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A member registered Dec 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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This game had a simple concept but it was wonderfully executed. The graphics were minimalistic, yet clean and beautiful, the gameplay was simple but smooth and rewarding. I enjoyed making my way through this atmospheric, flowery maze, dodging and navigating past all obstacles. Great work, thanks for sharing!

This is a really unique puzzle game with a relaxing atmosphere and an incredibly well done art style. The pixel art looks just perfect for this kind of game, the puzzles are interesting and solving them feels very satisfying, which kept me coming back for more. Another favourite for sure, great work!

Incredibly creative idea! The gameplay is really unique and fun, the puzzles are entertaining and the art is great! The game feels super polished already, had a lot of fun playing this, great work!

The concept is simple and straightforward, but the struggle for survival proved to be a fun challenge regardless. Stocking up on water, avoiding the sun and the hungry desert creatures was no easy task and while my poor little plant did not prevail, I really enjoyed fighting back and getting better at staying alive as I started more attempts. I especially liked your team's artwork, it's really detailed and both funny and cute. I had a good time playing this game, great work!

First of all, I was blown away by how incredibly cute and well done the art and animation is, it looks like something I would expect from a professional studio! The music and sound fit perfectly and the overall vibe of the game is fantastic. The concept is great fun too, and everything plays really smoothly! It gets pretty easy after a while as the difficulty doesn't ramp up much, while the player's defenses grow stronger and stronger, but with some more tweaking and expanding upon the gameplay (maybe more challenging enemies and abilities) I can see a lot of potential in this game, it's honestly ridiculously impressive what you managed to accomplish in such a short time! One of my favourites, great work! :)

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Had a blast playing this fun, chaotic tower defense game! I loved your adorable artwork and the creative concept, and how frantic everything quickly got. The upgrade system is fun too and the game runs smoothly and bug-free! My main point of critique is that my strategy based on mass-planting cacti and protecting them with cheap cannon fodder like the box-hedge kept all the enemies at bay for at least the first 20 waves, without an enemy ever even making it onto the screen before being hopelessly outgunned, causing the game to eventually become a little stale, so the balancing might need to be reworked slightly. Really impressive work though, very charming idea and execution!

And also thank you for hosting this fantastic game jam, I had so much fun!

A simple, solid platformer! The wall jumps are really hard to pull off and feel quite finicky but I did eventually get the hang of it. The game doesn't particularly strongly match the theme in my opinion but it's still a fun submission with a nice and chill vibe, great work!

Almost like a certain other game I know ;). But honestly, really impressive work for an 48 hour jam, the game plays smoothly and bug-free, it's challenging and fun, the art is cute, and both the music and sound design fit perfectly. I did not manage to beat the 33 wave record, but I did enjoy myself a lot while trying to get near that. If I had to criticise anything, the speed could probably be ramped up a little but other than that, this is a really polished submission. Great work, thank you for sharing!

The gameplay concept is very simple but I found the art adorable and the background music honestly also really added energy and whimsy to the game, creating a pretty fun mood! Thanks for sharing!

I loved the cartoony visuals and animations of this platformer! The controls were a little tricky, I struggled with the wall jump in particular but it was still a fun experience. Great work, thanks for sharing!

THIS GAME ROCKED! While it wasn't particularly difficult in my opinion, the combat felt extremely satisfying, the upgrade system was incredibly cool and rewarding and the art style was gorgeous. The background music is a banger and matches the mayhem well! I could have probably kept on playing for a long time, if I hadn't already beaten the game by then. Genuinely stunning work, I'm hooked!

I loved the frantic action of having to dodge and attack gnomes, while keeping my plants alive in the hope that they would defend me. I was admittedly not very good at it, but I still had a great time playing this game. I would have preferred the interaction also to be done using the mouse (maybe with right-click?) but other than that everything played very smoothly! I also enjoyed your pixel art very much, it looks polished and cute and fits the game really well! Great work!

Guardener also made its way onto my list of favourites! The art looks great, the game is fun and plays smoothly and I particularly love the level-up system, which made playing for longer feel very rewarding. The amount of unique upgrades was honestly impressive and gave it a lot of replayability. The fact that this is your first game took me completely by surprise, I wouldn't have been able to tell! The only real criticism I have is that the music got a little repetitive after a while and there could have been more indication on a succesful hit, but those are honestly very minor points. This was all around a super enjoyable experience, amazing work! :)

Really, really adorable farming game. The graphics are so cute! The speed of gaining money could potentially be increased as planting turned into a bit of a repetitive task towards the end of the game, or maybe some other events could take place to spice things up a little and add more interaction or difficulty. Other than that, I have to say that I really enjoyed the relaxing experience, great work! :)

