Пофиксил, просто сначала через процессор запускал, а потому лишь догадался через видеокарту
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Классная игра, я даже не представлял что такое возможно сделать за два дня: воду, кучу мелких деталей, даже колебание оружия при ходьбе...
Некоторые баги, которые я нашел: при нажатии на Tab подсвечиваются обводки улучшений, даже если еще все скелеты живы; при уходе глубоко в воду ты умираешь, но не респавнишься; иногда скелеты застревают/спавнятся в воздухе, что делает проблемным поиск того одного затерявшегося скелета, чтобы перейти на следующий уровень (я так и не понял, потерял ли я где-то одного скелета после десятого уровня либо игра просто окончилась).
Управление ощущается классным, визуал стильный (особенно круты свет, скелеты, оружие игрока).
Механика с апргрейдами - крутая задумка, но я не понимаю, зачем брать что-то кроме улучшения скорости, ибо оно абсолютно имбовое. Кроме банального "больше видов скелетов (может, дальники?)" хотелось бы какую-то механику, которая бы принуждала не зажимать кнопку мыши, а думать, когда стрелять (быть может, ограниченный боезопас или перезарядка).
В завершение, хочу еще раз заметить, что игра безумна крута для периода в два дня, а вещи которые я заметил - это скорее придирки, игра-то классная.
P.S.: Забыл отметить, но было бы интереснее, если бы присутствовали какие-то другие способы повышения сложности кроме увелечения числа скелетов, ибо качая скорость оружия, на 10 уровне можно спокойно, даже не двигаясь, перебить почти всех скелетов.
Блинб, спасибо за ревью.
Про баги (вроде того, который про остановку скелетов) я знаю, на протяжении всех двух дней пытался всячески закрыть и искоренить их, однако не особо вышло.
Про количество очков: фига ты геймер. Я максимум до 300 доходил в последней версии, может у тебя чувствительность мощная.
Пытаюсь пока запустить твою игру, но у меня она почему-то жутко лагает, пытаюсь как-то это пофиксить.
Определенно прикольный концепт, однако играется очень странно. Для меня основной проблемой стало то, что я не смог найти честного способа эксперементировать, чтобы найти верную комбинацию. То есть без рестартов я никогда не знал какую цену мне бы предложили до того, как я изменил характеристики кости. Я много не сидел над верной комбинацией, но, насколько я понял, она остается одной и той же при рестарте. Мне кажется, прикольнее было бы, если она была бы рандомной.
Визуал и аудио очень атмосферны, в особенности надписи на кирпичной стене, это классный момент.
Один момент, который мне не зашел - слишком уж медленно кости двигаются и впитывают эссенции.
С другой же стороны, интерфейс, перетаскивание костей, их физика, кнопка грайнда (разве что, хотелось бы анимации размалывания костей) и bone analyzer сделаны шикарно, это прям понравилось.
Крутая игра, но хотелось бы больше.
Классная задумка с заклинаниями, однако не хватает контента в целом, хотелось бы больше вариаций врагов, скелетов, заклинаний и т.д.
Визуал получился интересный, а сама игра (особенно заметно при кастовании заклинаний на ходу) ощущается вполне круто. Также, не хватает какой-то музыки, но это придирки.
The game feels pretty good: especially the ship controls (dash, slowing down).
Some problems I found: my game doesn't have any text (so the menu consists of 3 similar-looking buttons without any text); the shields are OP: not only do they kill you instantly, but you also kill everyone instantly with them, also when you attack a shield ship with the shield, you never know which one of you will die.
The sound effects and visuals are actually pretty good, and the minimap is a useful addition (especially since dashing into the unknown can easily be the cause of death). The overall minimalistic style looks great.
The game looks amazing! Sounds and music are also super cool (except the 'X' sound that I've been spamming all game, which kinda ruined the immersion).
The puzzle looks cool, but I didn't have time to figure it out because on both my playthroughs I successfully brute-forced it before I could understand anything. The fact that all the controls are introduced in the game in an easy-to-understand way is also a really big plus.
Additionaly, (I don't know if it was supposed to happen or not) my screen was getting weird lags from time to time. Also, I didn't understand the level with the mouth, was it supposed to reset whenever I clicked 'Z' on the eye?
In any case, the art, music, sound, and overall ambiance are absolutely magnificent.
The game is definitely fun and it feels pretty good!
