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E. server

A member registered Jan 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying out our game :D! It is actually possible to shoot the helicopters with both available weapon types, just requires a bit more precise aiming.

The item sprites could do with transparent backgrounds instead of just being square images, the idea is quite nice, but i dont really see it being too chaotic in nature. The sprites are pretty good and the mechanics do what they are supposed to. The music is a little offputting, it's just a tad too "in your face" i guess is the best way to describe it, it's a little too punchy, i feel like this game needs something more akin to slightly energetic elevator music.

Other then those complaints, the game is great!

Keep up the great work! :)

Something about this game just spoke to my soul, it was fantastic, a little short, but still fantastic!

Nothing to really complain about.

Keep up the good work! :)

The game idea is great but it's missing the chaos aspect, the driving felt a little sluggish but it was managable considering it was made in a weeks time, the plane part was almost painful though, its a tad  difficult to figure out whats happening and the plane controls feel pretty unresponsive.

Everything else was great, from the models to the audio to the game idea and mechanics!

Keep up the good work! :)

Fun game, loved the visuals, but theres a bug where the counter will exponentially go up if you re-enter the first room after unlocking room 2.

It's also very easy to cheese the game by using 1 thick walls, as you can hit enemies and their bullets through them, making the game super easy.

Other then that, I loved this game, the concept is pretty unique.

Keep up the good work! :)

The shooting mechanic seems kind of pointless till you reach the core type thing, the parkour seems a little sluggish, might need less deceleration, and overall the game doesn't really feel chaotic.

It's a decently made concept, but it really doesn't fit the theme of this game jam.

Keep up the good work! :)

The learning curve of this game is a tad high, but the concept is pretty good and I love the idea, it is definitely chaotic, but not really the good kind of chaotic sadly.

Keep up the good work! :)

The graphics are great, the idea is good, but I have a couple of complaints. The lack of sensitivity control makes it a tad difficult to play if you're used to lower sensitivity, and the audio is a bit on the loud side, id suggest either making it lower volume or add an options slider for that as well.

Other then those complaints, everything was great, I loved it and would likely end up playing it for hours on end!

Keep up the great work :)

Loved this game, it's simple but accomplishes a lot at the same time, the visuals are very fitting and the music is quite nice! In the theme department, it definitely fits the theme quite well, it doesn't really scream chaos, which for a game this simple works quite well!

Keep up the fantastic work :)

- The "E. server" dev team.

Cool game! Kinda difficult at start, but can be cheesed by sitting at the bottom and pressing x with correct timings.

Took me a while to figure out how to play, but it was fun after that. Would've loved play a few more levels.

Really cool game mechanic! The rotation dependent controls are also very nice! In general the game is has a chill vibe.

Really cool game! Looks cute, love the rolling effect, music, sfx fit really well and nice gameplay.  


*After going into pause menu, then going to main menu and pressing play, characters don't  move or glow. 

*Not sure if that's a bug, but I keep dying on 3rd level (not including tutorial) without any enemies on screen.

A few things we think could be improved:

  • The enemies have very high poly counts, causing a lot of lag when looking at them on lower end systems.
  • The lack of textures or color on the turrets, floor and wall.
  • The super high fire rate, we suggest decreasing the enemies health, that would allow you to lower the fire rate.

Everything else was great, the models are pretty good, the goal was quite clear and understandable.

Keep up the good work!

- The E. server development team.

Not a big fan of spoopy games myself but this one was fun!

Only thing I can really complain about is the flashlight's light just abruptly ending not far from the player.

Other then that, great game!

Keep up the good work!


Penguins are cute!

   -Literally everybody in our team

I didn't see much use for the floating platforms, but that might just be the way I played.

Really fun game, nothing to really complain about.

Keep up the good work!


(1 edit)

The game was paced quite well to be honest, couldn't complain.

Also I have to admit, that random white cube in the distance made me so curious that I used the ice sheets to go all the way to it only to realize it was nothing. :D

I did also notice that the faces on the headphones/ear warmers are inverted, dunno if you've noticed it yourself. :P

(1 edit)

Quite a fun game, we enjoyed playing it.
Only thing we can really critique is the camera control, it was quite annoying to deal with the inverted camera.

