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Draguarys Dev

A member registered Aug 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game is incredible from every point of view. The gameplay is fun, the drawings are awesome, the audio is great, and the setting is very unique. 

I enjoyed the game, the characters and enemies models were well made. Mage and archer were pretty fun to use, but warrior was a bit annoying to use because everytime you tried to swing the knife you got hit back whereas with the ranged units you could run around and deal damage more freely. Overall, good job ! The game fits the theme well.

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The game was alright, but the knife attack is very annoying to use for multiple reasons :

1- Very short range

2- No knockback

3-You have to hold the left click for the knife to swing

The art was nice though, and the game looks full fledged, with multiple enemies and weapons. The shop was great aswell.

The game is awesome ! The web pages are funny and the art is great. A bit short, but the ending was great.

The pixel art is really great, and the gameplay was great. Playing each crew member one after another in the same time frame was really fun, especially seeing my past crew members do weird shit around the sub.

GG for making it this far ! I didn't expect anyone to go collect every ending.

Sorry for not making an ending for that fight, it didn't come to my mind.

The game was fun. Everything was good, from the story to the gameplay !

The egg design is absolutely perfect !

Text-Based game gang :)

I loved the art. The story seems like it could be good, and I was very saddened when murdock told me I had to wait for updates.

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I reached Utopena ! The game was really good. The exploration is smooth and fun, and I loved the fact that sailing near the coast is less expensive in resources. The islands shifting every time was great as well

I had fun, I love that kind of game. I'm stupid though so I couldn't get very far on all my three runs

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The game is fun and i like the graphics. The controls are smooth and the sound is fine, and the game fits the theme perfectly. However, I'm really bad at the game and could only make it past the first area, even though I really wanted to go further. Good job !

Edit : just found out there's the easy mode so on my way to try it

Edit 2 : realized  I already was playing on easy mode T_T  i'm just bad at the game

 W game barely started and I'm already loving it

At first, I was a bit taken aback by the main character art style, but I quickly realized how fun the game was. The puzzle concepts may seem a bit basic at first, but with each level it becomes more and more interesting. I loved the last level where you remote control the box. The game eprfectly fits the theme aswell.

I went to the end of the game and filled the thermostat. The tutorial is very clear. The art was good especially the enemies. I like the snowman design. The weapons are well balanced and fun to use, and I guess the whole thing fits the theme alright. 

Have a nice day !

Thanks for playing, I'm surprised someone even made it to the end. Which ending did you get ?

Oh alright I never played a boss rush before so I didn't know

Hello, I really enjoyed playing your game. It looks very nice, i loved the "security tape" filter you had going on ! The ending with the weird creature in the shadows was nice as well. The game's pacing is fine and I didn't get bored. The audio was really good as well, and the controls were just fine. 

Well, thanks for playing the game. Text-based games aren't for everyone so I get that you sometimes felt like there was too much to read.

I'll give you full marks for innovation, but other than that I felt like the game wasn't really fun. The controls were very bugged on my phone, and I had a hard time avoiding the enemies. Big up to you for making it in two days though !

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To be honest, I did not have fun. But considering you did all the assets yourself and it was your first time doing a game jam, I wish to congratulate you. The game is (almost) 100% bugless and the objective pretty clear the controls work fine. Shame there was no audio though, don't know if it's my browser bugging though. 

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I tried to play the game for about 30 minutes, but couldn't get very far in the first level no matter how hard I tried, even though I had read the controls very carefully. I really was disappointed because I was looking forward to destroying some enemies. As I didn't get very far at all, i won't rate it but I'll try again later in the week.

The game looks nice and is very colorful. The particles effects were smooth and the bosses looked really cool. Sadly, the game quickly became less fun as I felt like it was mostly right clicking and dashing. I understand that there surely is more to it, as I could not beat the third boss with this strategy, but being sent back to the very beginning each time I lost instead of just replaying the boss I lost to made it frustrating, mostly because the first boss is very easy and long where as the others are very challenging. Therefore I only had the bravery to play twice, dying to the green squid the first run and to the fire spirit thing the second time.

Overall, I'm pretty sure this game is going to be one of the top games in the jam.

Hey, I saw a lot of this game on the discord so I was really looking forward to playing it, and I wasn't disappointed : The gameplay is very smooth, and the wave system works perfectly. The ragdolls are alright, and the crates easter eggs are funny. I also enjoyed the graphics. Like, the characters are boxes but the lighting and particles are very well done.

Congratulations for making such a good game !

Booking this in my browser so i don't forget to play it later !

From your description it sounds like a mix of Re:Run and Superhot.

You got great tastes regarding game mechanics because these definitely sound great.

I'll edit this comment when i find some time to enjoy the game

thank you for this detailed feedback. I'll try to update my game a lot after the jam is over

Wholemart ? More like Wholesome.

Good job

Graphically good, nice sound design, quite fun, you did a more than correct job right here. The arcade feel is unbeatable

Very fun and simple; you should try doing a mobile port it could work well

Quite bugged, but i liked the graphics

Yee i won :)  Btw spiders are so annoying

Sadly the game has no way of being played again, and has no audio. Finally, not chaotic at all, not enough otehr students and teachers

The audio was a bit tiring but i liked the small desert town and the graphics

btw not sure if you know but it's my first game and i only have 30 days of unity experience

For a first, it's a good game.

Thank you. This is really constructive and even if i don't like receiving bad feedback, all your points were good. Tysm for playing

awesome game, really nice sfx, fits well within the theme. It's really fun and i congratulate you.

The game looks good, the music is nice, fits with the theme, and it's fun to speedrun.

maybe the gun should rotate by Y axis too

honestly i don't want to be mean and i know this is a joke but bro... there's plenty of people out there trying to make a good game... This just lowers the jam level.