This brought a few tears to my eyes. Well done, and thank you.
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I just downloaded and played the demo. Love the atmosphere and the puzzle elements. The commands I had to use weren't that much more intuitive than old IF games. It did drive me really mad at some points, trying to guess what command to use. I assume that's something that's going to be improved of course.
I'd like to know about the always-connected condition though. Is that because the AI is running server-side, or is it simply to collect information for improvement?
Nice first entry. I got a few comments: 1) It would have been nice if you could enable the full screen button on itch. This is something you can do even now. 2) The moving platforms don't behave as you would expect in most platformers: you can't stand on them and allow yourself to be moved. As it is, it's not that fun trying to balance yourself on the platform. 3) Control feels too floaty imo. They don't give a feel of precise control over the character. 4) I manage to finish the game with little struggle without using dash at all, so dash seems a bit unneeded with the current levels.
I didn't submit anything this jam so can't vote. I really liked the art style and music. It's very atmospheric. What I did not like were the slippery moving platforms. Not quite sure if that was intentional or not, but they didn't work really well for me. Still, would have loved if there was more of the game.
This was intense and fun, although I don't think I was particularly good. I just can't focus on both shooting and driving! I think I encountered a couple bugs. The tutorial would loop over and over, either on the first screen, or after two or three screens it would go back to the first screen again. I had to kill the game and launch it again. The start and retry buttons also caused the game to get stuck sometimes. But hey, I know you can't catch all bugs in a jam game.
If you press escape, you get volume sliders were you can turn down music, or mute it altogether. I know this is not super obvious, but I couldn't do any better during the jam period. Hopefully the post-jam update in the weekend makes things clearer. Thanks for playing.
UPDATE FOR FUTURE READERS: There's also a button at the bottom-left of the screen to access the settings page.
Oh, this was brutal! :) I didn't quite understand the point of the checkerboard. Is that the end of the level? The game would act a bit weirdly when I reached it, claiming it was over for a second and the continuing back in the game, and again back to the game over screen and so on. Anyways, nice entry!
That's a good question, and I don't know. There's this idle breakout game for example that I enjoy every once in a while. Not in long bursts though, but it's fun watching numbers go crazy high and high. There used to be a time that I was into Adventure Capitalist too. All get boring after a while though, but I don't mind playing a bit here and there. Still, not sure what makes an idle game be above just an accelerating counter.