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A member registered Aug 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you! It is possible for the door to be right next to you, when a round starts it randomly selects one of the doors and checks a flag. If that did happen you got lucky :) Hopefully you got to experience his terminator-like run animation.

I love Santa's big beady eyes. I would be on the verge of crying too if I was just trying to deliver some awesome gifts and those snot-nosed brats were throwing snowballs at me! Quite addictive, well done!

Everyone always says "Thanks Santa!"

No one every says "Here Santa!"

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This is like the quintessential jam game! The mechanics feel very well polished, shooting is nice and juicy, and the movement speed feels fair for the time limit. If you are reading this and haven't rated it yet, DO IT NOW!

The start of this game is so tense. The final weapon is very OP though :) fun game!

I am not sure how fast the difficulty ramps up, but even with a single ice shard at a time Santa is cracked :P

You need to collect them from the top of the tree :)

Setting up the jam page is not included in the 3 hour time :) It would be nice to see the controls, maybe a bit about how the jam went for you. Either way, congratulations on publishing! The last jump got me the first time, lol.

Fun game you made here! When one of the gifts destroyed my left turret I had to fall back to plan B and keep one house by the right turret going for as long as possible. Then Santa dropped a splitter, and one of them took an almost 90 degree trajectory directly into the house while I was defending the turret. F'n Christmas indeed.

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This is such a charming little game! I wish you could go for longer than 25 though, stuff wasn't even getting half way.

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Haha yea, it is meant to symbolize the character's fear taking hold and them not thinking rationally. Really, it's because the assets I chose to use only had 1 non-modular home and I only had 3 hours to make the game :)

This is a really interesting concept. As someone who is always looking for fun ways to practice my typing this is awesome! Not to mention taking on 2 themes at once, outstanding work!

This is kind of addicting ngl! The progression for spawning more kids is nice and after the first play through I keep getting impatient and clicking the wrong ones. Very well done!

Step 1: Santa's got some terrible workers.
Step 2: Looks like I can shoot candy canes.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Santa needs some new workers.

Those dang little slackers didn't even see it coming, congratulations on creating such a charming game!

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Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

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Thank you for your work!

I made a small game jam game using some of your assets if you are interested in checking it out.

This pack looks gorgeous!

Glad you enjoyed it, unfortunately I can't send you an ice pack for your head! That might be worth looking into when I finally wrap my head around C++ compilation. Right now I am struggling to get emscripten working for a web build, but I might also just port to Godot after the jam for a final build. Maybe I will look into mobile!

Awe, that's too bad, if I am reading that correctly though it looks likes the mono runtime is simply deprecated in Godot 4, I wonder how hard it would be to build from source and re-enable mono for proper C# support?

That's a really good idea! I have been thinking about getting back in there and releasing an update after the judging is done with some features I didn't make in time, and having a score multiplier based on the settings would be really fun. Thanks for giving it a go!

I am thinking of checking back in with Godot soon, cause there is a jam coming up that requires having a browser playable submission, and I am pretty scared to get something working then fail to setup emscripten. Hopefully the C# support is there, would make the process so much nicer.

I really want to like Unreal. It's such a powerful piece of software, but it's almost too powerful, you know? For working on large games with a large team, it's fantastic. Now that I am doing a lot more stuff on my own, I have really grown to hate it. Plus with the huge file sizes, it's hard to get people to try it, and it never runs well on low-spec, or even medium-spec hardware.

I really like Godot, it's a good choice. I really love how it combines the idea of object-oriented structure, but then basically forces you into using those objects in a functional way. Combining that with C# would be pretty nice, and it might be updated now, but when I tried it a while ago the dot net version didn't support HTML5 yet.

This game is amazing. The art is adorable, the music really get's you in the mood for a good puzzle, and the levels deliver! I was trying level 2 wrong for longer than I'd like to admit, dang Nobs just wouldn't get to the right. Once I got the hang of the movement patters, though, the game really becomes a treat to work out. Will definitely check it out again when there's more levels!

Hey, thanks for giving it a try. Glad you dug deep and enjoyed it, I played around with allowing for resizing the board too (3x3 games are weirdly RNG based), but I didn't quite get there in time.

It is kinda scary ngl, but I learned a bit about it using Unreal Engine. Definitely weird going backwards into the language itself and figuring out how to structure it all. Thanks for checking it out, and again for your awesome music!

This is a very clever and touching game, and the art and music really pull it together! I ended up having to reset a few time though, because placing negatives over the journal made it impossible to pick them back up.

It looks like you were working on this right until the very end, and it shows. This game is really fun! There are multiple levels, you've got support for 6 people coop, and I bet you all had a blast designing this. 

Thank you for making this album available for use, it's such a nice range of awesome music! I cut down a couple songs to use as stingers for my retro-inspired game jam entry, they add just the feeling I was looking for: SnakeVerse.

You can export HTML from Godot 4 but only the standard version. It wont work from the .net version.

This game is a masterpiece in simplicity. It is a short game, so the whole experience does end up feeling very guided. But that is also the clear intention, so that doesn't strike me as a bad thing. Made me cry, heavily, and question my life choices, so all-in-all a great game!

I definitely will, thanks for including it!

Yea, I seem to have a problem picking realistic scopes lol, thanks for giving it a try tho! For the fruit, you have to hold the left or right movement to shake the tree continuously, I know that was an issue on stream, it takes about 3 minutes to finish growing. Unfortunately I wasn't able to put enough fun things to do in the garden to make waiting entertaining.

Living life to the fullest with my best new pal, Skippy! No one floof should have all that knowledge!

Thanks for giving it a try! I never left a comment, but your game is really cuute :3 I had it open for a little bit the other day keeping me some company lol.

I am really sorry, but UE4 is kind of crap when it comes to cross platform development. The only way I would be able to make a Linux build would be if I setup the project with Git and packaged it on a Linux computer, which I don't have :(

I got to day 24 on my first go just doing random things, but I never got back there again, and I am not even sure I figured out how to make the dang thing eat lol. Great game tho!

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Simple and polished, it's a great game! Been chilling throwing some footballs, and owning game day. I see sit-up ghost didn't make the final cut, lol.

Edit: I got a little sad boi! 

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Hope you enjoy hanging out with some of your own :D