Especially, the dash: because of the animation it feels fantastic. The music is cool. The upgrade system is also a really nice touch. The fact that if you lose your lives, the game literally closes on you makes it a unique and somewhat hardcore experience (not sure if it is good or bad, but it is definitely unique).
Some small bugs that I've encountered: you can go a bit through the walls and if you do, you can't shoot from there; sometimes, if you dash into someone or get stuck between the enemies, collisions sounds play a million times.
I would have really liked it if the game focused more on fast-paced combat because I really would have loved to use the dash more but if you do it now, you might get damaged by a lot of enemies that you didn't see a moment ago. But overall, good game.
Very fun and nice game!
It definitely got nice visuals and music. The core gameplay became really clear after the first level. The game has a nice order of levels, and some levels (especially if you wish to gain all 3 stars) can be difficult. It is really good at making you memorize the path of the boss. It felt nice when the music was changing.
Personally, I would have liked the increase in difficulty (for example, maybe you could add more managers and make their path less predictable, but that is just a quick idea).
Overall, the game is really nice and it made me complete it from start to finish (it was addicting, one might even say).
Fun and even somewhat addictive gameplay! Graphics/visuals are amazing and even the main menu looks super polished. The music fits well. The choice of controls is an amazing feature, although even with it I struggled for a bit with understanding the controls (not for too long though). The physics are definitely fun, but I think that there should more of a focus on them: for example, when dropping an item, it falls (at least if I understand it correctly) straight down, but wouldn't it be funnier if it simulated the momentum of the grabbing device? In any case, this game looks and feels polished, and I honestly could not believe it when I saw that you made it solo and submitted it 3 days, 5 hours before the deadline.
Hello, thanks for playing! I am not sure what exactly happened in your play session, but there is only one character to control only at the first (tutorial) level [as you can see in screenshots, there are multiple levels].
The tutorial experience in my mind should be as follows:
The player selects a manager -> game asks the player to balance the office -> the player balances the office -> the game asks the player to make the manager work for an hour [the arrow should appear above the megaphone to indicate where exactly the manager should head to] -> the player sends the manager there and waits for an in-game hour [clock above should give the idea of in-game time] -> the second level starts.
The clock above is actually the timer that you should race against.
Please, if it's not too much of a problem, tell me what exactly was counterintuitive about my tutorial design. Once again, thank you for playing.
Definitely was a fun game! A unique concept and great visuals/style. It has a really cool and good-sounding (but, unfortunately, short) soundtrack. And the game itself is hard, especially if you make decisions too fast (like I did). I wish it would (after I've lost) either show me why I lost or give me some time to figure it out myself. Also, I have encountered a bug a few times where customers suddenly stop coming for no reason at all. Nevertheless, it was a fun experience.
That was a really fun game! Took me some time to understand the basics and how to use items, but after that the experience was good. The visuals are also really great, and music, even if it becomes repetitive with time, definitely fits the game. Unfortunately, I died on the 11th day due to the strong black skeleton shooting through the wall at me. The building mechanic gave this game an enjoyable loop of gathering and then returning home to increase the chances of survival.
Definitely an innovative and fun game! Most of all I like the fact that your main attack is so important, yet it requires precision and takes away your health. Music fits perfectly. I really liked visuals. Still, there are some things I would love to see improved: the tutorial is going too fast, and I don't feel the effect of vomit, although the reason for that may be my casualness.
Very fun game! Destructible terrain is, indeed, pretty cool. I personally like the visuals also. The soundtrack and the sounds are good.
Still, there are some things that I would have loved to see improved. Firstly, it's hard to parkour because you stop going up whenever you collide with something in jump. Secondly, I think that the game would be much more engaging if you increased the speed (rate of meteors). And lastly, I think there should be more about the other characters (maybe they could be obstacles or something?).
Thank you for playing my game! I appreciate the honesty in your review. To try to minimize the pain of making the code in separate application, I forced the window mode on the game (not sure if it worked for you), so exiting the game is not obligatory as you could have the notepad (or IDE) open along with the game. I guess that it was my mistake to target people who know how to code, but I decided that I couldn't have made easy-for-beginners coding in a week's time, so I went with what I went with.
By the way, I'm sorry for not playing your game back, but it required a controller, which I didn't have (and I still do not own one). I swear, whenever I get a controller, I will play your game.