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A member registered Sep 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

We for now have a team of 4 people and we will start development soon. You can still message me or write here, if we need more people i will get to you, but for now we are enough people. If you are a programmer, we might need you anyways... so keep messaging me!

Thanks all of you for your reply!

Cool! Add me on discord and lets talk a bit more about a possible project.

Sounds good so far. Maybe we can discuss a bit more through discord?

I will open a new server and invite you, once we have met there.

nice to hear!

I am intersted in card games, if they have "something new". I would like to hear more!

I am not an artist, i can learn using c# instead if visual scripting i think. Have quite a strong understanding in gamedesign i would say. Maybe we can find an artist further on.

I like your style a lot! Maybe if someone else is joining aswell, who can do some additional unitywork we can team up for sure!

Hey there, thanks for stopping by!

I am looking for 1-2 people to work on a new small game. I dont want to continue working alone, because i cant motivate myself long enough to finish a game. Right now, i dont have a specific project in mind, we could come up with something as we talk. Scope of the game should be rather small, something around 6-12 months at max.

About myself: I am 34years old and a "generalist" in unity. I have done a could of gamejam games, some alone, some with other people (take a look at my profile). I code (for now) only with visual scripting (but i felt never limited in my projects). I have basic understand in C#, and have some limited skills in pixel art, voxel art and 3D modeling in blender. My passion is gamedesign itself, i like coming up with inovative gameplay mechanics and develop them. I am pretty bad with music and sound, aswell with an orginal/interesting theme.

I speak english and german, and l am in the timezone GMT+1.

If you are interested in talking about gamedesign or a potential new project, just leave a message or hit me up on discord DeagleDryan#3201

Thanks again for taking your time!

Thanks for your feedback! Our artists did a great job indeed!

Thanks for giving our game a try and your nice feedback!

I really like your artstyle, especially the monsters you fight.

The fights sadly take too long and have very few tactical possibilites. The glicht made them faster XD

The music and sound is fine. 

Great job on finishing your game!

Thanks for checking our game out and your kind reply!

Thank you for playing our game and giving us feedback!

wow thanks a lot for your indepth feedback!

Good little plattfom action game you made there.

The controls feel quite good and i enjoyed jumping around the map (and on the agents especially).

As mentioned before, i would also like to shoot directional at the mouse position. In this case the agents have a significant advantage over the player. 

Sadly I hardly ever got a healing item because they spawn a couple of times ouside the map.

The visuals are ok, i think making the objects you can see in the background, realy foreground objects would be nice.

I am not the type of player who likes round based wave shooters, so maybe some little objectives (for examples: pressing buttons in a certain amoung of time) could spice up the gameplay.

Overall good submission! Great job!

Ok this one is a fun one!

The vibe of the game is great. Everything feels fluent and the mood of this submission is awesome.

The lowpoly artstyle is great and makes in combination with the lighting for some great visuals.

The mechanic is fun to play and fast to learn. I think its a bit punshing start from the very start again, once you ran out of time or suck a wrong alien in.

The icing on the cake are the soundeffects and the chill music. I love those self made sounds, especially the one where the wrong alien gets thrown out of you ufo.

Overall great submission, I really enjoyed my time with it!

Pretty chill little puzzle game! 

The simple but effective visuals with a great colorsceme makes the game standing out on its own.

The mechanics are simple and easy to understand. No big explanations or anything else is need, you can immediatly start the game. Not having any loading times is a big factor with keeping a great flow.

One of the biggest features i think how you implemented the audio. The game feels so alive my coming near the vistas in the game and hearing the ambient sounds.

Maybe controling the camera would be nice, especially walking torwards the camera is a bit tricky.

Your game is a great experience and something you can put on to relax. Great job!

Nice little platformer you did there. I enjoyed the parkour elements with the walljumping mechanic. Its a bit glitchy i think and you can avoid a lot of obstacles, espcially in level 3. But doing so feels a lot of fun. Maybe focusing the game around this mechanic and feeling could be benefical for the game

Graphics are simple. The lighting could use some improvement to greatly increase the visuals.

The controls were ok.

There are a few glitches (in level 3 you can fall into the lava, and get out of bounds while jumping on the wall)

It needs some improvement but i enjoyed my time.

Great job on finishing your game in time! 

A simple plattformer with smple graphics, completly fine for a gamejam game.

I had a hard time coming along with the controls. Although i think that jumping and climing with one button is pretty simple and convenient, the implementation lacks a bit.

