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A member registered Mar 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Could you tell me the error your playdate is giving you ?

I also made a small fix since I think your crash might be due to a memory leak, could you redownload the game and tell me if it still crashes ?

Can you tell me if you can pinpoint when thoses bugs are occuring ?

Man it look super cool, but why you had to use AI generated content for your banner ?

Hello ! I really like the simplicity of your game and I wanted to ask you if I could adapt it to play it on the Playdate ? It's a little handheld device designed for  games like this.

If you're interested could you hit me up on discord ? My username is "elioth_"

Did you play the 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 version of the game ?

Bugs were squashed ! Download and enjoy !

(1 edit)

Ho crap you're right ! I must have modified the behaviour of the scissors last minute and broke something. I'll fix that as soon as possible !

Ho wow ! I'm thrilled to see your review !

Yeah that's one of the problem I'm working on tackling. It is possible I will resolve that in an upcomming update

I think the next update will be focused on more informations on what you buy, a statistics screen, some performance improvement since the game is currently running at 25 fps, diverse upgrades and maybe a soundtrack then MAYBE more animations :v

But I first have to finish another game I'm working on. Stay tuned !

I will keep those suggestion in the back of my head ! I initially intended to make some of the stuff you just suggested but since it was my first game on the Playdate I struggled a bit and didn't want to make a buggy/laggy mess (and even without all that the game sometimes run at 25fps...)

I'll probably come back to upgrading this game after some weeks/months of practicing !

Normally it should work at long as you don't cross 1^3^38 curency

You should be good to play for a few millenia :v

(1 edit)

Features were added and bugs were squashed ! I hope everything works well now ! :D

Thanks for the report ! I'll look that after new year

Ho, I didn't know another clone existed

I heard of the Playdate because of your game, I'm sure it will be a super-duper great game !

Keep the good spirit !

It was !

A bit confusing at first, when you understand that there is a room at right it's a great game !

The cakes are just a bit fast, otherwise it's a great concept !

Nice little game ! A bit confusing at first to where you start :v

I'm bad at football, but I can recognise that it's a great concept !

The visual effects are well done ! Also, I think there is a bug because I can't change the level

I couldn't go over 200$ D:

Great art and concept ! I like that !

Woaw, I didn't thought of a RPG game for a baking theme haha ! Good finding !

Great concept ! Tho the perspective is a lil bit confusing

As a Frenchman, I can certifiate you that every baguettes does that and it's 100% accurate (also, you could have put a bit more savepoint for bad player like me :'x)

The intro captivated me

Great look !


It's really a lot of work for a GameJam ! The only thing I could try to improve is less team-kill from the insect haha !

This is a really really clever way of using the limitation !

Interesting idea !

Simple but great ! Maybe the fail sound could have been a bit less aggressive

Highscore of 25 ! A great warioware on baking theme !

Gameboy aestethic is sooooo cool !

Nice idea, the ingredient could move a little faster, tho !

I wish there was more to this game, the art and text where good !

I never thought you could combine slots and bakery, haha !

Great use of limitation and nice idea, worth a shot !

I think everyone already said that but yeah, sometime the ennemy spawn too close and instant kill you :'x

Otherwise, looks great and fun to play !

Highscor eof 2340 ! Beat that !