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A member registered Oct 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi! This game was a lot of fun and I love the art!! Enemies spawn in at a nice rate and progress so that you always have something to fight but are never overwhelmed by the amount! I love that there is a second level with a new setting and there is so many different animated varieties of enemies it never gets boring to look at! One thing I noticed is that there is a bit of a break before the boss (the really tall enemy) spawns in during the first level and I started to think the game had ended so perhaps this gap could be shortened a bit? Also, I think some music and sound effects would really tie the game together. Overall tho, really solid game and I love the concept a lot! :D 

aha this made me laugh too! Thank you and I'm glad you like the art! :D

Hi! Had a lot of fun playing this game! The ragdoll movements made me laugh and I love the setting and idea of trying to push the opponent off a ship! As others have said, the controls were more difficult than anything else and I think a controls/ instructions panel would have been good as I only saw the controls on your page after having played the game. One thing I noticed was that it took a long time to accumulate a point so perhaps the threshold for getting one could be reduced a tad. Some stuff you could consider adding in an update could be a pause/ menu page and maybe some music and sound effects? Overall tho, great game and I love the concept and movement mechanics! :D

Hi! This game was really fun to play! I loved the art and the music was a great addition! One thing I think that might've helped is if there was a controls/ instructions panel within the game itself as I only found the controls on your page after I played it. Also, I felt the music was a tad loud and the volume slider (and round timer) within the settings page didn't work but I'm assuming this is something you maybe ran out of time for and were planning on adding later. I thought the sprite for when you are currently tagged was pretty funny but perhaps there could be a different sprite or animation (or even sound effect) for when you are tagging the other player as I felt it was a bit simple.  Also this is really small but maybe the score could be displayed at all times? The first time I played it I didn't realize the score displayed during the countdown for each battle and was confused as to who was winning. Again tho, not that important, I think that was more my fault for not realizing sooner aha

Overall tho, really solid game and I had fun playing it! :D

there wasn't a way to unzip it :/

Hi! I love the art and the mechanics were really cool and unique! Not many teams had features like a dash or reflecting attacks so I felt these stood out really well! I did find this game to be a bit buggy tho but I'm sure with a bit more time and development these would be fixed! Also, I felt the difficulty progression was good however I could not progress past the shooting enemies that appear after the first tank appears to block your path. One of the bugs I encountered (which I'll explain in detail at the end) let me explore the level without enemies and I realized the level was much longer than I thought but unfortunately I could not get to because of the difficulty so maybe the progression could be slowed a tad to be a bit easier?  Something else I noticed with the early enemies was that their hitboxes were pretty big and u could defeat a lot of them without being in range of being hit yourself so maybe this could be fixed? 

As mentioned before, I found quite a few bugs so I'll list them here in case there's any new ones you hadn't encountered before:

- I found when attacking the robots I would occasionally phase through the level or background and disappear from view but could still move around within the level just not attack or interact with enemies.

- Sometimes the robots would not spawn in and I would be forever trapped within the level.

- The enemy robots would occasionally fall from a platform and get stuck walking back and forth within a small spot on the floor and you can't seem to attack them and they won't attack you.

- Related to the last one, sometimes this would let you phase through the door blocking your path and you can explore the whole level without enemies but somewhere in the darker blue zone you will randomly phase through a wall and enter the void before being transported back to the spot the enemies get stuck walking back and forth in.

Overall tho, I enjoyed this game quite a bit! I think fixing the bugs and maybe making it a tad easier to progress would really help but otherwise I thought it was good! :D

Hi! Really sorry but I just could not figure out how to open the game :(  I love the character concept art and 3d animated model tho! Looks great!! :D

I completely agree on the gameplay! During development we planned to make it more playable by giving each dog a timer that would get shorter the longer the game goes on! Also, something to catch the player out making it more difficult with the shorter timers. Unfortunately, we ran out of time to make these features and ended up going with our core feature of simply petting a dog :)

Thank you!! It's definitely something I want to include in future updates! :)

mood :)

During development I messed up part of the coding and it kept instantiating hundreds of dogs at a time, maybe I should have kept that in the final product lol There can never be too many dogs :)


Noted! :)

Thanks!! Funnily enough this was pretty much the exact concept we were discussing during development! I had begun doing research into how we could program these features and stuff before we realized we wouldn't have time to finish it and stuck to our original concept. It's definitely something I'll be looking into for future updates though! :)

Thank you!! I hope to expand a bit on gameplay in the future! :)

Thank you!! When developing the game, I wanted to make it so that each dog has a timer in which you have to pet them and the longer the game goes on, the shorter the timer! I wanted to add more dogs and maybe something you have to avoid petting to try and catch the player out the faster it is. Unfortunately, we ran out of time to include these features so we stuck to the core part of the gameplay we had already made :) I think in future I would also probably have some background music or at least some sound effects for when you click the dog! :D

That's the plan! :D

Thank you!! That's a really cool idea, I'll definitely keep it in mind thanks! :D

Simple yet addictive! I love the visuals and animations and the music was a really nice touch! Maybe in a future update there could be some more detail or more changes in environment? :)

I like the concept and it was super fun to play! I thought the dialog options and responses were well-thought out and funny when they needed to be! The grade system at the end was a nice addition and made me want to play again to get different scores! :)

This game was super fun and also pretty challenging! As others have mentioned, the sudden zoom out is slightly distracting but I really liked the fact the camera zooms in when you've lost! Made it feel more conclusive than if it were to just end abruptly. :)

This game was so much fun to play! I love the art style and how polished the game looks and works! As others have mentioned I had some trouble with the button inputs for some of the minigames but other than that this is super cool! :D

Very fun and addicting! I ended up getting a score of 289 as I was so invested lol Maybe in a future update you could add an animation or sound effect to play when a pig gets shot? :)