I kinda like the idea with the different endings and proximitybased fear meter.

As mentioned the game needs better controls and maybe some animations to feel more alive.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Can you explain the issues you had with the controls so we can improve it?


Classic rage plattformer you made there. Controls work fine. The visuals are simple but its pleasing to look at. Audio is functional.

I really dig the idea with the coins. For a rage game it can be pretty frustrating to always start from the beginning and doing all the levels again and again. With collecting coins and keeping the lifes you managed to make it rewarding to keep going.

I only made it to level 7 and couldnt fruther explore, cause I am bad at plattformers.

Overall I really enjoyed my time. You produced a good and polished game! Great job!

(1 edit)

i have the feeling its on itch side. i tried mulitple times reuploading the screenshots but its not working

Maybe we can get confirmation from other people about this

I love stealth games, and there are not enough out there. I really like your attempt on making a 2D stealth game. The switch when switching to the "invisible" mode is a good idea. With a bit more polish this game can be quite fun. The controls feel floaty and not very responsive. Also some collisions with the enviroment were a bit buggy.

Music was fitting,

Overall, great job!

Nice twist with the main menu!

The game itselfs has some potential, but it needs some polish. The controls are not very crisp and the UI is pretty small. Also i was not sure in the beginning what I should do, some small instructions would be great.

I can see this being quite funny, with some further polish!

Lovely little game you made there! Quite some unexpected things! As mentioned a couple of times, it was quite short, but thats ok for a gamejam game. I like the look and the music is fitting.

Overall great job!

Your submission is very well done. The are is quite impressive for this amount of time. There were definetly some unexpected events.

Enjoyed my time with your game. Great job!

A rare thing to see a narrative game in a gamejam. I really enjoyed playing it. The painting and the interaction with it was great

I would like to see/hear a bit more of the background music, cause sometimes there was no sound at all.

Great entry!

Nice entry! I like the combination with the music, therefore it was a nice twist on the p.m. The music is really fitting and nice!

Due to the ryhthm, sometimes it was hard to get around corners and i saw myself smashing the WASD.

Good job!

Thanks a lot for playing my entry! A lot of things where planned, but due to time issues didnt make it into the game, therefore the polish is missing, you are right!

Wow, first of all I thank you for playing my little game and taking so much time doing a summary of your experience. It really means a lot to me!

I planned making a small tutorial, but not enough time.

Regarding the physics, you are absolutley right they are not the best friend of joe. It could definetly need some improvments.

Upgradesystem was a last minute decision.

Again, thanks for your time and feedback!

Thank you very much for giving the game a try!

Chaotic is quite a good description for your game. I am pretty bad at platforming so I did poorly but it was an unexpected experience!

I enjoyed my time with the Tie. With the narration and the simple but effective look it draw me in. Definetly the game with the most "Unexpected" Factor this far for me.

Great submission! Well done!

First of all, congratulation on finishing your first game! Thats a big step, and its not an easy one! Your overall gameconcept is quite fun. I am not sure if it is a bug, but sometimes, when I am switching the heart, the other moves in one direction. After a few attempts (me failing hard), there was too little to play more of it. With the addition of a few more features this can be fun,

Overall, nice entry for the jam!

Kinda like the different paths you can take and see where you can jump on. Sadly the controls feel very "floaty" and not precise. The map is looping quite obvious. Collecting the bones do not count torwards the high score at the end. 

Needs more polish and time, but congrats on finishing your game for the jam!

Nice submission! Like the idea of the game, but it could use some polish. Most of the time i didnt have the right weapons to attack the enemies so i ran by them. To be honest, i dont know right away how to fix this problem. A bit more direction after the starting area would be nice. 

But otherwise a nice little game!

Awesome game! Really engaging gameplay. Great use of the asset. Would continue playing it!

One of the best entries i played so far!

Good job!

Quite a unique and interesting game you made there. I really like the feel of the game, its very polished. The map difficulty increased pretty fast so some levels where quite hard for me. It was also no clear from the beginning for me, when a soldier survives and when dies. 

Overall nice submission!

Thank you for playing!

The camera is intentionally not smooth, but maybe it doesnt feel right, I will take a look into it. You are right that the game is slowpaced. It was way faster in the beginning, but as the goal changed from objective to pointsbased I felt it should be possible to get all points, therefore i reduced the speed. I will change to an objective based goal again and increase the speed.

If I find the time I will try to make a video.

The implementation of the assetpack is great! Hope you continue the development to see more of this!