Awesome job on everything! Fantastically charming!
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The game is playable now from start to end (with 2 endings). Waiting to get some voiceover back and perhaps do a little bit more polish. I'm also signed up for the $107 game challenge so I want to take a little break between projects so the game will probably see a release about the 26-27th of August.
Assets used:
Duat Font One | Pixel Art 8 Bits Font | Free by LeonMSaia (
(Modern Office, Modern Interiors, Modern Exteriors) LimeZu -
Freesound - "Object_Drawer_Wood_Open.wav" by Nox_Sound
Freesound - "Shower Turn On Run Turn Off Drain Water.wav" by
Freesound - "Notification" by suyashjemar
Music: (From - Eric Matyas)
Northern Passage
Book End
Ok, looks like a signposting issue or you may not have been able to spot all available hotspots due to a design error on my part. Here are a few hints for progression. I'm not sure what you have or haven't done so I'll be general. I'm greatly expanding this part of the game so I don't mind giving away spoilers for this "proof of concept" version. Hope add a "to do list" function in later builds. I've already expanded the hotspots to make things easier for players to find, but to be fair we have to stick with the released Jam build for now.
With so many games on the Jam, I understand if you don't want to go back and finish things up, but on the off chance you do:
You need to confirm the identity of the returned of the graveyard, if you haven't done that, you'll have to go north from the carpark. The answer lies further into the graveyard. I messed up a little on the location of the hotspots in relation to where the inventory box drops down so it may be a little tricky to hit. Same issue with interacting with the graves.
If you have confirmed her identity, you need to talk to her. Her actions give you a hint about what to do next.
She seems to be focused on music. Perhaps there's some sort of portable music device back in the office building that might snap her out of her stupor.
Thanks the feedback either way! Hope to release a more complete demo over the next couple of months, and then begin working on a full, multi-hour experience after that.
Thanks for the feedback! Did the game crash after you used the car keys, or were you just confused on what to do next when it brought you back to the office after using the car keys on the car? The game shouldn't dead end you like that so I'm curious as if I need to bump up the signposting in this section for future releases.
Hey folks,
Looking to produce a small (5-6 screen) point-and-click adventure game in Adventure Game Studio for this year's jam. I've soloed projects in the past doing a jack-of-all-trades thing, but would really love to bring on a talented pixel artist who is comfortable making 2d Sierra/LucasArts styled backgrounds and sprites. I'll handle the programming and writing and help out with art where I can.
You can see my previous works at
If you want more information, DM me on twitter @durindeplays or message me on Discord (durinde#0700)
Hi Folks,
I currently work in radio, but I am looking to expand into shifting towards the game industry. Right now I am looking for short-term freelance look, but would be willing to shift something longer term/full time if the right opportunity came along.
I've done Voice-Over work in the past for several projects. You can here a sample of my work here:
I've also been working on my Pixel Art skills over the past few years:I've also done some writing/scripting on some small jam projects. You can check out my profile to links to those.
Hey Folks,
Offering my voice up if anyone would like me to do some voiceover. My day job is in radio, so if you are looking for a Radio DJish voice, I may be the person for you. I might not have time to do last minute things, but I get a script by next weekend, I should be able to get something for you by the end of the jam.
Some samples of my voice can be found in the links below: