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Jodi Chapson

A member registered Jul 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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I love the chaos with this one. It has a lot of potential - and I look forward to seeing where it goes - if you play to take it further.

I am really glad you like it! 

Sorry in advance for the bugs though, haha

Ooo I remembered you telling us your basic concept, on the first day of the Jam, and it is so amazing to get to see it flourish into a working game. The core mechanic is really interesting to play around with, and those monsters you have implemented are terrifying, but perfectly so! Very interest mechanic with the reflection of the visions as well, you have done an excellent job, and I am really glad you brought this concept to life :)

This game.... amazing. I have no words for it. 

In all seriousness though, this was very amusing, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, though short it was. The humor you have employed absolutely killed me, and many of the other players so it seems. And for this to be your first ever unity project? Impressive, well done.  <3 

I look forward more content from you guys, with good old Ghost McAfee :)

Oooo now this was a very clean and slick game, I really enjoyed it - especially all those small details that added to the polish you put in here: from the chains that hold up each level, to the slight turn of the firefly models when they change direction, to the shimmering effect they create behind the slats of open doors. This was really really cool in both concept and implementation, well done :)

What a fascinating little world you have got going here! I had to play it twice, since in my first run, I missed some of those juicy visuals effects. Lovely story you have got going on, and very clever usage of mouse movement and clicking! I really liked the small details, such as the adding of milk to the To-Do List, and the little hints of something off in the writing. 

My only critique is that when the audio lips for some of the scenes, it cuts off very abruptly, revealing quite bluntly that it is looped audio. The effect can be quite jarring.

That aside though, I thoroughly enjoyed the game, thank you for creating this wonderful experience :)

- Jodi, To Walk Alone

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Encryption layer: 4802102203459

Server Creator Jack,

Praise be the job creators and code! Give thanks! 

This was a wonderfully immersive experience, Jack. I actually ended up playing it twice properly, because during my first run, I did not realize that there were emails in the WEB tab that you could read - my bad. However, props on you for creating such a magnificent universe in which all the characters exist. The raw LORE of the game prompted me to replay it several times so that I can glean every single piece of information from the data - despite the risk of human control putting a bullet through my head.  The writing and dialogue is *chefs kiss* and you had a very fascinating mechanic of sneakily looking through the data files, while avoiding the eyes of human control. 

Very clean and spicy visuals and aesthetic, and lovely atmospheric and almost tech-y audio. 
My only crit is that Bossman talks a little fast for me to read, but otherwise, flawless.

Well done, as always :)

- Jodi, To Walk Alone

Ohoho I had fun with this one. Initially there was a bit of confusion, and buggery here and there, but once I got the hang of the game and understood its mechanics, I was able to properly traverse the environment. 

Really beautiful, almost Victorian/steampunk aesthetic you have got going here. And the insanity monsters are utterly horrifying, I love them! Really cool sound design, and the entire experience had me squealing in anxiety and fear, well done! 

Only critique I have is that some of the mechanics take a little time to understand and properly make use of? Such as the looking mechanic of the monsters. As even after completing the game, I can only surmise that you should not... face towards the monsters at all? That you should always keep them completely out of your screen?  So perhaps a How to Play of some sort may be helpful. Though the talking bird statue was very nice, thank you :)

Whoever did the audio design for you, I both love and hate you. You did really good on instilling raw fear into the player - which I both applaud and am repulsed by, simply because those sound effects were very effective on the ears. I will be honest though, the visuals were rather difficult on the eyes, but if your intention was to present a very hell-ish landscape, then it certainly came across. Props to you guys for going 3D too, very very brave. Well done :)
- Jodi (To Walk Alone)