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A member registered Sep 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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a very clever twist on minesweeper! Good job :D

Amazing art and the music is quite nice too; really adds to the spooky feeling. The gameplay was difficult for me to grasp though, Overall i thought it was a good submission!

Great job, a very fun puzzle game utilizing some interesting mechanics!

A very fun puzzle game! I found it difficult to understand what some of the components did though, but after reading the comments that sounds more like a me problem. Im excited to check this game out again if you ever release a full version!

Very cool concept for this jam, The popping fish were very satisfying lol

Very nice puzzle game. The light mechanic was well done and linking it to the players health was smart. Nice work :D

The art is amazing!

The amount of charm you crammed into this little game in a week is very impressive. Music and visuals were great and the story was very sweet.

One of my favorite games so far in this jam! It'sa great implementation of the theme, and the level design is done very well. The levels are challenging but not frustratingly so. The was a bug where it wouldn't let me jump on a sloped surface but other than that the game felt amzing to play! Good job :D

A great interpretation on the theme! 

Great submission! liked the art and the movement was nice and snappy. I would've loved a timer so i could speed run it even though i was indeed dog and not pog :( Nice work!

Such a relaxing game, the music and visuals really add to the relaxing feel of the gameplay loop. Nice work!

i liked this game a lot. The sound effects are very nice and the theme is implemented well in my opinion. Good job!

Nice job! This is a nice take on the theme i really liked the gameplay although i wish the ships were a little more responsive to the light. Also the music was great! Well done :D

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i love the art and the gameplay was very fun! I encountered a bug where the knight got stuck in one of the platforms and i couldnt yank them out though. Overall that this is a great submission, nice job!

A very original take on the theme and a very fun puzzle game! 

Great game, nice art and music. Good job!

I really enjoyed the gameplay the flashlight search mechanic mixed with a typical platformer makes for a fun and spooky game. The walking sound is a bit repetitive but the other sound effects added a lot to the game. Nice job!

A very fun game! I was a little lost at the start though but picked up what i was meant to do after a while. The goobers are adorable and the music and art were very well made. I had to stop because i encounted a bug where i couldnt leave a platform after i landed. But overal it was a well made game, congrats!

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A fun platformer! The movements is very smooth and responsive. Although i felt that some of the jumps were a little frustrating because they were so tight, I did like the challenge of avoiding the beams. The art and music are both very nice, its great how much informtion you convayed with only two colours! Well done! :D

well yeah of course it could be better. Do you have any specific suggestions?

yeah i played his game, i wanted to change the mechanics of the shuriken to bounce around so it would be more unique but i didnt have time. That will come in the futur.

Thank you very much for your feedback, I'm glad you liked it! Could you elaborate on what you mean by player feedback?

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i hit a 22 ;) really fun game. I like how the player slows down when you draw back, makes shooting the enemies feel really epic. IMO the default speed of the player is too fast though, it makes it hard to control and you feel a bit frustrated when you miss the arrow.

Does this community have a discord to join?

Or does it have to be javascript, like the jam title implies?

yeah i definitely agree waves would be a much better solution. I appriciate your feedback anyway :)

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Thanks for your feedback. The enemies pause when you open the chest. I wanted to make a wave spawner but my game was too ambitious for the time frame so i didnt have the time. I guess the point is that you start to notice your gun becoming more powerful. The strongest enemy need 9 hits when you first start, which imo isnt too much considering you can buy your first upgrade after 4 enemies.

Such a unique and brilliant idea for a game jam. Felt a bit punishing at times when, by jumping to the beat sent you down a ravine. But tbh i didnt really mind, the music is great in both levels that i enjoyed replaying the level a few times. Good job :)

the abilities could be chosen by the player or maybe they're abilities which help to avoid death from the thing that kill them in the last run. The first seems more fun but the latter seems more like evolution.

Hey, would anyone like to team up? Im terrible at art and would love to work with someone for this jam.

I had an idea where you gained abilities (evolved) when you die. The idea would be to complete the levels in the least amount of deaths

really fun game, i enjoyed the first version in a previous jam and im happy to see a more fleshed out game. Have you considered making levels where you have to draw while the ball is moving so you have to react to things happening in the level. I think that could provide some interesting puzzles. Keep up the good work :)

Thank you :

Yeah ill 100% play again when theres more level

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Thanks for your feedback :)

Ah thats my bad

This is a really brilliant take on the theme, more levels would be great. Its really fun!

This game was really fun. The socket's projection in the air was very predictable so although it was sometimes hard to aim, I didnt get frustrated with the game. When sliding on the slidable platforms, sometimes the socket bugs out a bit. The art is amazing in this game, gives me BlackThornProduction vibes. Overall, this is a brillant effort.