Yeah I'd also like to know that.
Demias Studio
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Very interesting game, I had fun while playing it!
I like the visuals, especially the 3D indication of how the mech is positioned, though the scene could use some shadows, I think some fake texture shadows would do just fine for this style.
The controls are a bit wacky, but I like the idea of controlling it like a tank. The mouse turning could use some work though, it's waaay too floaty.
Fun game! The sound was a bit too loud (dunno if that's a Pico8 thing), but everything else was very cool. The visuals are bright and interesting and I love the detail on the Mech's legs where they move in relation to how fast you move the cursor. Good sound design as well, it's got some weight to it.
Unfortunately, it happened 100% of the times I fall off the track, and it doesn't seem to matter if I fall while drifting, jumping or just running. The game tries to respawn me once, but it doesn't get me back on the track, it just kinda respawns me on the same place I was already in and then gives up, letting me fall infinitely.
I played using a Windows computer with no controllers connected. I wouldn't be surprised it you accidentaly introduced a last day bug without noticing it, it happened on mine 😅
This is amazing, especially considering it's a solo game! The pixel art is great, everything is colorful and pretty, the animations are nice as well. The fighting could be better with more attacks or at least combos visually (like a 1, 2, 3 attack), but besides that you really got something great here!
I really like the idea and the execution is very close to something great. I think the steering is just a tiny bit too floaty for me, but drifting feels great. Too bad the respawning is bugged, it kept making me fall indefinitely, which made me have to reset the race everytime I fell.
One visual feedback I'd like to add is that I'd prefer to see how the game looks with nearest-neighbor textures instead of bilinear filtering, but that comes down to personal preference and bilinear certainly looks more retro in a way.
We're very happy that you liked the aesthetics! Thanks for the feedback, we're keeping note of that!
And yeah, that bug is one that came to haunt us at the very end of the jam... It basically zeroes out your volume setting when entering the level, but if you pause the game you still have the options available and can change it again 😅