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A super fun idea, I just had to chuckle at the "Spring Plant"! The gameplay is entertaining too, stealth platformers for the win :)! I read that you would have liked to add a boss fight and I think that's a really cool idea, currently there's unfortunately nothing happening after you collected all water bottles and springs, so some sort of win screen would be awesome. The zoomed out camera actually gave the player a very good overview, though it very likely also made the game easier. You'll probably want to change the settings under Project Settings > Display > Window (especially Size > Mode and Stretch > Mode) in Godot which should most likely make the screen behave like you intended :). Great work, and especially awesome for your first game! Thanks for sharing! :)

Great fun, I love myself a classic endless-runner game! The pixel art is awesome, the rocks are very "stone-faced" ;), and the controls feel smooth. I had a lot of fun playing this one and setting highscores for myself is always a great motivator. I see a lot of possibilities for expanding the game with more enemies and terrain or maybe powerups to shake the gameplay up a little in the future, but this was already very enjoyable! Excellent work, thanks for sharing!

I liked this short but fun point-and-click game! Making progress was fairly easy and straightforward but collecting items felt really good, and I also appreciated the progress indicators, which was very encouraging (even more so when you're in a hurry ;)). I really enjoy this kind of game and you did a great job, especially for only 16 hours!

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A solid clicker game! I found the graphics really adorable and clean, and the fact that you could decorate your farm freely was a nice addition. I'm sure the satisfaction effect could be taken even further with some more visual additions as you e.g. click or upgrade your farm (even some sort of counter for items or the current income per second could be cool) but I enjoyed this submission and its chill vibe! Great work, thanks for sharing!

As others have pointed out, the music is uncredited though, it would be awesome if you could attribute it to the original artist!

This was one hell of a fun ride! An action-platformer at its finest, I loved the smooth controls, the mildly infuriating precision jumps and the delightful feeling of success when I finally beat one of the challenging levels. The graphics are super clean, and the player animations are awesome. I also enjoyed the background music that fit the on-screen action very well! Really good job, awesome game!

Plants fighting back unite! Grabbing a mouse was a necessity for this game but then I was already immersed in the fun mayhem of "slapping them bugs". One of the biggest hurdles was my keyboard layout, that caused me to smash "Z" to no avail (curse you, German keyboard) which could probably be quickly fixed by changing the "Use physical keys" setting in Unity. Once I had figured that out, I was ready to perform and it turned out squashing critters in mid-air was a really satisfying experience. Doing alternating button mashes to take down the big enemies may have been a brute-force strategy but I'm not going to lie - it was hecking fun. Great work, thanks for sharing!

A super simple concept, but really well executed and polished. The pixel artwork is beautiful and the overall mood of the game matches this (especially Pachelbel's Canon in D major ;)). I am unfortunately only able to test this on PC but even there the controls were clean and the game ran smoothly and bug-free. At least from watching your demo video I can tell that the cutscene, too, is wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

A nice, simplistic clicker. I enjoyed the variety of available upgrades and the achievements encouraging the player to explore their options. As all good clicker games, it had this addictive factor when the numbers finally start increasing rapidly and getting the fancy stuff becomes viable. Also, I found the art style very entertaining. What I would add for a complete experience are sounds/music and more visual additions, to make the game feel more rewarding and satisfying. Great work, thanks for sharing!

As someone suffering from pollen allergies myself, I can definitely relate to the premise of the game XD. Jokes aside, I found this one pretty challenging but also very fun! It had a surprising amount of depth to it with the various blower modes and I found myself really enjoying the cheerful bullet hell, trying to collect points while dodging the frantic pollen chaos. I also enjoyed the music, which set a fun, encouraging tone for the game! Great work!

The only major issue I ran into was my browser automatically reloading the page due to excessive memory usage, which unfortunately quenched more than one highscore attempt. That's probably not your fault though and I enjoyed my time in the game regardless!

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I loved this game! It's a great take on the classic tower defense genre - it's fast-paced, feels challenging yet fun and also really well polished. The gameplay seems balanced and fair, with plenty of strategy involved. Whenever bugs would break through my defenses I felt encouraged to patch the holes and keep on fighting, and building walls of fearsome plants was a rewarding and satisfying experience. The artwork is also spot-on, it blends a cute artstyle with a pixel aesthetic well, and the 8-bit sounds and chiptune music were a great touch to complement the arcade vibe. Really impressive work, this one made its way straight to my favourites list of this game jam :)

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This one was quite a challenge, but I did manage to save Gobby's soul in the end! At first I was struggling against these shelled menaces but I eventually found ways to evade the turtles and position the net inside the submarine while starting the ascension (not sure if that was intentional or not) so the turtles couldn't get to it while I was moving across the submarine. The pixel size of your artwork is a little inconsistent but otherwise the art is well done, the gameplay is unique, with a flavour of fun frantic action, and I especially enjoyed the music, which fit the game perfectly! Great work y'all!

