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Thanks! I tried to make them as polished as I could. Yeah, I had a friend do the music and he did a v good job. My original idea was too big, it's basically the same game but with the added feature of using the dice to expand the board. Time restrictions meant that I had to cut that (this took way more code than I originally thought, and I spent most of the jam looking at VS) in favour of having a more polished game. Also I didn't have time to make the AI use the chips, which makes it kinda easy ( and bland). If this was a 72h jam, the game would have been much better imo but I'm still pretty happy nevertheless. 

Cheers! I spent a lot of time on polish etc. Honestly true, I don't think I explored enough into the dice theme, but I'm still happy with the end product. I've leant too hard into the theme in previous jams, and ended up with something I'm less happy with because I restricted myself instead of using it as a spawn of creativity. 

This kind of game is something I've never made before, so I'm pretty inexperienced at "guiding" the player in games like this. I could definitely have done a better job. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

Cheers, I spent a lot of time just polishing. Honestly not too bothered, I'd rather it be too easy than too hard (especially since it's a game jam game)

Thanks! :)

Thanks! Honestly I was thinking about something similar before (basically tic tac toe but you can expand the board) and I also wanted to do something that nobody else would do. While generic, I'm happy with the visuals and my friend did a v good job with the music.

God I'll try make online multiplayer, might be kinda hard tho. Yeah, they were supposed to be vague but not hard to read, I'll use fonts next time. Thanks for the kind words!! 

Thanks! I tried to make it as polished as I could. I think it would be more balanced if the AI could use the chips, but I didnt have time to do that in the jam. 

Rlly nice game, the art is v cute and fits super well. I like how hectic it gets when you get a chain of breaks, my only feedback would be to make it so each time a sound plays its at a random pitch (and maybe turn it down a bit too). Other than that nitpick this is rlly good, well done!!  

First pico-8 game I've seen here. Honestly reminds me of a rubiks cube (not sure why) but I really like the gameplay. Also the art is very cute, and the sounds make it feel really polished. Really good job!! 

Thanks!! Definitely worth the lost sleep imo. Honestly the AI surprised me a bit, the way I coded it was kinda janky and I didn't really expect it to work, until I tested it for the first time and I struggled to win against it. Yeah, I'll have a go at making a 2 player mode.

Thanks! My original idea was way cooler, basically rolling a dice would expand the board by a square, which would have been a lot more hectic (I didn't think I had the time to make that work, so I didn't do it) 

Thanks! The art was kinda rushed, which is why its a tad simplistic, but I'm rlly glad people seem to like it :) I definitely think it would be better if the AI used the chips, but I didn't really have enough time to make that work.

v cute game. the fact that the music changes to fit the current dice is ingenius, and makes the game feel really polished. great job!! 

The aesthetics are an instant 5 from me  - the game looks stunning and the ambient sound adds a lot. This is definitely the most addictive jam game I've played (especially because of the leaderboard). It has that "one more game" feeling that makes you never want to stop playing. The simplicity it doesn't hold it back either, and really it makes it thrive. Well done!! 
 Good job on not quitting, I know the feeling and it's v hard to keep going. Also congrats on the marriage!! 

Really fun (and stressful) game! Difficulty modes would be v cool, and I think this speed of the game can work v well as a "hard mode" that you can ramp up to after playing the "normal" mode. Other than that this is a really cool game and is made v well :) 

Really cute little autobatter. I like the implementation of the dice theme, it works really well in this genre, and the art is adorable. Honestly if you worked on this some more, you'd have a really neat game! 

I tried the AI using the chips, but I couldn't really make it work from a design standpoint, as it made the gameplay feel a bit too random and not especially fun. I'm sure I could implement it while also making it balanced and fun, but the timeframe was too small to experiment (making board games takes more code than I thought). Thank you! I tried to add as much polish as I could.

Thanks! Thick outlines go a long way, its like make-up for pixel art. My intention was to make the rules slightly vague so the player would have to figure it out a bit, but yeah I think it would be better to be more explicit (ill change the itch page). 

Thanks!! Honestly I'm not too bothered about it not being especially challenging - I'd like it to be harder but I think for a jam game being too easy is better than being too hard.  Cheers, honestly the art is more rushed that what I'd normally do since this took way more programming than any other game I've made cus the whole game is basically made up of 3 systems that all have to interact.  Tysm for the kind words :) 

Nice to see you again!!
Thank you! I wanted to make something that was a bit more "outside of the box",  and I'm rlly happy that a lot of people liked it ^^ 

Sorry - just saw this. Yeah, I feel like the concept has a lot more potential than what I managed to do in  the jam, so I think I might work on it for another couple of weeks. Upgrades would definitely be cool, I think more variety would go a long way. Also an actual difficulty curve. I really like it when the player has to make an interesting trade off, so I'll have a think abt things like that. Thank you so much for the feedback!! ^^

I’m so glad you liked the movement!! The opinions on the movement seem kinda split here so I’ll have to look at that some more I think. I spent a lot of time on the pixel art :) 

The bees passing through the webs isn’t a collision issue, I programmed that in but it’s not rlly communicated well in the game.

