It might actually make more sense to use the left mouse click, we will take a look at that. Thank you for your feedback, Rythim Man! I am glad you had fun, I also like best controlling the drones!
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Hay algunas cosillas que me saben mal porque son detallitos fáciles de arreglar, porque como diré más tarde el juego es divertido; la textura del suelo hay que tilearla o lo que sea, está muy pixelada y es el 50% de la pantalla, los efectos; necesitaría un poco de feeback en la ametralladora, la smoothness/sprecular está altísima en algunos enemigos y en la ametralladora (al menos cambiar la skybox para que la reflexión no sea azul), y el juego es muy lineal, son los niveles iguales prácticamente (no es muy problemático porque es cortito).
Me jode porque quizás alguien más no se ha llevado la mejor experiencia por esas cosas, pero diossss, como me ha molado. Lo mejor, la música dinámica, que se baje cuando acabas la wave y que crezca de nuevo después. Y vaya temardo. Me ha enchichado que no veas.
The controls feel excellent, and the main character is really funny! I did have a great time playing it, the level design was good. I liked the fact that you get rewarded for fighting enemies, and it does not feel like farming at all. Overall, it is really well put together.
Maybe, to add some criticism, the background feels a bit too dead for my taste. Given the feel of the game, some simple background or, if you did not want any because of the classic theme, a more lively color would be appreciated (not in the cave, the cave is just fine).
Oh, okay, I think I know where you are talking about. Were you trying top jump on the same wall? The idea we had in mind was to use both walls, so you cannot gain height only with one wall. If you were trying with both walls, we will try to make it easier to use. If you were trying to use only one, we should probably make it more clear that you need to use both. In any case, thank you for your feedback!
About the foreground objects, you are right, there are some places which are a bit occluded.
I really like the potential in this game, the aesthetics are really cool, and the main character is really charismatic. That said, the difficulty curve is too steep in my opinion (maybe I am awful). Even though the platforming spaces are fascinating, they become too hard too quickly for me to get used to, and I have to try too many times. In fact, I rage-quitted, I will admit.
The wall jump is hard to get right, and there are not many parts where you can practice it in an easy situation. It feels really strange that moving towards the wall and jumping takes you off the wall. But that you can get used to.
The dash has some weird controls. It is mapped to the mouse, but the mouse position is not what determines the direction. If the mouse is not going to influence the dash, in my opinion it should be mapped to a key, since this way it feels really weird.
For the combat, I love the idea of having to time your attacks with the music, but I really did not get the feeling well, it was a bit clunky, maybe it lacked some feedback? My feeling is that I did not get your idea right, which is a shame, since, as I said, it is a really cool mechanic. In the end, I just hoped for combat to end.
To end with all the things that were done well, apart from the aesthetics already mentioned, the level design is great, I did not feel lost at any point, and it taught me well the mechanics (as I said, I would probably need some easier platforming spaces before the difficult ones). There are many save points, which I feel is a great decision for the style aimed for. And the game is fun, which is the most important part. In fact, all the things I said can be neglected, but fixing them in some way might make the game an awesome experience.
(As a game developer, I know not everything I said can be applied as some things might go against your view, but knowing how I feel can help you get your view more accurately)