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Eli Roth

A member registered Jul 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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This game is an absolute gem I love it

I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the nice comment!
And the music was all made by Dani Roth

I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the nice comment!

If you're interest the former youtuber Brackeys has a great tutorial on it meant for beginners. It doesn't exactly make planets but if gives an idea about how to go about doing something like it

Thanks for the feedback and for hosting a great gamejam!

Very cute game, makes me think a lot of the mobile game 2048 since you have to combine all the smaller pieces to make a bigger one. One small glitch is that hitting the player again button causes the game to sort of be in a paused state (I think maybe Time.timeScale is still set to 0, but that's a guess)

Otherwise it was fun to balance the keeping the current buildings alive while building new ones

The game played a bit slow, but with a bit of tweaking could be a lot of fun. I think if having to quickly make the decision to reverse time would make the a game a very cool fps. It reminds me a lot of Superhot which started as a week long gamejam game.

The amount of assets and unique art in this game is very impressive. In addition the character controls well and overall makes it a fun exploration experience

The game was very cute with the art style and music. I couldn't find the counter and didn't know how to start planting. But it was clear that a lot of work went into this game and with a little touching up could be a very cute one.

I liked the controlling the different bugs for different abilities. It reminded me of Mario Odyssey using cappy to control the different entities. If you plan on expanding different more bugs would be a great addition

I love the blocky art style, it's simple but it works. The controls were a bit finicky and the camera got me a little nauseous. I did like the timer though which encourage quick gameplay without making it a necessity.

Very cool art style and the gameplay reminded me of a more relaxing arcade type shooter

I like the idea of getting power ups for dying and think that can be implemented in very cool ways.

Very relaxing and very cute. It would be cool if you could save planets and maybe have so way to either randomize or edit the planets.

Very cool game and I think it's very cool the way you generate the map. I noticed while redoing the first planet that it wasn't the same as my first go.

Also the animation and art style are very nice and the story is told well.

The animation in this game was very amazing and gave me old animated disney film vibes.

This was a cute game, the music really fit the art style. Adding more inputs like ducking and jumping would be a cool addition

This game felt very well made. the controls on the ship felt very natural most of the time and I think that's always very important. And the fast movements required to dodge the attacks was very fun

Very relaxing game, I ended up playing through the whole thing. I love the art style and I love all the little things that change with the seasons, it had a very nice level of polish

This was a very fun one to play. I love the retro art style personally and I thought the character controlled very well. I thought making the virus get smaller as you approached was cool since it made it very obvious when one was coming up while still allowing me to dodge it when it mattered.

Thanks for trying out my game! In the tutorial the cake was in the bottom right of the map, and the tutorial infection isn't tracked at all, it was just there so you'd get a sense of how the game worked. Nothing happens if you reach 100%

Click and drag is an interesting suggestion, I didn't consider that! But the input control is definitely something that I would've like to work on more given more time.
Thanks for the feedback!

awesome! thanks!

Also, make sure you're holding down click when you use the scroll wheel, don't just click once and let go

Hmm, odd
Did you try downloading it instead of using the webgl? I've been noticing a lot of bugs with webgl in other games

Movement is very unique and interesting!

will do, thanks

Very creepy game with a professional level of polish. I definitely felt the horror vibe.

Great game! Very engaging!

Hmmm, for some reason I'm just stuck on a screen with a green texture

Very cute game, though at least for me there was a small bug where the lavender said "Blueberries are the best!" but only gave hearts for lettuce or cherry's

Great job for your first project! If you want to continue it's development, maybe make something you can do while your ship is in position (like clicking on the sun for energy or something)

Very cool game idea! And the level progression felt very natural

thanks for the suggestion! I can certainly try different things with the camera to see what's the most natural

thanks! all made by my brother