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A member registered 73 days ago · View creator page →

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The camera currently used at the time of this post is from one of yoann's old games. i do think the camera needs updated to make traditions more enjoyable and smooth

i would love to make the platforming more fluid, I think adding coyote time and updating double jump could help, thanks for the feedback! 

(bro is self advertising on another games page)

trust me bro movement shooters are peak

you guys realy locked in

ok, but in the future just use basic shapes as placeholders

Not a big fan of AI art 

I love the procedural animation! but the combat feels slow, things like double jumps, dashes, or wall jumps could make the game more fun

Great combat and art! one of the best games!

Great combat and art! one of the best games!

the movement/combat feels very slow and lacks depth, the art is great though

art is amazing, great sidescroller beat em up game!

The double jump wasnt a bug, but the system I used was very janky and I will have to redo the double jump system

great story! attack animation is a little slow though

I tried to keep the art simple, but I agree that more detail could help the game and I will work on that, thank you for the feedback!

DUO/Red inferno moment (jk)

im keeping my game small so that I can focus on polish

Thanks! im gonna continue to update and work on it!