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A jam submission

Backlog WareView game page

A mecha mini games compilation!
Submitted by elioloulou, le saint panda, Adocelle — 6 hours, 23 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun Factor#333.2923.292

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Is your game a video game or a physical game?
video game

Was your game made solo or in a team?
elioloulou : programmer, Adocelle : artist, le saint panda : musician

Did you use any third party assets, if yes what assets did you use?
art by adocelle, sometimes using photographs of various objects, musics and sounds by le saint panda, and a dishwasher sound by Joseph SARDIN

Did you choose from one (or more) of the optional secondary themes?

Does your game contain 18+ content (Nudity, Gore, Language)?

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I liked this collection of minigames. My favorites were probably the trace the line and trivia minigames. The model cleaner was also fun to try with friends.


Neat little collection of gunpla-themed microgames! Would be fun to see a random mode with pass-or-fail like WarioWare, but good job overall.


Cool idea! Tried all the minigames, they are all interesting.


A nice little minigame collection! If y'all plan to do something like this again, maybe go with a WarioWare approach! Could be fun to have to quick swap between these. I got everything wrong for the quiz lol


Cool minigames! (The Q&A wrecked me hard)

My favorite one was tracing the robot, I feel like a game where you have to keep drawing robots over and over the quickest as you possibly can would be pretty interesting.The fruit ninja one was very cool as well!

One thing that would be pretty interesting would be jumping from one minigame to another with a reduced time limit, for a challenge.

I like how polished the UI was.

Good job!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Going toe to toe with the warioware


The game to close pop-up screen is so funny 🤣🤣🤣


Cute theme of it being based on model building, as a model builder myself l like it haha, like the project cover art. A collection of minigames that reminded me of the warioware games. Personally felt like there wasn't much, but varied mini games and a cute little project!


Hi, glad you liked the model builder approach in it, we're a team of gunpla fanatics here so thats why. 

It is indeed inspired by warioware, we would have loved to add more mini games and more in game assets in it but life got in the way as usual in game jam aha... We're thinking of updating it later though.

Thanks for taking you time to write a comment and playing our game, appreciate it a lot.


I like the minigame collection, and I especially love the idea of it being a WiiWare. If anything it made me realize how I know basically nothing on mech anime trivia...



thanks you for playing our game!
yeah an idea of games which are under-represented but with a lot of fun ;3

HAHA that the way to re-estimate your knowledge in it XD (and we do this a little hard also x) )


Great idea !

nice variety of mini games, I liked the visuals and sound design the most though

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Love the variety and the art style! Sounds and music are all very fitting, I like the idea of a minigames compilation for the jam! Nice job!


I thought the selection of minigames were quite good. Variety is nice.

The time limits were a bit on the fast side, but honestly that just means I was sad because I wanted to play more, which is a good thing!

The fact that they credited the source of the dishwashing sfx shows that the devs care about everyone.

Even me :)


thanks for your comment. And yes it was really important to credit the mighty dishwasher correctly.

HostSubmitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice idea for a game, my favourite was the runner game. Wish it was that easy dealing with runners in real life.  Also made me realize how little I know in the quiz...

Oh and I love the little Guntank, Guntank is my favourite.


Glad you enjoyed our game, to be fair the mecha genre is quite big and varied even more if you don't limit yourself to one media so there's a lot to know.

We felt obliged to put the guntank somehow, so we are super glad you liked the lil him ! Woo!


Surprised to see a nice group of mini games. I think the fruit ninja sprue clipper could use a line trace to show the player what they are drawing would be cool and maybe allow curved lines as well. 

Developer (1 edit)

hope it was a nice surprise for you ;). 

Indeed a curved line would have been super nice, somehow it flew over our head. 

Thanks a lot for the feedback, maybe if times allow it we will update it later


All the stars are belong to you ! (couldn’t resist the meme sorry :p)

Stupid joke aside, the game is absolutely rad, i didn’t expect to see a wario ware minigame compilation game for a mech themed jam and it’s quite a pleasant surprise !

The minigames themselves and how you rolled the theme into it is also brilliant, a fruit ninja type game where you snap gunpla pieces out of their frame, the close the popups right into your mech’s UI, the trivia questions etc…

Had a fun time trying this, you guys did a really good job :)


thank you so much for to playing our game !!!

stupid jokes are speciality in our team development ;) and we're glad you love the game!


Haha good to know, you can never have too many stupid jokes :p

And yup really liked it with the whole warioware shtick, plus the some of the mech trivia questions i really liked ^^


I think this is a pretty interesting and original take for the Mech Jam, since it's all so heavily associated with fighting and guns and stuff!

I think the mini games are solid, although sometimes they are very quiet and there's no music in some of them. They're intuitive enough that I could play them without having an instructions screen like what you might find in Mario Party or stuff like that.

I feel like the fun factor could use a bit more work - the game could benefit from more visual and audio feedback so that the game feels a bit more responsive. Something like colorful ways to display your points, cutesy particle effects, and "ding!" sorts of sounds could help a great deal in giving the player a more engaging experience!

The visuals worked pretty well together, in my opinion.


Thanks a lot for you in depth feedback, we will try our best to think more about feedbacks and such for next time. You're definitely right about the sfx and vfx !

Also yeah we would have love to have more time to put in this project to add more funny gameplay/mechanics and polish. 

Glad you were interested by our take in this mech jam theme and thanks again for taking your time to play and leave a comment, it's really sweet of you.


You're adding funny Polish people?