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This gave me a chuckle! You nailed the title, that's for sure. :) I also ran in to the flipped car issue. Simply couldn't get my buddy back on the right side. Was hoping maybe some of the humans would knock me over, but alas. I think the addition of a flip over button would go a long way. Fun submission!
Great assets! Nails the ambience very well. I would love to have some sort of conflict to add difficulty or resistance. Even another ability that could be a hook for the game, maybe possession or zooming through a house, something like that. I also found the hit reg a bit off. I think the animation doesn't match either so it's just a little odd :) Thanks for the submission!
What a fun idea! Like others, I could not make it past 31 seconds. I noticed that the brains meter drains quickly to 0, which seems to be causing it. Maybe a value needs changed somewhere for this? I didn't have too much of an issue with the guards. My lose condition specifically stated that it was lack of brains. Otherwise, great presentation and a fun concept!
Neat concept! I feel like there is an opportunity to make a Dark Souls/tower defense hybrid here! I did find that circle strafing was a very effective method to dispatching those pesky pirates. Additionally, some feedback for when the player hits/when the pirates hit you would go a long way. I often couldn't tell which was which (I know that's what the numbers are for, but I think maybe the animations felt similar). Fun idea, so great job!
Fun concept! I love upbeat cartoon-y nature to the whole thing. I also love the idea of a reverse farming sim and could see that being expanded upon greatly. Couple things to note for me: the jumping feels a bit off a lot of the time. May have to do with the collision of the PC mesh and the float-y-ness of the default UE controls. It was difficult to make some jumps and I had to spam jump to make at least two of them. The other note I have is regarding the stealth ability. I am guessing that didn't make it into the game in time? Great presentation and concept here. Well done!
Neat concept! I like the idea of a creature that exists in the shadows grabbing unsuspecting victims. I did find it difficult to select a place to move on several occasions. Some of the areas are really obvious, but some are hard to distinguish between an overlap of lights or a moveable space. It also took me far too long to realize that this wasn't tile-based. I kept clicking the same start area wondering why I wasn't moving!
Final note, when you complete the game, the mouse cursor is not shown on the replay menu, so there is no way to click the elements.
Hey, don't worry about art so much. It's so subjective that I'm sure someone else will absolutely love it. Focus more on the mechanics and building upon that and you will build something special. Good idea on the trees! As far as the instructions, maybe contextual hints in game would help, just to give some feedback and direction without laying it all out, you know?
What a fun ride! Love the presentation and aesthetic. I would love to see the evolution of this and see the ideas built upon. I can see a lot of potential here! Well done :)
Side note, you might want to remove the "." from your filename. It was throwing an error when trying to extract. I just made a new folder as the same name without the "." and it worked just fine. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks so much for the fun submission!
Fun idea! I would have loved to see some climbing on trees or something to drive home the feel of being a jaguar. As it is, the only real thing to indicate the jaguar...ness is the various audio cues. On that note, consider checking IsInAir state of the player character to limit some of the sound spam ;)
What a creative take on the theme! Loved the monster under the bed idea, and it has a fun lighthearted tone to it, making it lovable. I would recommend working on the collision if you keep up with the project (which you should, cause it has huge potential) to ensure the objects don't go flying through the walls. It's also really easy to send the teddy bear through a wall/in the air. Maybe you could adjust the weight of the objects to make them feel like they have more substance and identity? One question I have is: Is there a lose condition? When the parent reached the door, nothing happened. I assume that's just placeholder for future functionality of a lose condition?
Overall, great job. I loved the idea/theme and hope you keep up with it!
Being a WendiGO was fun! I think the people could be a bit stronger, but if you were going for an unstoppable killing machine, I think it fits well enough. It would have been nice to have some environmental interaction like swimming in the lake or breaking into the cabin. I really enjoyed skewering the AI (that was a highlight, for sure!) Food for thought for further development!
This game could be a lot of fun with further development! I think the art style is an acquired taste, but would work for some people. Found it funny that the trees wiggled. (the whole thing) It would be helpful to clarify a bit on what to do. Figured it out, but took a minute, even with the main menu hint. Good job!