Other then that, great game!

- The E server development team :)

Are game breaking bug fixes allowed after submission?

Loved the visuals and audio. Epic retro vibes

Love the game. sometimes characters get stuck, but that makes it more fun

Oh, and yes, the art is made by us. :)

A good take on the theme of this JAM!
The idea is cool, the execution was great, and it had me hooked till the end!
We didn't run into any issues while trying out this game, so no complaints there.
This game was a bit rage inducing, but just enough to keep someone playing till they beat it.
Overall a great game that we really enjoyed playing!

We wish you the best of luck in future JAMs! :)
   - The "E. server" development team.

Deffinately like the visual part of the game, it could do with some animations here and there though.
Sadly this game doesn't seem to fit the theme at all, as there don't seem to be any invisible monsters. (Perhaps the "invisible" part of the enemy comes from what emotion it represents? But that's my best guess.)

The enemies could also do with some basic AI so they chase you, to make the game have a little more thrill to it. And there were too many hearts, which removed basically any feel of danger from the enemies.

Another quick note, it's quite easy to get a lot of hearts very quickly, since the 2 levels seem to reset every time you enter one, so to collect a lot of hearts you just have to go to the big level, then back to the small one, collect the hearts, then go back to the big one, and repeat.

This game could use a bit more work. But congradulations on keeping your motivation up and creating this submission!

We wish you the best of luck in future JAMs! :)
   - The "E. server" development team.

(1 edit)

Another fantastic take on this JAM's theme!
Love this idea, and the art style is great.
But there are a couple of flaws we found while playing:
   1. There seems to be no way to actually regain health.
   2. The meal amount doesn't decrease if you eat a meal, so in theory just by making 1 meal you can            survive for as long as you have the patience to do so.
Other then that, its a wonderful short game!
You have quite some talent, we hope to see more submissions from you in other JAMs!

We wish you the best of luck in future JAMs! :)
   - The "E. team" development team.

An absolutely fantastic use of the theme.
I didn't make it very far into the game myself, but our team really liked your take on this theme.
The execution was great, the quiet of the level constantly keeps you on your toes and makes you listen closely to the footsteps.
Such a captivating game! Havent seen something like this before.

I hope you join more JAMs! It seems like you are very talanted!
We wish you the best of luck in future JAMs! :)

 - The "E. server" development team.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback!
We didn't have enough time to dial in the difficulty of the game.
And i agree the music doesn't quite fit, but thats mainly due to the general atmosphere of the game, the visuals turned out so much warmer and a lot less eerie then we enticipated, they were originaly gonna fit together with the music.
 (Haha, yeah I thought the wrench idea was funny too, hence why I suggested we add it. :D -Potato)

Thank you so much for trying out our game! :)
 - The "E. server" development team 

Nice game. Was fun to play, but it barely fit the theme.

(2 edits)

Overall, a great idea. But there are a few problems:
   1. The intro to the game is quite long and could do with a "SKIP" button.
   2. The intro screen with the conversation doesn't scale properly for resolutions that arent 16:9.
   3. Theres a spot on the map where you straight up fall through the floor, its the corner on the road           just before the first giant enemy.
The shooting could do with some work, maybe try adding reloading for realism.
I really like the idea, I'm sure that it could turn out fantastic if you had more time to put in it.

Good luck with future JAM's! :)
 - The "E. server" development team. 

Controls didn't work with num-pad. I feel like you should have been set it to be either numpad or some other keyboard keys, not numbers above keyboard. Otherwise nice game, was fun to kick the shit out of opponents.

My point was that I couldn't understand what did I have to do to fix the house.  Material gathering was kinda weird. I couldn't interact with the house in any way.  It didn't say how many items / resources I needed. What am I supposed to fix the house and continue?

Looks and sounds creepy. Could use some explaining/goal

This gives me Besiege vibes for some reason. awesome game