Basically originally I had it so it blocked all of the bees, but you could basically just hide behind the webs without getting hit, which wasn’t really what I wanted the game to be. I made only half actually get caught so you would still have to dodge while also being able to catch them. Since then I have thought about it and it could be done in other ways, so if I make a post jam version I will change it to that.

I rlly appreciate the feedback, it’s super useful for me learning abt basically every part of game dev ^^

Thanks! I tried to think more outside of the box for this jam. I had a rlly cool idea for a tutorial but I didn’t have time to add it. I’m tempted to spend another week or two polishing this game after ratings are over so I could do everything I wanted to.

Thank you so much! I’m really glad you liked the game. I don’t think the controls were as intuitive as I liked, but I feel like they’re not too bad. I considered climbing on the webs but I didn’t have time to iterate on it so I didn’t want to put something that could feel kinda jank in the game. The character movement took so so long to get feeling good(ish), so I’m glad you liked it :) 

Thanks! :)

Thank you!! Yeah, I tried to do the breaks and variations but I only ended up with like 1 minute of music, so next time I'll try add more ^^

Thank you!! I thought everyone would try confine the player in some way so I thought about what if you could confine the enemies. Honestly the gravity doing that is kind of an artefact of how I originally wrote the code (basically you were going to be an astronaut in space and gravity would change to the surface you were walking on, but it only really worked with a rotating camera that made me feel rlly sick so I changed to the spider idea). To be honest I might try revisit this concept later on with a lot more polish and better code, so I can get rid of the movement being kinda annoying at times. I'm super glad you liked the game though!! I put a lot of effort into this one so I'm glad it paid off.

I'm v happy you liked it!! Ty for the kind words. I'm mainly a designer/programmer/artist, and I basically do the sound and music because I don't have anyone else that can do it. For the sound I basically save a load of sfxr sounds and then pick the best (it's faster than recording them myself and I'd prefer to spend the time programming/drawing) and my aim for the music is to make somethings thats not intolerable. I guess I could use some music online, but I do want to get better at making music so I'm basically just practising until I get better.
I rlly appreciate you playing the game and leaving feedback!! ^^

Yeah, I think a minimap would work well. I was going to add that (and more types of rooms) but I ran out of time. I tried to keep the controls as simple as I could, without changing the game concept. 

I see. It generates 10 rooms and once you get to the end, you “win”, but I didn’t rlly make that clear anywhere. I was going for a game like the binding of isaac, but I probably needed a few more enemies for that to work. I really appreciate the feedback, it’s rlly useful for future projects :)

Thanks! I was v happy with this game concept. The visuals took ages!! I really appreciate the kind words. 

Thank you so much! I’m super happy you liked it :)

The webs are kind of annoying to make, and near the end I thought about making you shoot them out, and I was going to come back to it but I ran out of time. Originally I had it so the webs would catch every bee that touched them, but it meant that you could just hide behind them and not have to dodge bullets, which in a bullet hell jam wasn’t great, so I made it so it only catches half. Yeah, that would probably be better for webbing.

Thank you!! I really appreciate the nice words. I put a lot of effort into this project. Which specific part of the controls was your issue? (i also think the controls overall aren’t great but i want to know which part i should focus on)

Thank you! The graphics took a while… 

The controls were v hard to design, originally it was just A and D but that felt kinda weird, and it went through like 6 until I settled on this one, since it was the best out of them all. Personally I feel like this kind of game would work much better on a controller.  

Thanks! God I hate spiders too, so looking at them as a reference was pretty bad, but I definitely think it came out cute ^^

Thank you! Sorry about the controls, I tried to simplify them as best as I could while also making them feel relatively intuitive. I kinda ran out of time at the end so I didn’t have time to add the tutorial (i was planning to) since I started late. Idk if you missed it but there’s a procedurally generated map to explore, with doors to the next room on one side of each room.

This game was super well made and felt very polished.
The visuals are super cute and the great sound sound design made added a lot to the level of polished. The only nitpick I really have is that the enemy bullets are kinda small so it was a bit hard for me to see where they were when there were a lot of them. Thats the only thing I have a problem with tho.
Rlly great game overall especially in only 10 days !!

Thanks! I spent a long time on the art. The player hitbox has rounded edges so it doesn't get stuck, but I think the problem is it's too rounded so it slips off if half of the character is hanging. I'm glad you still had fun despite that though! ^^

Thank you! I'm very pleased with how the art and music turned out. The level design is a bit of a disaster on my part since A. I don't think I designed the mechanics well enough to make good puzzles in the time frame and B. I had to make quite a few of the levels very late into the night due to family commitments on Easter. I'm kinda disappointed by the level design tbh but thankfully I don't think it makes the game unenjoyable, just easy.