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A member registered Nov 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Roll On Dice is a pretty simple puzzle game, where you just have to roll on other dice with a 6 sided dice. But it can become quite tricky if you don’t know well your faces. Indeed, in order to beat a dice, you will need to have your top face superior or equal to the one that you are rolling on, otherwise you will break your own…

  • The game has over 50 puzzle levels to beat with this main rolling mechanic
  • The rhythm is pretty relaxing, take your time to solve each level
  • Enjoy the colorful graphics

If you want to grab a copy, go here -> https://edalbung.itch.io/roll-on-dice

Thank you for your very detailed feedback! I'm glad that you love my game! 

I agree totally on doing a "level tutorial", in order to understand the concept of the game.

Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for your feedback!

Fun action game!

What I liked?

- The global ambiance, it gave me Arcade game vibes

- The intense action, no time to rest, it was pretty fun

- The lower and increase mechanic to eliminate the enemies

Other comments:

- The sound volume was a bit too loud, especially the music

- I had troubles to aim properly at first, but I found out that the right stick is the input to aim, so I think that it would be nice to have this information in the description

Overall good job!

Thank you!

Interesting take on The Roll Of The Dice theme!

What I liked?

- It was satisfying to roll the Dice, in order to throw it toward the enemies

- The death effects on both the Dice and enemies are really nice

- There are Cutscenes, which is impressive!

Other comments:

- Too bad that there are no sounds at all in game

- A bit too easy to beat opponents, I think that by putting a cooldown on the roll it will allow to balance the fight system

Overall nice work!

Thank you!

Interesting platformer concept with a dice twist!

I felt that the jumps were a bit stiff, and there was no sounds which I think that would have added more ambiance to the game. 

Overall nice work!

Thank you! I'm an user of ZQSD too, so it was important to have this in my game. Moreover, I tried, commented and rated your game.

Original take on the theme! I liked the fact that each dice needed to be beaten with the same amount of its number, so it created some strategic situations when throwing the dices. 

However, I think that it would be better if the dices which are coming toward us would be in another color, in order to give a better visibility of the situation.

Overall nice job!

The City Builder combination with Dice twist is really clever!

What I liked?

- The different type of dice effects on the city

- The controls felt really smooth and nice to use

- The pretty minimalist style

Other comments:

- I found an "exploit" where I could put dices outside of the tiles, I just needed to hold left click with a dice outside of the tiles area

- It would have been nice to have a little music while playing

Overall great work!

(1 edit)

I made it! Great take of the theme, I felt the risk by taking the One-Arm Pump which is quite nice.

Moreover, I really liked the paper art style!

Overall good work!

I didn't expect a game of this genre, but it works pretty well!

What I liked?

- The speed feeling is quite good

- The dice felt really responsive, the roll action was fun to use

- The dice breaking effect is well made

Overall nice work!

I didn't expect to be fired that quick! 

Btw nice presentation!

I like card fight system like, so mixed with dice theme, it gives something really great!

What I liked?

- It is pretty satisfying when eliminating all the opponent dices, and inflicts great damage to its life points

- The global presentation is really well made, and it feels that it is made with care.

Other comments:

- I noticed an important bug, when it is "Click on one of your dice...", I tried to grab one dice of the opponent, and I could take it, then place it on my side. So one time I succeed to take all the dices of the opponent and place it on my area, I won easily with an opponent of -14 life points at the end.
For reproducing the issue, it is pretty simple after rolling its own dice, and when the message "Click on one of your dice..." -> Click on one of the opponent dice -> Notice that you can take an opponent dice

Overall nice job!

Great concept idea, the color palette is well chosen!

A bit more clarity in game phase would be nice, in order to fully appreciate what happens.

Overall good work!

Good puzzle game!

What I liked?

- At first I was a bit confused on why my dice went automatically "x" tiles, then I understood quickly that it was linked to the top face of the dice, one word: Clever!

- The SFX for falling was quite funny

Other comments:

- I would have liked a little music to accompany my playthrough

Overall good job!

Nice puzzle game!

What I liked?

- The movement of the Dice felt good

- The timer was a good way to push myself in making fast decisions

Other comments:

- I would have liked a little music to accompany my playthrough

Overall nice job!

The concept is quite interesting! I really liked to be the entertainer of the "players".

The SFX were funny and coherent with the global ambiance, the voiceover is cool too.

Nice work!

Thank you for your comment! Btw you can use a controller too by using the left stick.

Thank you for your comment! Rated and commented!

Good puzzle game!

What I liked?