P.S.: The web version unfortunately completely crashed my Firefox on macOS but it worked perfectly fine in another browser. Not your fault though, I'm familiar with the Godot 4 web issues and I hope support for that will improve soon ^^

This game got me hooked! It admittedly took me quite a few attempts to comprehend what my objective was, but as soon as I had accepted that tripping and kicking my customers was a valid business strategy I was having a blast. The game's art is gorgeous, the gameplay is weirdly addictive and it overall feels like a very polished experience. I'm super impressed you managed this in just 48 hours. Amazing work, one of my favourites for sure!

This "pinball with a twist" game had a fairly simple concept but it is skill-based, fun to mess around with and the speed felt good to me. I was a little confused when the tree suddenly disappeared after I'd fully grown it and then began growing anew - maybe there could be an indication of a "tree score" increase of some kind? A little shaking up of the gameplay as the player progresses could also have been an awesome addition but all in all this was an enjoyable submission! Great work, thanks for sharing! :)

A really cute management game! It took me a little until I'd figured out the mechanics despite reading the description but once I got them, I have to say pollinating, growing and selling plants became a really satisfying routine. The pixel art style works super well too! I think this game could potentially profit from a sort of highscore system or maybe a goal but having it be a more relaxed experience is also a good direction. I had fun playing this, great work, thanks for sharing! :)

This was more of a bunny playground than a game but amusing regardless. I definitely enjoyed being a mischievous little lawnmower and also leaving behind the occasional "landmine" XD.

This platformer was quite the challenge for me,  but in a good way. It took me more attempts than I'd like to admit to finally beat it but the excitement was even greater when I finally managed. While it was sometimes a little wonky and unpredictable, the mechanic of having to dodge and trick enemies to get past certain passages of a level was very unique and entertaining to pull off! The 8-bit aesthetic was also a nice touch. Great work, thank you for sharing!

This game seemed very polished from the start, there were no bugs and the design was very clean. It was definitely relaxing and I also appreciated unlocking these little plant facts, but I would have almost preferred a little more "stuff to do" because the pacing got rather slow after a while. I did enjoy it nonetheless - good job and thank you for sharing! :)

I really enjoyed the gameplay of this submission, it felt snappy, satisfying and had me retrying multiple times until I finally got a sunflower (and in fact I somehow ended up with four of them in one playthrough XD) without it ever feeling boring. Great job, thanks for this game!

This one honestly made me giggle. The artwork is adorable and the story is silly and fun, great work!

It's wicked impressive that you decided to jump into the cold water like this, start learning a new engine and make your first game for a game jam, especially in such a short time! There are a few rough edges to polish in the game, but you've only just started and you're learning quickly! And I'm not going to lie, I did enjoy playing your submission! A little more silliness and especially golden dogs might just be what this game jam needed. Also, those spiders should not have jumpscared me as much as they did XD.

I had a lot of trouble getting started with the game as the UI (and hitboxes) didn't scale properly and I couldn't interact with anything. Tip to anyone else encountering this - resize your browser window to what you see in the main menu and everything works like a charm ;).
The game itself is cute and I enjoyed the relaxing vibe of just watching the trees grow and collecting resources. There isn't a complete gameplay loop but I still found it nice and it fit the theme well! Thanks for sharing your submission! :)

While there was no fully fleshed out gameplay loop with an objective, the little collector in me honestly cherished the experience of racking up the money to grow a little garden with all the plant types. The aesthetic was really adorable too, it's unfortunate you didn't have time for audio, because that would have made it a perfect zen game ;). Really enjoyed this submission, great work! (Bonus respect for making this in C++ XD)

Despite a few resolution hijinks (you can try changing the stretch mode to canvas_items under Project Settings > Display > Window > Stretch in Godot!) I found the game cute, simple and enjoyable! I had a good time with it, thanks for sharing! :)

I honestly enjoyed this submission a lot! Its gameplay felt well polished, the style fit the theme well and the game overall had a lot of charm to it. A really solid little puzzle platformer, great work!

It's a fun little precision platformer with a cute aesthetic! Some of the deaths when trying to collect a few specific coins definitely felt punishing but I appreciate a challenge (although some tweaking could significantly improve the experience :)). The game didn't particularly stick to the theme in my opinion, but I enjoyed the submission regardless! Congrats on your first game!

I loved the gameplay idea and the pixel art style was super well executed, everything fit together nicely! The towers are very limited in their utility since they only control a very narrow section of the map so enemies always slipped through, which made the gameplay loop challenging (good! :)) but ultimately also a little too uncontrollable. Overall, I found this to be an enjoyable concept though, great job!