary to lock player's mouse. And i noticed that the when i rotate, the character position is moving. (i think the model is offset from position?)
Wow, thanks a lot for such good load of valuable feedbacks. Really agree with all the points you made, and especially for the 'predictable demon' part. I was thinking about adding a few mechanics to the demon but there is a deadline... I could think of something like it can gain steps by destroying a corpse, summon another demon, or throw the axe in the final moment.
I really have fun playing this. Finishing a game within 48h is by no means an easy task, especially for someone going solo, and you nailed it! Well done!
I hope the game can be more fast-paced though 'cause I think after wave 12 is the most fun for me. but it waits too long..
And the way to restore the rocket's health is so not obvious... (i get that until the 4 or 5 'health can' thing and i miss headbutting it then it hits the rocket)
It is not easy to make 3D platformer, and this one is okay for me.
Other than the control part,
the camera can be bring higher a little bit to get a more precise look of the character's standing point and landing point.
Also, an easy trick to make up for the control is making the platform larger so that it requires less precise control.