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Chandrahas Tanguturi

A member registered 67 days ago · View creator page →

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Had some tough time starting out because I did not know I could just block in wheels through the ground. But once I did i had an absolute blast. I really loved tinkering around and also the fail state. Amazing one!

I love the game! I so wanted to finish. It's so much fun. Being a 3 Artist I know the perils of the Z. Fun narrative and art too!!

I love the game! I so wanted to finish. It's so much fun. Being a 3 Artist I know the perils of the Z. Fun narrative and art too!!

As a photography hobbyist I love the concept of capturing something and scaling up/down to place it. I really had fun! Wish it's possible in real life haha

Wow! This is really good! The complexity of the puzzles, art, gameplay that too in 48 hours! We tried out a Nested dolls idea and it got me curious.

Wow! This is really good! The complexity of the puzzles, art, gameplay that too in 48 hours! We tried out a Nested dolls idea and it got me curious.

Oh wow I really loved the re playable levels and the lose tone haha. I still get to move on and do more!!

Oh wow I really loved the re playable levels and the lose tone haha. I still get to move on and do more!!

Once I found I need speeed it got fuN!! Love the game!

This is a cute game! Love the simple design :)

Omg this is so good! Simple art work, Absolutely love the names of people and screams haha! All the best guys!

Omg this is so good! Simple art work, Absolutely love the names of people and screams haha! All the best guys!

I really loved the whole mechanic. Wondering how you used the scale part. I had fun placing the blocks  and testing it out! But level 6 is where it got me. Am I missing a faster mechanic there? But very cool for a game in limited time!!

I really like the thumbnail and the artwork. It's a fun mechanic!

If exploration is the intended experience it's definitely there. I had fun exploring and moving pieces!

Hahaha! Yes we saw that few days after the release. We'd like to say it's a nice feature! Glad you had fun!

Dang! this is a good one! I made it to 20m. I like the style and choice!!

This is very simple! Amazing aesthetics and reallllllly good puzzles. I loved playing it. This is quite amazing for 96 hours!

That makes sense! 

This is a fun game! I like the creativity! I wish I could have started with a simpler level to get hold on the basics

This was fun. But soon became slower. Probably will download it. Also, at one point I was surrounded by soldiers and had a moving Armour lol.

I absolutely loved this game. I had reservations about having a boss level because I was having fun with the puzzles but I sat through it and finished it and that definitely sells!! Kudos!

This is an interesting game! I played about 4-5 levels. I see it may be fun in the 10th or 11th level. I dint see the speed and health affect my gameplay much but if it scaled a lot that'd be fun wanting me to use the Less option. I think I would like to see if Lose speed if I gain health and vice versa.

Nice one!
I like the mechanic of increasing and decreasing size! I can think of fun challenging ideas.
I'm sure there are going to some tough ones where you can do both and decide between them! All the best!