- The Dice movement and animation are satisfying

- The music and SFX are great

Other comments:

- It is too bad that it doesn't have a sort of "save system", because it was frustrating to restart from the beginning when losing

Overall nice work!

Thank you for your detailed feedback! I understand that it can be confusing to loop at the end, I wanted to make a sort of a victory screen at the end of the 5 levels, but unfortunately I ran out of time.

Sokoban and Dice is a great combination!

What I liked?

- Good challenge to get your dice on the right face without blocking it

- The visuals are simple but efficient and coherent

- I really like the possibility to move the camera, it gave me the feeling of like a toy that I hold in my hands

Other comments:

- It is too bad that there are no sounds at all, I think that it would have added a lot to the game

Overall good work!

Mixing fight and puzzle with dice theme is a great mix!

What I liked?

- I really liked the concept that each face does a specific attack, so it is important to think wisely before doing a move, since there is also an opponent which can beat you

- The VFX of each attack is really nice, even if it is a bit bright

Other comments:

- I found that the music didn't fit quite well with the game flow, I think that a more dynamic one would have been a better fit.

Overall good job!

Great concept!

What I liked?

- Good idea to link the attack damage with the dice number, it gave a sort of "gamble" feeling when doing an attack

- The visual style is really nice, beautiful!

Other comments:

- No SFX when doing an attack or receiving one, it would have been nice to have one for the immsersion

- The usage of the Heal and the Superdice was unclear for me, I just used Attack and Defend (to regenerate)

Overall nice job!

Good roguelite with the dice theme!

What I liked?

- Several characters with their own effect

- Great pixel art

- The dice theme with roguelike type is really interesting and well incorporate

Other comments:

- No damage feedback on Player, so I didn't know when I got hit

- Sometimes I lost some life points, whereas I just went in another room

Overall good job!

Thank you for your detailed feedback!

An ice nice dice game! :D

What I liked?

- The concept is really good, it needs to think wisely before moving on another tile

- The graphic style is nice, the breaking effect of the tile is well made

Other comments:

- My GPU almost worked 100% all the time, I don't know what provoked this issue, maybe uncapped FPS?

- I think that it would be an interesting as challenge to also have the limit of time on a tile before breaking beneath the dice. I mean a time limit per tile, in order to spice up things.

Overall good work!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Interesting take on the theme!

What I liked?

- The upgrade mechanic to improve the skills is a good idea

- The visuals are cute and well made

Other comments:

- The difficulty is a bit too hard at start for my taste, then when I earned a way to improve my capacities, it went a bit harder with more fish at screen. So I think that it would be nice to master first the one 3x3 with several upgrades, then increasing the difficulty.

Overall nice work!

Thank you for your feedback! The fact that the camera can't rotate was intented, it is a part of the challenge, but it could be an option for an easy mode like. Moreover, some people suggested me too that they see it as a mobile game, I will think about it.

Thank you for your detailed feedback! The fact that you can see only 3 sides of the dice is wanted, it is part of the challenge. So I'm glad that you found it as challenge after continuing to play.

A nice mix between platformer and puzzle genres!

What I liked?

- I don't know if it is a reference of the "blackjack", but it was fun and challenging to not go above 21 (like in "blackjack)

- The SFX feedback when rolling on a number is a nice touch

Other comments:

- The Jump felt a bit stiff and quite hard to orient in air, which made quite tricky to jump when there was a platform above the red ball

Overall nice job!

Thank you!

Nice top-down casino action game!

What I liked?

- Each weapon feeling was cool, especially the laser one

- The dice mechanic at the center of the gameplay was really nice! Even when the enemies were hitting me, it could change my weapon.

Other comments:

- I found that sometimes the dice movement mechanic didn't work well, I felt that the dice didn't want to go in the direction that I pointed out (not moving).

Overall great work!

Thank you for your feedback! An undo button could be a nice addition for an esay mode, I will think about it.

Nice entry, it reminded me a lot of Undertale during fights!

What I liked?

- The concept of a dice which controls almost everything (door and fights)

- The pixel art is really great, the presentation of the fights is well made

Other comments:

- I noticed that if the dice roll while we are in front of a door, and the number is the right one for this door -> it won't open, I needed to move away and going back to it in order to open it

Overall nice job!

Thank you for your feedback! To answer to your question, it is this: "the top-facing number I had on the spot they were occupying.", indeed when you roll at the place of the red dice, your top-facing number has to be superior or equal to the red dice top side number. So before rolling to its place doesn't count, you need to anticipate your next top-facing number.